Song :
Oh, yeah!
I'm the evil that you created,
Gettin' horny and damned frustrated.
Each of you must stop and try me,
All of you might satisfy me.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
[The Phantom sends the neon lightning bolt down a wire which hits Beef in the back, electrocuting him. Swan is shown, not happy. Cuts to the Phantom, laughing maniacally. The audience all tries to crowd on the stage as Philbin, Harold and others look at Beef. Harold looks ready to cringe and run away.]
Philbin : Somebody get a fire extinguisher!
[The Phantom continues to laugh. Swan is shown again, looking very displeased, as the crowd chants.]
Crowd : [Chanting]
We want Beef! We want Beef!
[Philbin gets a fire extinguisher and proceeds to try to put out the Beef fire while the band and Harold look on horrified, all the while the crowd still chants for Beef as the curtains close them off from the stage. The Phantom has made his way to the back of the room, near the roof. Camera cuts back to Philbin and the fire. He leaves the extinguisher as he goes to deal with the crowd.]
Philbin : [Pointing at the remains of Beef.]
Somebody get rid of him.

Phoenix, get out there and sing.
[The Phantom drops down to where the spotlights are controlled.]
Phoenix : You're crazy!
Philbin : Look, some maniac killed Beef so you could sing.
Don't disappoint him, or else there will be more bodies out there.
[The Phantom garrotes the lighting man. Philbin takes Phoenix to the middle of the curtains and orders the curtains opened. The Phantom turns on and aims the spotlight.]


Chapter 21

Chapter 23