[Back in the screening room, the Phantom has started the video and he turns to watch the screen.]
Swan : [On tape.]
Saturday, November 19th, 1953.
[The Phantom walks towards the screen and stops in front of it.]
Swan : [On tape.]
Today, I have decided to kill myself.
[Camera focuses on the screen which shows Swan in a bathtub with a mirror behind him. He is holding a straight-razor. Across the bottom scrolls the line "...Contract : Swan..."]
Swan : [On tape.]
And being the greatest showman of my time, I'm recording live for the Swan archives.
It's simple.
I'm getting old.
[The Phantom is watching the screen intently.]
Swan : [On tape.]
I can't bear it.
[Shakes head.]
To see this beautiful face ravaged by the forces of time.
[Shakes head again and mutters "No..".]
If I can't be young forever, I'd rather end it all..... now...
[The Phantom looks shocked as Swan brings the straight-razor's blade towards his own wrist. He closes his eyes and turns his head away just as he is about to make the cut. The Phantom is shown again with a very shocked look. Back on the video, Swan's reflection in the mirror takes on a life of its own.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
Why not?
Swan : [On tape. Swan slowly takes the razor away from his wrist.]
[The Phantom is shown again looking shocked and confused as he watches before it goes back to showing the video.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
Stay young forever.
I'm real, and I'll leave if you want.
But you did call me.
Swan : [On tape.]
I... I didn't call anybody....
Reflection : [On tape. Image takes on a red hue as the background in the mirror goes dark. The reflection's voice takes on a distorted tone.]
You said you wanted to be young forever.
Well, here I am.
Swan : [On tape. Swan responds with a disbelieving look.]
But I am... stoned.. heh heh heh
You're not real.
Reflection : [On tape.]
Then it really doesn't matter what happens, does it.
Swan : [On tape.]
What is going to happen?
Reflection : [On tape.]
For openers, you're going to look like me, forever.
Swan : [On tape. Swan chuckles.]
Oh, this is too much...
I guess you're supposed to be the devil.
Reflection : [On tape.]
I go by many names.
Swan : [On tape.]
And you will make me young forever?
Reflection : [On tape.]
This image will age in your place.
Swan : [On tape. Swan looks back at the camera behind him as the reflection points at it.]
This picture gets old... instead of me?
Reflection : [On tape.]
And you must watch it every day just to see how lucky you are.
Swan : [On tape.]
Oh, I'm just crazy about pictures of myself.
Reflection : [On tape.]
And the tape, from which the picture comes, must be guarded at all costs.
[The Phantom listens up closely to this.]
Swan : [On tape.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
Oh, when it goes.... you go.
[The Phantom looks very excited about this piece of information. He looks back at the shelves where all the reels of film are kept, then at the video player and then back to the screen.]
Swan : [On tape.]
What do I have to do?
Reflection : [On tape. The reflection hands a large contract through the horizon of the mirror towards Swan.]
It's all here.
Read it carefully...
[The Phantom is staring intently, having signed a very similar looking contract.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
And then sign at the bottom... in blood.
Swan : [On tape. Looking incredulously.]
Blood.... my blood...?
Reflection : [On tape.]
Messy, I know.
But uh, it's the only way I can bind you.
[Swan looks at the contract.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
What do you have to lose?
Swan : [On tape.]
[Picks up the straight-razor and looks at it.]
I was gonna use this on my wrist.
Reflection : [On tape.]
Your soul is damned either way.
Swan : [On tape. Skeptically.]
What soul...
[Swan uses the razor-tip to knick the end of his finger.]
Reflection : [On tape.]
Don't waste it....
Now sign....
[Swan turns to the contract. The Phantom is watching every little detail. Swan signs the contract using the blood from his finger. The scene on the video changes to the Phantom, just having his finger pierced by Swan with a pen, when he had signed his contract. A spot of blood drips next to the signature area. The Phantom stares at his finger.]
Swan : [On tape. Swan, off-screen, in a distorted, evil voice.]
Ink isn't worth anything to me, Winslow.
[The Phantom, in the screening room, stares worriedly at the screen.]
Swan : [On tape. Swan, off-screen, hands the Phantom the pen. The pen's tip is covered in the Phantom's blood.]
Now sign.
[On video, a caption scrolls across, "...Contract : Winslow...". The Phantom scrawls out Winslow in blood on the contract. The video jumps again, this time to Phoenix's dressing room where she lies on a daybed, stoned. Swan, with his back to the camera, approaches here holding a contract. A caption scrolls across the screen. "...Contract : Phoenix..."]
Swan : [On tape. With a distorted voice.]
Just sign this, and it will all be legal.
[The Phantom, in the screening room, is shown more worried than ever.]
Phoenix : [On tape. Half-stoned.]
Till death do us part? Heh..
This is too much...
Swan : [On tape. With a distorted voice.]
Come and sign, you don't want to be late for your own funeral.... wedding, do you, girl?
[On tape, Phoenix is too drugged up to notice Swan's slip up. But the Phantom, in the screening room, does. He looks terrified.]
Phoenix : [On tape. Half-stoned.]
Don't you think we're rushing things a little?
[On tape. Swan stabs Phoenix's finger with a pen causing Phoenix to gasp. The Phantom, in the screening room, watches in terror.]
Phoenix : [On tape. Half-stoned, with a smile, starts to play with the drops of blood on her finger-tip.]
Oh... ooh, blood...
Swan : [On tape. With a distorted voice. Angrily.]
Stop wasting it.
[Holding the contract out in front of Phoenix.]
Sign your name.
Phoenix : [On tape. Half-stoned. Starts to write out her name on the contract.]
P - H - O..
[Scene on tape switches to a small stairway. Swan is standing on a higher step, with Philbin dressed a stylized priest and the same bodyguard who had carried Winslow out of the Swanage in Chapter 8. Swan is holding his hand out towards the bodyguard.]
Swan : [On tape. With a distorted voice.]
Remember... She must be hit just as Philbin says "Till death do you part."
[The Phantom's, in the screening room, eyes open wide at hearing this.]
Philbin : [On tape.]
Now wait a minute. This may be none of my business or anything,
but if you're gonna kill her, why do it here.. tonight?
Swan : [On tape. With a distorted voice.]
An assassination live, on television coast to coast....
that's entertainment!
[The Phantom, in the screening room, has heard enough. He jumps up, grabbing the monitor box, which sets off a small, beeping alarm. He looks up at the 6 other monitors, which are set into the wall, and notices himself on one. He lets go of the monitor box and heads towards the wall-screens. On another screen, he can see the bodyguard/assassin moving through a hallway and entering a small room. It is a projection room with a small window that opens up into the main Paradise performance hall. The assassin slides open the window and looks out. The camera switches to an inside view of the projection room. The assassin opens up a black case, revealing parts of a gun which he starts to take out.
The Phantom rushes towards the door of the screening room. Then stops and turns back, grabs the monitor box, which promptly bursts into flame, and throws it into the alcove containing the shelves of video tapes. It explodes and turns into a massive fire eating its way up the videos. The Phantom again runs towards the exit as the videos burn.
Now, somewhere, two monitors are show, one of the fire, another of the stage and audience in the main performance hall. The shot zooms in on the latter.

Scene goes to the main hall.]


Chapter 28

Chapter 30