(transcribed by Bubba)

[Phoenix exits her dressing room to meet Swan in the waiting limo. She is confronted by a mob of adoring, screaming fans that are barely contained by two big greaser bodyguards. She takes a few steps back as she scopes an alternative exit and notices a dark figure motioning her to come in the direction of the stairs leading to the rooftop. Phoenix opts for the seemingly safer route offered by the dark figure and hurries in that direction. As she approaches the stairs she sees the masked Phantom who drags her up.]
Phoenix : AAAAHH!
[Her scream goes unnoticed amid the screaming admiration of her fans.]
[The Phantom takes Phoenix by the arm and leads her across the rooftop of the Paradise. They stop at the railing at the rooftop edge and the Phantom points below to the covered corpse being loaded in an ambulance amid a crowd of fans chanting.]
Fans : Beef! Beef! Beef! Beef!
Phantom : He wouldn’t listen to me.
Fans : Beef! Beef! Beef! Beef!
[Scene changes to Philbin and Swan in the back seat of Swan's limo.]
Philbin : C’mon where the hell is she?
Swan : Philbin, have you ever seen such a crowd?
Philbin : No and I never wanna see another one.
Swan : Look at them. They’ve really been entertained. They never want the show to stop. The Paradise is more magnificent then I ever dreamed.
Philbin : Sure. How often’s a rock star fried on stage.
Swan : Quite an attraction.
[Scene switches back to Phoenix and the Phantom on the roof.]
Fans : [Crowd chanting continues.]
Beef! Beef! Beef! Beef!
[Phoenix turns in a feeble attempt to run away. The Phantom extends his arm preventing her from leaving.]
Phoenix : Don’t hurt me.
Phantom : [Looks hurt.]
I would never hurt you Phoenix.
Phoenix : [Surprised.]
You know me.
Phantom : I’m Winslow. Remember?
Phoenix : Winslow? But Winslow’s dead.
Phantom : No. Not quite.
Phoenix : What do you mean? Who are you? Why do you wear that mask?
Phantom : Because Swan has taken my voice…my music...and given me this! 
[He raises his mask revealing the extent of disfigurement on the right side of his face.]
And now he wants you…
Phoenix : (whimpers) 
Phantom :
…but you’re all I have left. Phoenix no one will ever sing in the Paradise again. No one’s ever going to sing my Faust again. No one but you. Phoenix leave this place. Swan will destroy you too.
Phoenix : You’re crazy. Why should I go with you? Don’t you hear them down there? Why should I give that up?
Phantom : They’ll want more now. They’ll want much more. They’ll want more than you can ever give.
Phoenix : I’ll give them what ever they want.
Phantom : No, Phoenix.
Phoenix : Get your hands off me.
[She pushes the Phantom away and runs for the exit.]
[Scene switches back to Swan and Philbin in the limo.]
Philbin : I’m tellin’ you with that freak on the loose the Paradise is finished.
Swan : The Paradise is just beginning. Tomorrow night, Phoenix will finish Faust.
[Phoenix comes running down the metal stairs toward the limo.]
Philbin : There she is.
[As Phoenix approaches the limo a bodyguard opens the door for her and she leans in.]
Phoenix : The freak that killed Beef is up on the roof.
Swan : Philbin, get the police.
[Philbin gets out of the limo and Phoenix gets in. The bodyguard shuts the door.]
Swan : [To Phoenix.]
Don’t think about it. Tonight is your night. I won’t have it ruined.
[To the driver.]


Chapter 24

Chapter 26