[The curtains open on the stage of the Paradise to show a Frankenstein-like lab set and a band playing the intro. Fake lightning flashes, illuminating the stage. Crowd screams as the 3 Undead come out from hiding places behind set props with Harold in the lead. The Undeads' faces are painted up in jarring black and white make-up. Archie is carrying a bass, Jeffrey a guitar and Harold has just a microphone. The three walk out on the stage runway.]
Song :
The Undead

{Somebody Super Like you
(Beef Construction Song}


We need a man that is simple perfection.
There's nothing that's harder to find.
Someone to lead us protect us and feed us, and help us to make up our minds.

We need a man that's sophisticated.
Quiet and strong and well educated.
Where to go, what to do, could it be..
Somebody super like you!

[Archie and Jeffery pull black "hoods" off the ends of their guitars revealing stylized, fake scythe-like blades on the heads of the instruments. Harold pulls a "hood" off the bottom of his mic revealing a long dagger. Archie uses his scythe-bass to cut the hand off a prop dummy in the front of audience and collects the hand. Jeffrey collects a whole arm while Harold is screaming with the music. The audience is going mad. As Harold starts singing again, Archie and Jeffrey take the limbs back to the Frankenstein set and hand them to the Nurses, one of which is Phoenix.]
Song :
The Undead
We need a man that can stand as a symbol, and symbols have got to be tall.
Someone with taste and the tiniest waist.
With his help, would not life be a ball?
If we had fun he would not restrain us, if we got caught he would just explain us!
Where to go, what to do, could it be..
Somebody super like you!
[A dummy is pulled up by wires over the front of the audience. Both Archie and Jeffrey cut the dummy in half at the waist with their scythe-guitars and take the legs.]
Song :
The Undead
We pledge allegiance to his gracefulness, and charming manners.
With a voice that's both sides' choice, 
He'll bring us to our knees in admiration.
[A man with a fake upper torso sits in the front row, and Archie and Jeffrey stab and collect the chest. They walk slowly back to the Frankenstein set with their trophy.]
Song :
The Undead
He is king of all who see and hear his perfect pitch,
And more surprises,
When his time has come, the stallion rises!

We need a man with a head on his shoulders,
A nose that is simply divine.
Hollywood smile and the perfect profile,
And with eyes that would sparkle and shine.

Long, flowing hair for the crowning glory.
That'd be a man who could tell our story!
Where to go, what to do, could it be..
Somebody super like you!
[A full dummy is offered up at the front of the runway and Harold chops off its head with his dagger-microphone. He holds it up to the crowd, then gives it to Jeffrey, who brings it back to the Nurses.]
Song :
The Undead
We pledge allegiance to his gracefulness, and charming manners.
With a voice that's both sides' choice, 
He'll bring us to our knees in admiration.

[The Nurses are seen quickly sewing up something with oversized needles on a table which is slanted away from the audience.]
Song :
The Undead
He is king of all who see and hear his perfect pitch,
And more surprises,
When his time has come, the stallion rises!
[The table on which the unknown thing the Nurses were sewing rises up into the air, to a neon lightning bolt coming in through a window in the set. As the table lowers back down, the Phantom rises up on the counter-weight, up into the rigs above the stage, unseen by audience or performers. Back on the stage, the Undead turn the table around exposing Beef, with make-up stitches and blood and torn clothing.]


Chapter 19

Chapter 21