[Scene starts in a very cluttered back room, perhaps Winslow's preparation room. Philbin enters and makes his way to Winslow, who it at a piano covered with piles of sheet music.]
Philbin : Mr. Leach?
Winslow : Hello?
Philbin : Yeah. My name's Arnold Philbin.
Winslow : Hello.
Philbin : Look. I scout talent for Swan, and uh, he's interested in your stuff.
Winslow : The Swan?
Philbin : That's right. Uh, he said your sound could be real big.
Winslow : Did he really say that?
Philbin : I was sitting right next to him.
Winslow : Oh, if Mr. Swan would produce my music, the whole world would listen to me.
Philbin : The game plan exactly. But you need a lot of work, a lot of polishing.
Winslow : Oh, I know, Mr. Philbin. I- I have a long way to go.
Philbin : Right. Now do you have any tapes of your stuff?
Winslow : No, but it's all written down here.
[Winslow stands up and collects a large stack of sheet music.]
Philbin : Uh, well why don't you just give us two or three of the really good up numbers--
Winslow : Two or three up numbers? You don't understand. The scope of this cantata is 200 or 300 pages long and I haven't finished yet.
Philbin : Well never mind the sonata. We just want the songs.
Winslow : [Laughs.]
It's not just songs. It's more. It's much more.
Philbin : I don't get you, kid.
Winslow : Well, it's a whole series of songs that tell the story of Faust.
Philbin : Who?
Winslow : Faust.
Philbin : What label's he on?
Winslow : Faust was a legendary German magician who sold his soul to the devil for worldly experience and power.
Philbin : [Looking annoyed.]
What is this, kid, school time? I got a plane to catch. Look, a song is a song. You either dig it, or you don't. Now I like your stuff, kid. I think it's terrific. You know what?
Winslow : What?
Philbin : I think the Juicy Fruits are going to dig it.
Winslow : [Looking angry.]
The Juicy Fruits?
Philbin : I'm not promising anything. First--
Winslow : [Slams Philbin back against the wall.]
I'm not going to let my music be mutilated by those greaseballs!
Philbin : Relax kid --
Winslow : [Incensed.]
I'm the only one that can sing Faust!
Philbin : [Now looking very nervous with Winslow holding him up against the wall by his shirt shoulders.]
Relax kid. It was just an idea. Swan makes all these decisions, you know?
Winslow : [Winslow releases Philbin.]
I'm - I'm sorry. I --. It's just that I've worked so hard on this thing.
Philbin : Uh, it's ok, kid. Boy, you sure got some temper.
Winslow : [Sitting back down at the piano.]
I'm sorry. I don't know what comes over me.
Philbin : It's all right. Just relax. Take it easy. Why don't you give me the music, Swan'll take a look at in on the plane, and we'll get right back to you. But if you ask me, I think we're going to produce your first album.
Winslow : Really?


Chapter 4

Chapter 6