[Opens on the Phantom lighting a match and then using it to light a candle. He sits down and looks at some sheet music then continues writing music at a piano. During the song, images of Phoenix, the Phantom, a clock and a calendar dated December 9th, 1974 are shown super-imposed on a black background.]
Song :

{Beauty and the Beast (Phantom's Theme)}

Half asleep I hear a voice
Is it only in my mind
Is it someone calling me
Someone I failed and left behind

To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and bad guys I've been
All the devils that disturbed me
And the angels that defeated them somehow
Come together in me now
[The Phantom finishes writing on a sheet of music and Swan, standing in front of the piano, takes it from him and looks at it.]
Swan : Tasty, Winslow. Tasty.
[Two guards standing outside of the Phantom's room are shown, then the camera switches to showing Swan leaving the little room. Scene then switches to Swan and Philbin in an audition room. Swan sits in the centre of a table shaped like a gold record with Philbin sitting on the outside rim to Swan's left.]
Philbin : I know boss, but I thought you liked her.
Swan : I do. She's perfect, but you know how I abhor perfection in anyone but myself.
Then Phoenix is out?
No, not out. Just a backup singer. No, my cantata needs something really... heavy.
[Swan presses a button on the table and a spotlight lights up a group of folksingers.]
Singing :
-Group 1
Half asleep I hear a voice
I hear a voice
I hear a voice
Is it only in my mind
Swan : No, no...
[Light turns off and another spotlight reveals twin women dressed in matching red and white outfits. As they sing, a lady is seen walking past behind them.]
Singing :
Or is there someone calling me
Someone I've failed and left behind
Swan : Hm.. wrong again.
[Spotlight again turns off and another turns on revealing a country singer in jeans and a cowboy hat with an acoustic guitar and sheet music stuck in the upper tuning keys.]
Singing :
-Country Singer
To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and bad guys that I've been
Swan : Pretty, but no.
[Spotlight transfers to three Black women.]
Singing :
-Black Trio
All the devils that disturbed me
And the angels that defeated them somehow
Swan : No..
[Spotlight turns off the women and another turns on to reveal Beef with his electric guitar.]
Singing :
Come together in me now....
[Plays off-key, distorted chord to go with the note he ends on and then bends the strings on the guitar for extra discord.]
Swan : There's something he'll like.
[Scene switches back to the Phantom, super-imposed with images of musical bars, stacks of sheet music, a clock and the calendar. Swan is then seen, watching the Phantom from a distance as he works on the music. Super-imposed images of a keyboard being played by the Phantom's hands, and then a shot of the Phantom playing.]
Song :

{Beauty and the Beast (Phantom's Theme) cont.}


Like a circus on parade
Seldom close enough to see
I wander through an angry crowd
Wonder what's become of me

To work it out I let them in
All the good guys and bad guys that I've been
All the devils that disturbed me
And the angels that defeated them somehow
Come together in me now
[A super-imposed images of Phoenix returns as the Phantom works, then lays his head down on his music to sleep. The candle shown being lit before has now burned down to almost nothing.]


Chapter 15

Chapter 17