[Winslow enters the Death Records warehouse, runs through breaking records until he finds the record press. He pulls out a dynamite bomb from his prison uniform, and sets it on the control panel for the press.]
Guard : Hey, get away from that record press!
[Winslow's sleeve catches on a button and the record press turns on, alarm sounds and Winslow slips and falls into the record press which closes on his head.]
[Winslow runs out of the building through the parking lot, holding his face from where he was burned by the press and his side where he was shot by the guard. He crawls towards river and rolls in.]
[Newspaper article]

Mad Tunesmith Bites Bullet
Songwriter and convicted doper, Winslow Leach, assaulted a guard and escaped from Sing Sing yesterday.  After vandalizing Death Records, Leach was shot by a security guard. Fleeing police, he leaped into the East River. His body was not recovered.


Chapter 9

Chapter 11