Song :

{Life at Last}


Life at last
Salutations from the other side.
I can see you’re the devil’s pride
Do you realize that all of you donated something horrible you hated that was a part of you
Well, I’m your nightmares coming true, I am your crime

Life at last
Sit and listen while the fun begins.
Hearts are broken and the bad guys wins.
Sit and listen, all the cuttin' up is easy and this isn't for the queasy or the weak of heart..
Oh! You had better start for home while there's still time!
[The Phantom is shown moving through the upper riggings of the stage. Beef grabs another dummy out of the audience and throws it as far as he can. The Phantom is shown looking through the window in the set where the lightning bolt was located, with a vengeful yet thirsting look on his face, clearly angry at how Beef has changed the song Old Souls into this.]
Song :
I'm the evil that you created,
Gettin' horny and damned frustrated.
Bored stiff and I want me a woman now.
All right!
[Beef dances around the stage, in a style that could be almost feminine, which is at odds with the lyrics of the song. Winslow is shown doing something by the upper window of the set. He turns the neon lightning bolt on and points it out of the window towards the stage while Beef gets his guitar and plays a guitar solo.]


Chapter 20

Chapter 22