Mon Mar 19 19:04:42 
XRAPTORX125: we meet at last
RR_DF_RaptorRed: ?
RR_DF_RaptorRed: ah huh
XRAPTORX125: perhaps you dont know me, but i know you
RR_DF_RaptorRed: good for you
XRAPTORX125: i was recently told, you found out about my little clan
RR_DF_RaptorRed: perhaps i have
XRAPTORX125: by persons's unknown
XRAPTORX125: by you at least
XRAPTORX125: he slipped into your room, then out again
RR_DF_RaptorRed: good for him
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: so now you know, and now you realize your fate
XRAPTORX125: i truly hate disposing of a clan suchas yours, but hey, just bussiness
RR_DF_RaptorRed: um one question
XRAPTORX125: yes?
XRAPTORX125: that is?
RR_DF_RaptorRed: who are you and why do you hate my clan
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: i dont hate your clan
XRAPTORX125: i just realize, to gain more members from the start
XRAPTORX125: i need to start out.......... small 
RR_DF_RaptorRed: then why do you feel the need to mention my clan?
XRAPTORX125: that, and you have one of my of my old friends
RR_DF_RaptorRed: so?
XRAPTORX125: he taught me almost everything i know
XRAPTORX125: almost................
RR_DF_RaptorRed: still, why single us out
XRAPTORX125: and so, i am VERY angry at him... for reasons i will not go into for right now
XRAPTORX125: thus, ill gain members, status, and get rid of a thorn in my side all at once
RR_DF_RaptorRed: you gain members by being nice to your members and actually treating them like people unlike some clans
XRAPTORX125: well
RR_DF_RaptorRed: not by getting rid of other clans
XRAPTORX125: you see, after i defeat you, i will offer your members a chance to join us. if the refuse, it wont matter, the rest of the people on mplayer will realize we will go places, and join us
XRAPTORX125: you are merely a stepping stone
RR_DF_RaptorRed: there will always be new clans coming out
XRAPTORX125: and ill deal with my old friend very soon
RR_DF_RaptorRed: why
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: i will not go into detailed explanation right now, but all i will so for now is that he did a few thigns to me that are unforgivable! ha, the old fucker probably wont even remember them!!
XRAPTORX125: oh 
XRAPTORX125: and
XRAPTORX125: nevermind
XRAPTORX125: you go ahead and finesh typing
RR_DF_RaptorRed: wasnt typing
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: i will go ahead and offer you and your members a chance to surrender, and join us
RR_DF_RaptorRed: and we refuse 
XRAPTORX125: :) good, i want to do it the hard way
XRAPTORX125: what do you say to that
RR_DF_RaptorRed: what is there to say, have fun not getting anywhere with the clan killing thing?
XRAPTORX125: lol
XRAPTORX125: ok, well, me and my clan will come for you, 
XRAPTORX125: very soon, so be ready
RR_DF_RaptorRed: how do you even propose to get rid of clans?
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: once i defeat you, none of the other clans will accept you as being there
XRAPTORX125: all of the major ones anyway
XRAPTORX125: the ones im allied with
RR_DF_RaptorRed: i dont care
RR_DF_RaptorRed: i made my clan for my friends and anyone else who wants to join
RR_DF_RaptorRed: i dont care what other clans think
XRAPTORX125: indeed
XRAPTORX125: well, anyway, i will profit from your defeat
RR_DF_RaptorRed: how
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: the other clans will recognize my superiority over you
XRAPTORX125: thus giving us a higher clan rank
RR_DF_RaptorRed: ? 1 there arent clan ranks 2 we are not a big clan to begin with
XRAPTORX125: i know
XRAPTORX125: all im saying is it will raise the status the otehr clans see us as having
RR_DF_RaptorRed: if you want to beat up on a clan to "gain higher rankings" go somewhere else, most of us play for fun
XRAPTORX125: well
XRAPTORX125: higher ranks is not all i seek
RR_DF_RaptorRed: good for you and bye