[A hidden door in the wall opens up revealing a figure. A short figure.]
Girls : Swan! Swan! Swan!
Winslow : Oh Mr. Swan. You remember me. I'm Winslow Leach.
Girls : Swan! Swan! Swan! Let me be first! Swan! Swan!
Swan : [To the bodyguard.]
Get this fag out of here.
Winslow : Mr. Swan. It's me, Winslow. Don't you remember? I gave Mr. Philbin a copy of my cantata -- you know, Faust?
[Bodyguard # 3 picks up Winslow and starts carrying him towards a trap door.]
Winslow : You were supposed to look at it and do it. And you're auditioning girls for my cantata! I'm Winslow Leach! I wrote it! Hey, where are you going with me, buster? Hey, Swan!
[Winslow is carried out of the room.]
Swan : Telephone.
[Winslow wakes up outside the Swanage, after being beaten up and still in a dress.]
Cop #1 : Hey! Hey! Wake up! That's him!
Cop #2 : What do you think you're doing?
Winslow : Nothing.
Cop #2 : What are you, some kind of pervert?
Winslow : No sir. I'm, I'm, I'm Winslow Leach, the composer.
Cop #1 : What are you doing outside the Swanage?
Winslow : Listen officers. You gotta help me. Mr. Swan's got my music, and he's pretending he doesn't even know me. He had me thrown out of the mansion and beaten up.
Cop #2 : Didn't want to buy what you had to sell, did he.
Winslow : He - He didn't say anything about buying anything.
Cop #1 : Hey Jack, what's that he's got in his purse?
Cop #2 : I don't know Joe. Why don't you take a look?
Cop #1 : I think I will.
[Cop #2 takes a bag of crack out of his pocket and drops it in the purse.]
Cop #2 : Mr. Swan said he had it on him.
Cop #1 : What do you know. Smack, Jack.
Cop #2 : Do you know what you could get for pushing in this state?
[Scene jumps to courtroom.]
Judge : Life!
Winslow : But I'm innocent! Swan's stole my music and framed me!
[Sing Sing Prison, a group of prisoners are brought into the Warden's office, including Winslow.]
Warden : Welcome to Sing Sing. We are very fortunate to be including in the Dental Health Research Program. This is a volunteer program funded by the Swan Foundation. You are all volunteers. All your teeth will be pulled. Teeth are a source of infection and it pays to be on the safe side.
Winslow : Sir, pardon me. I'm not a volunteer. I'm innocent. I don't want you to take my teeth out.
Warden : Oh... How many men here are innocent? Raise your hands.
[Winslow raises his hand but when he sees all the others raise their hands too, he looks worried.]
Warden : All innocent.

Chapter 7

Chapter 9