[Scene opens with a head and part chest shot of the Phantom lying prone in the pouring rain. The hunting knife is sticking out of his chest and brightly coloured red blood trails from the wound. The camera pulls back to show all of him lying on the gravel rooftop. The shot fades into a shot of Swan coming out on the roof in a housecoat with an umbrella, holding a very large bundle of papers. He drops it heavily beside the Phantom's still form and bends down and pulls the knife from the Phantom's chest. This wakes the Phantom.]
Swan : Winslow... 
[Throwing the knife to the ground in disgust.]
What a foolish thing to do.
Didn't you read your contract closely?
[Picks up the large bundle of papers, which is the contract.]
See where it says "terms of agreement."
[The Phantom starts trying to sit up. Camera goes back to Swan.]
Swan : Can you read what it says?
[Showing the line in the contract.]
"This contract terminates with Swan."
[Camera goes back to the Phantom, who is still trying to figure out why he isn't dead and what is going on.]
Swan : No more suicides, Winslow.
[Camera returns to Swan.]
Swan : You gave up your right to rest in peace when you signed this contract.
[Camera focuses again on the Phantom, who is starting up with his good eye at Swan.]
Swan : What if you do find a loophole? Is that what you are thinking?
Forget it.
[Referring to the Phantom's knife wound.]
That stays sealed only as long as I have the power to bind you.
[The Phantom looks down at the wound, the tear through his leather suit and the blood all over it. He wipes it away with one hand and the hole disappears while the remainder of blood is washed away by the rain.]
Swan : If I am destroyed, that gaping wound opens.
You might say we terminate together.
[The Phantom turns his attention from the vanished wound back to  Swan. The camera follows.]
Swan : Now get back to work.
I'll need a whole bunch of new love songs for Phoenix.
And if you as much as say "boo" to anyone at the Paradise, 
you'll never see Phoenix again.
Phantom : [Slamming a fist onto the gravel rooftop.]
Swan : Oh, yes...
About the love songs, perhaps a duet.
Phantom : [Grabbing the knife from the ground.]
[The Phantom gets up quickly and stabs the knife into Swan's chest, pushing it in with all his might. Swan stands there for a moment and a worried look passes over what is visible of the Phantom's face. Swan grabs the knife and pulls it out of his chest, looking angry.]
Swan : I'm under contract too.
[The Phantom, terrified, gets up and runs away as the scene fades out.]


Chapter 26

Chapter 28