(transcribed by Thorn)

[Swan emerges down a flight of stairs, looking furtively around as he walks down a corridor of the Paradise. He approaches a mirror and turns a knob disguised as a candle-shaped light fixture. The mirror swings open, revealing a secret doorway through which he steps. As the mirror swings closed again, the Phantom suddenly appears in its reflection. Cut to Swan sitting in a chair inside his secret room, watching a video replay of the Upholstery rehearsal.]
Beach Bums :
[On video, singing.]
What life is all about,
Where my baby sits up close to me.
That's supposed to be….
[Camera switches to the video, which shows the Phantom looking over a balcony, then rapidly retreating. Again, camera switches to Swan as an explosion is heard from the video, followed by girls screaming.]

[Cut to Swan opening the mirror and steps outside the secret room as Winslow ambushes him from behind, pressing a knife into Swan's throat.] 
Phantom :  [Makes an angry, inarticulate sound.]
Swan : Why Winslow, good to see you. Been looking for you everywhere. 
Killing me won't help you.
[The Phantom comes around, in front of Swan. Swan detaches the mask part from the Phantom's helmet, and Winslow quickly backs away, covering his face with his hand while uttering a prolonged continuation of choking noises.]
Swan : [Grinning.]
My god, you're horrible! 
Don't rush off
[Winslow backs into a corner, still covering his face and whimpering as Swan approaches.]
Swan : Look at yourself.
Phantom :  [Shaking his head, making choking noises.]
Swan : Look at yourself!
[Swan pulls Winslow's hand away from his face. Winslow grabs the mask and re-attaches it, holding it secure and still making indistinct sounds.]
Swan : What's that horrible sound you're making? Can't you talk?
Phantom :  [Choking what sounds like "No".]
[Winslow backs away again, and turns from Swan, against a mirror. Swan begins to follow.]
Swan : Look around you, Winslow. You've destroyed your face, your voice, and now you're trying to destroy the Paradise.
[Swan pulls Winslow's arm so that Winslow has to look at him.]
Swan : Haven't we all had enough?
[Winslow breaks away from Swan and whirls to face him.]
Swan : I can give you the power to create again, I can make you somebody. 
We're going to have to start all over again, Winslow, only this time working together instead of against each other. The time for your sound is now, people are going to want to hear your music.
I mean what I say!
Phantom :  [Whimpers.]
[Winslow starts to retreat again and Swan walks toward him.]
Swan : Tomorrow I'll put a whole new group together who'll do your songs, your way. 
You don't have to believe me. Come to the auditions and see for yourself. 
[Winslow turns around and bolts from the corridor, disappearing through another room.]
Swan : Trust me! …Trust me.


Chapter 12

Chapter 14