(transcribed by Bubba)

[Beef steps into shower room wearing nothing but a towel and shower cap while “snorting” a white substance from a small mirror.  He snorts three times before he notices a camera pointed directly at him.  He drops the mirror and shuts the shower room door on the camera.  He drops the towel, steps into the shower stall and pulls the shower curtain closed.  Tossing the soap from his right hand behind his back to his left hand over his shoulder he begins singing.]
Beef :

{Life at Last "demo"}

Life at last
Salutations from the other side
Well, I can see you’re the devil’s pride
Do you realize that all of you donated something horrible you hated that was a part of you
Well, I’m your nightmare coming true, I am your crime
Life at last
Sit and listen while the fun begins
Hearts are broken.  Bad guy wins

[The shower room door slowly creeps open and through the shower curtain a shadowy figure appears.]
Beef :
Sit and listen all the cutting up is easy and it isn’t for the queasy or the weak of heart
[The shadowy figure continues toward the shower stall and becomes recognized as the Phantom with a large butcher knife poised high in the Phantom’s left hand.]
Beef :
Well you had better start…
[The Phantom punctures the shower curtain with the knife and slowly cuts in a downward motion creating a direct opening to the stall.]
Beef :
…for home while there’s….
[Beef turns toward the shower curtain and discovers the Phantom cutting it open.]
Beef : …still time…AAYH
[The Phantom thrusts a plunger into Beef’s face covering his chin, mouth and nose but leaving his eyes gaping and his shower capped body sliding down the wall of shower stall.]
Phantom : Never sing my music again.  Not here, not anywhere. Do you understand?  Never again.  My music is for Phoenix.  Only she can sing it.  Anyone else that tries, dies.
[The Phantom rips the plunger away from Beef’s face creating a suction sound.  Beef slides the remaining distance to the floor.]
[Scene changes to outside the Paradise. Philbin and the Death Records chick are walking down the line of ticket holders in front of the Paradise.]
Philbin : Alright tickets.  C’mon let’s see your tickets.  This is a ticket holder’s line, everybody’s gotta have a ticket here.  Everybody have a ticket?
[Philbin picks a girl out of the line.]
Philbin : You…you gotta ticket?
Girl in line : Sure, I have a ticket.
Philbin : Alright, get back in line.
[Philbin glances down the alley beside the Paradise and up the fire escape where he sees Beef making his way down carrying a matching silver guitar case and suitcase.]
Philbin :

[To the Death Records Chick.]
Take care of the rest of this line.
[To Frank.]
Frank, open that gate.

[Philbin approaches the fire escape as Beef approaches the last flight of metal stairs down to the alley.]
Philbin : Where the hell do you think you’re going Tinkerbell?
[startled, Beef stops at the top of the last flight, looks at Philbin and pauses.]
Beef : Cincinnati to see my mother.
[Beef continues his descent in a hurried pace.]
Philbin : You’re gonna miss the show.
Beef : There ain’t gonna be no show.
Philbin : What?
Beef : [Beef stops and looks at Philbin.]
Listen Philbin,
[he slowly descends down the stairs.]

There really is a Phantom.  He was just in my shower.  He threatened my life.  He said his music is just for Phoenix, only she can sing it.
[Beef pauses mid-flight of the metal stairs.]
Anyone else that tries…dies.
Philbin : What the hell are you talking about?
Beef : Tsk.. Look Philbin
[Beef continues his slow descent.]
I am a pro-FESS-ional.  I have been in this business a long time.  Now if I don’t want to do a show, it’s not because I have stage fright, it’s because some creature from beyond doesn’t want me to do the show now GANG WAY!
[Beef tries to make his escape past Philbin.]
Philbin : [Grabs Beef by the collar of his white fur trimmed, red velvet overcoat and slams him against the wall.]
Bullsh**.  Now how did that really happen?
Beef : Can’t you feel the vibes in your own house?  Bad, sport.  Real bad.  I mean the karma’s so thick around here you need an aqua-lung to breath.
Philbin : I know what it is.
Beef : Oh you do, huh?
Philbin : Yeah.  Do you wanna know what it is?
Beef : Why don’t you tell me what it is.
Philbin : Speed, that’s what it is.
Beef : Speed?
Philbin : Yeah.
Beef : What do you know about it? You just pass the stuff out.  I take it.  I know drug-real from real-real.
Philbin : Do me a favor and take this.
[Philbin holds a pill bottle to Beef’s face.]
Beef : [Inspects the label.]
No...  That’ll bring me down...
Philbin : Well listen my friend, you better come down.  You better get yourself together.  You got a show to do.  This is opening night.
Beef : (sigh)
Philbin : Can you still sing?
Beef : Sure I can still sing.
Philbin : [Dragging Beef by the collar up the stairs.]
(mutters "Alright, get up…")
Beef : [Resisting Philbin.]
Help.  The Phantom…Help


Chapter 18

Chapter 20