6:24 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ok dont need to add that to the server.. all you'll likely need to do then is add the avp2p5 and rommie.rez to your game's command line and that should fix the differing resources 6:25 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: the game command line on my desktop or laptop 6:25 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: ? 6:25 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): whichever you are going to be playing avp2 on.. 6:25 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: i always avp2 on desktop 6:26 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): as long as you have the files on that one and are gaming on that one, add it to the command line there 6:27 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: I have Rez0="avp2p5.rez" Rez1="lithserver.rez" 6:28 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): thats in the server... if you want your mappack on there too add : Rez2="ump2" 6:28 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): but that's all you need there... 6:28 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): your game's command line though has to have 2 rez files added 6:28 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: in my customrez.txt 6:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): all your need in customrez.txt is that Rez2 line I just put 6:30 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): now you need to go to game launcher, options, and add -rez avp2p5.REZ -rez Rommie.REZ to your command line 6:30 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: i replaced lithserver with rommie, is it fine? 6:30 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: in m customrez.txt 6:31 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): Im guessing your customrez isnt fresh.. so yeah, Rez1 should equal Rommie.REZ 6:32 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: got it 6:33 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): you edit your game's command line too? 6:33 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: no what will i put 6:33 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I just said 6:34 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): 6:30 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): now you need to go to game launcher, options, and add -rez avp2p5.REZ -rez Rommie.REZ to your command line ---------------------------------------------- 7:22 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: i have a feeling it's gotta take forever for rommie to reply.. 7:23 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well you got approved and he made a first reply fairly quickly, didnt he? 7:23 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: yes 7:23 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hopefully that pattern continues 7:28 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: why he isn't replying after a few minutes? don't tell me he went asleep.. 7:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): if he is in europe or something, it might be late there.. 7:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): im not sure where he's from 7:29 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: he's in Czech Republic. is he? 7:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I dont know but that wouldnt surprise me.. that would mean its really late there 7:30 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its probably at least like 2 or 3 am there then.. 7:30 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: does he wake up at 6 am 7:30 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: ? 7:31 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): rommie is one of the few avp modders that I dont actually know.. 7:33 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: are the other avp modders out there? 7:33 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): quite a few lol 7:33 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): most have moved on to other games but I am still in contact with some 7:34 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: man..I lost hope, didn't i? 7:35 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hm? 7:35 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: rommie has falled asleep, and i still didn't know how to really activated the weaponban..,. 7:36 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well you'll likely get something of an answer by tomorrow ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4:32 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): um should be in one of the attribute files if I recall 4:33 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: what's the attribute file? 4:34 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): uh I dont remember.. something about fx or vision maybe? visionmodebutes? its been a long time 4:34 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: fx.txt and visionmodebutes.txt? 4:34 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): probably one of the two though I'd check visionmodebutes first 5:17 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: well? 5:17 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ? 5:17 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: you checked 5:17 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): no 5:18 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I told you where to start looking 5:18 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: look in the txt files that have vision colors -------------------------------------------- 7:49 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: hi 7:50 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hi 8:04 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: I just wanna Edit VisionMode Colors.. 8:04 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: Liek Red HEat Vision.. 8:04 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: like 8:31 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: I need help? 8:39 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well changing vision mode colour was never something I did... I might be able to figure it out but only when I have time to work on it 8:39 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: I suggest you do it now...Please? :( i don't have much tuime 8:39 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: time 8:40 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I dont have time now 8:40 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: when? 8:41 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): when I have time.. I dont know when --------------------------------------------- 6:14 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: do you watch jurassic world 6:14 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: ? 6:14 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yes 6:14 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: and you like it..? 6:14 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yes 6:15 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: what did you like about? 6:15 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): uh good story, good actors.. great looking dinosaurs.. in particular the raptors.. 6:16 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: what do you like about the raptors? 6:16 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): If my name didn't give it away, they are my favourite dinosaur.. I like everything about them 6:17 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: like what? :0 6:17 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: :) 6:17 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): they are smart, fast, cunning, a beatiful streamlined shape.. 6:18 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: and what about Blue? 6:18 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): what do you mean? 6:19 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: the Raptor, Blue? 6:19 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yeah but what you asking about Blue? 6:20 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: how awesome she looks? 6:21 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well the colour isnt my first choice but like I said, I like all raptors for how they look 6:21 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: how do they look like? 6:22 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well I didnt mean colour-wise at the end since we dont know.. though they were likely colours that blended in.. so probably more greens and browns.. but I mean I just like raptors in general -------------------------------------------------------- 6:58 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: are you gonna make new skins for AVP2? 6:59 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): probably not, though I am doing some other work for avp2 at the moment that I cant really talk about 6:59 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: what other work for AVP2? 6:59 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): like I said, can't really talk about it yet 6:59 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: It's okay, just try.. 7:00 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I am not allowed 7:00 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): my team is keeping things private 7:01 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: which team? 7:01 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): can't say 7:01 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: the raptor Red pack? 7:01 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): no, thats my clan 7:19 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): so I hear you are talking to my boyfriend on steam? 7:20 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: Sadistic Dragon is your Boyfriend? =0 7:20 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yep 7:20 PM - IXvPRIMUSvXI: Sweet.