[There is a huge audience, and scantily-clad woman dressed as stylized, black swans dancing on the stage as music plays. There are a few bodyguards on the stage as well, surrounded a huge, pink, water-lily shaped podium. The audience screams and dances, near riotous. There is a particularly rowdy group in the front row. One rowdy in a red shirt is the worst.

Phoenix comes dancing up the aisle towards the stage.
Camera switches to a view of the assassin. He is assembling his gun.
Now the Phantom is shown running down a hall, as fast as he can, trying to make his way to the performance hall in time.
Back on the stage, Phoenix is still dancing towards the podium.
The assassin is shown putting the ammunition clip into his gun.
Back to the Phantom, he comes out a door, rounds a corner into an alley.
Phoenix is again, still dancing on the stage, in front of the rowdies.
The Phantom runs up a flight of stairs in the alley.
The assassin has just finished putting his gun together and now cocks it.
The Phantom heads in a door.

Out of the middle of the podium shaped like a flower, a trap door has appeared and a masked Swan starts to rise.

Camera shifts to the two monitors from an unknown location. On the right is a shot of the podium and Swan coming out of it. On the left, appearing in the flames is the reflection of Swan/Devil.]
Reflection : [On screen.]
Oh, when it goes... you go.
[The reflection fades out, back into just the flames. The crowd in the right hand monitor starts chanting. The shot returns to the stage.]
Crowd : [Chanting.]
Swan! Swan! Swan! Swan!
[Phoenix is still dancing on the stage in front of the podium and Swan is half-risen out of the trap door as the chanting continues. Phoenix sees Swan over her shoulder and smiles. Shot cuts to the back projectionist's window as the assassin points the muzzle of his gun out towards the stage. Camera turns from the window back to the stage. 
Phoenix is now dancing her way up the steps of the podium to join Swan. Philbin, dressed as a priest, is standing behind and between them.
The assassin takes aim.]
Philbin : Do you, Phoenix, take Swan...
[Camera takes on the point of view of the assassin's sniper scope, complete with reticule which is aimed at Phoenix's head.]
Philbin : To be your wedded husband. 
To have and to hold,
[Camera takes on a side shot of the assassin's gun, and the Phantom is seen, on the other side of the back row of seating at the rear of the hall. He sees the gun. Camera then goes back on Swan and Phoenix, holding hands on the podium in front of Philbin.] 
Philbin : From this day forward,
For richer, for poorer,
[Camera switches to a shot of Swan and Phoenix from the perspective of the front row of the audience.]
Philbin : For better, for worse,
[Camera does a close-up of the rowdy in the red shirt.]
Philbin : In sickness, and in health?
[Camera goes back to a close-up of the podium, with Swan's back to the camera.]
Phoenix : I do.
[Camera goes back to a side shot of the assassin's gun with the Phantom sneaking towards it from the side. Then goes back to the stage, with a shot from behind Philbin and Phoenix, towards Swan.]
Philbin : And do you, Swan, take Phoenix to be your wedded wife.
[Camera momentarily shows the assassin's face, then the sniper-scope view pointed at Phoenix's head.
Philbin : To have and to hold,
[Camera goes to the gun side view with the Phantom making his away across the seats.]
Philbin : From this day forward,
[Some of the rowdies are shown again.]
Philbin : For better,...
[Camera goes to the gun side view with the Phantom almost right beside it now.]
Philbin : For worse,...
[Sniper-scope view again, with a very close close-up of Phoenix's head.]
Philbin : In sickness and in health...
[The Phantom is right beside the gun. Camera switches to a close-up of Philbin.]
Philbin : Till death..
[The Phantom grabs the barrel of the gun and yanks it downward as a gunshot goes off. In sniper-scope view, the reticule is yanked to the dead-centre of Philbin's head and a large gout of blood is seen pouring from his head as he falls back. In the stage-view, Philbin falls back off the podium. 
The crowd is getting even more rowdy now, screaming and cheering. The women dressed as swans scream and start running away. The crowd is shown again, screaming and cheering.
Back at the back of the hall, the Phantom pulls the gun out of the assassin's hands, then throws the gun back into the little room.
Phoenix quickly makes her way off the podium as the masked Swan looks up to the back row of seating.
The Phantom runs down the upper tier of seating. Swan is still looking around at the back of the hall.
The Phantom runs past the lighting tier to a side corridor.
The crowd is getting rowdier, especially the one with the red shirt. Audience members are now pulling themselves up onto the stage, dancing. The red-shirted rowdy throws himself into the arms of two of the swan-women who drop him on his knees.]


Chapter 29

Chapter 31