[Winslow, over the stone wall, heads towards Swan's mansion and sneaks towards the front doors.]
Never thought I'd get to meet the Devil
Never thought I'd meet him face to face
Heard he always worked alone
And that he seldom wrote or used the phone
So I walked right up to meet him as his place
[Winslow enters the main hall and sees a line of women with sheets of paper going up the stairs. Winslow starts heading up the stairs past all the women.]
[Singing bits and pieces of Faust.]
[Winslow hears Phoenix start to sing and makes his way to her.]
Phoenix : [Singing.]
Oh - oh - oh all my tears have dried
And I can't weep
Old emotions ---
Winslow : Where'd you get that song?
Phoenix : Well, I got it from Philbin, to audition with.
Winslow : Sing it again.
Phoenix : Why?
Winslow : Go ahead, sing it.
Phoenix : [Singing.]
All my dreams are lost
Phoenix & Winslow : [Singing. Winslow helps Phoenix with the proper pitches.]
And I can't sleep
And sleep alone could ease my mind
All my tears have dried
And I can't weep
Old emotions, may they rest in peace.
And dream.
Phoenix : [Giggles.]
That's incredible. How'd you know it went like that?
Winslow : I wrote the song.
Girl #1: If you wrote this stuff, then why aren't you in there with Swan auditioning the singers?
Winslow : Well, I don't know, there must be some mix up.
Girl #1: Oh, sure.
Phoenix : Well they must not know who you are. Your name's not on the music.
Winslow : Well, that's funny. Swan heard me sing that song. Why's he auditioning girls for my cantata. I only sing it solo.
Girl #2: Haven't you heard?
Winslow : What?
Girl #1: He's opening the Paradise with it.
Winslow : You're kidding.
Girl #1: Do I look like a kidder?
Winslow : He's opening the Paradise with my cantata?
Phoenix : Yes, isn't that great?
Winslow : Gee, I wish he'd told me.
Phoenix : He's just auditioning girls for a backup chorus.
Winslow : But you're really a fine singer. You shouldn't waste you time singing in a chorus.
Phoenix : I don't care where I sing this music. 
Hey look, could you help me? I know I can sing these songs better than anybody, and with your help I'm sure I could get a part in the chorus.
Winslow : Sure, I'd love to help you.
Phoenix : You're not just doing this to be nice, are you?
Winslow : I would never let my personal desires influence my aesthetic judgment.
Phoenix : [Looking slightly confused.]
Uh, what's that mean?
Winslow : It means I think you're terrific.
Phoenix : Do you?
[Winslow and Phoenix hug with all the other women looking at them contemptuously.]
Bodyguard #1 : Hey!! All right, let's everybody get in line. Gotta quick it up a little bit. Move in quietly. 
[Counting women going past.]
One! Two! Three! Four! Come on, come on. Five! Six! Seven! Eight! 
[Phoenix starts to pass the bodyguard and Winslow attempts to follow her.]
Oh, wait, wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Stop. What's that, a boyfriend?
Winslow : I'm Winslow Leach, the composer.
Bodyguard #1 : That's great. But Swan's only seeing girls today. Come on.
Winslow : But I have to see him.
Bodyguard #1 : Don't give me a hard time. If you want to see Swan you get on the phone and make an appointment like everybody else.
Winslow : Oh, I did that, and they threw me out.
Bodyguard #1 : Well, then they don't want to see you.
Winslow : But I wrote the music.
Bodyguard #1 : Hey, look, why don't you just !get out of here!
Phoenix : Hey Winslow, look, I'll tell him you're out here.
Winslow : Okay, I'll wait for you. Good luck!
[Phoenix is escorted down the hall by the bodyguard, Winslow secretly follows and hides to the side of the hall behind some curtains. Phoenix taken into the room, door closes, screams are heard. Winslow goes up the doors. Then the door is opened and Phoenix is pushed out.]
Phoenix : Why won't he just let me sing?
[To Winslow.]
That was awful.
Winslow : What's the matter?
Phoenix : Philbin tried to -- I just can't do it. Not that way. I came here to sing.
Winslow : That doesn't even sound like an audition.
Phoenix : [Starts to run away.]
Leave me alone.
Winslow : I'm sorry. Did you tell them who I am? 
What's your name?
Bodyguard #1 : [To Winslow.]
Hey, come here, buddy! 
[Winslow walks slowly towards them. They grab him by the arms and turn him around.]
Winslow : Do you guys know where a good department store is?
Bodyguard #1 : Yeah, we'll take you. We'll go right now.
[Next scene, whole bunch of girls lying around on a round bed, including Winslow dressed as one.]
Girl : When do we get to sing?
Girl : I don't think much singing goes on around here.
Girl : I've been here twelve times and I still don't get to sing. I just get to come back.
Girl : What do you do here?
Girl : You'll see.
Girl : Can't you sing on your back?
Girl : I've never tried.
Girl : Well if you can sing standing up, you can sing lying down.
Girl : Oh! Ah!
Girl : Why don't you take your slip off?
Girl : No, I'm saving it for Swan.
Girl : He won't miss anything if you do it now.
Girl : You're being auditioned right now.
Girl : What do you mean?
Girl : This whole place is bugged.
Girl : You're kidding.
Girl : No. No, Swan's watching us right now.
Girl : Come here.
Girl : What are you doing?
Girl : Swan likes to watch us.
Girl : Watch us doing what?
Girl : Doing each other.
Girl : Really?
Girl : That's how he gets turned on.
Girl : Does he like blondes?
Girl : I like blondes.
Girl : [To Winslow.]
Do you mind? I hate to bother you, but, that's right-- oh just hold me close. I just-- Oh, I just need someone to help me warm my voice up.


Chapter 6

Chapter 8