[Phoenix's dressing room. Phoenix pulls a card from a bunch of roses. 
The card reads " To my new star. Swan". Swan enters the room amid people calling out Phoenix's name from down the hall.]
Swan : Phoenix.
Phoenix : [In an awed tone.]
[Turns and takes on a worried look.]
Is Beef...
Swan : Dead.
But let's not talk about that. Let's uh, let's talk about you.
I like your name. We won't have to change it.
You're going to be a very big star, Phoenix.
We'll finish the cantata tomorrow night, and we'll record and we'll go on tour...
And then... There are no words to express what you're going to become.
Phoenix : [Looks Swan in the eyes.]
I'll do anything you want. I owe you everything.
Just give me that crowd again.
Swan : Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night they'll be yours.
Phoenix : [Quietly to herself while staring in the mirror.]
Swan : And all I want.. is your voice.
Phoenix : [With a sly smile.]
Is that all?
Swan : No.
We'll go to Swanage and celebrate.
I'll wait for you in the car.
[As Swan leaves, crowds of girls are at the door, being held back by thugs,  screaming Phoenix's name and trying to touch Swan. As the door closes, Phoenix stares into the mirror in total happiness at her situation.]


Chapter 23

Chapter 25