10:30 PM - Lavos: so it would seem now that Egg Nog after New Years is now a thing 10:31 PM - Lavos: Peeps brand partnered with Prairie Farms to create seasonal products includin Peeps Eg Nog along with Peeps Milk (Strawberry and Chocolate specifically) 10:31 PM - Lavos: im just happy to see Egg Nog after new years 10:31 PM - Lavos: the holiday seasons the last 2 years werent kind on me as far as egg nog 10:32 PM - Lavos: local grocer chain kept selling out of their stock fast because they were only able to put half their shipments on shelves, they got a problem with their supplier 2 years in a row now causing half the shipments to be unsellable 10:32 PM - Lavos: in addition ive been out of town for christmas the past 2 years 10:33 PM - Lavos: well, thanksgiving last year 10:33 PM - Lavos: but 10:33 PM - Lavos: and i really do love some good old Egg Nog 10:33 PM - Lavos: i dont split it with milk, i just drink it plain, but in smaller amounts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- March-15-16 5:24 AM - Lavos: so there a setting in the Config.lua file called "use64bitrt" and set to 0 by default 5:24 AM - Lavos: do you think that might have somethin to do with it? 5:24 AM - Lavos: cus when i last played DoW2 successfully, ididnt play it on a 64-bit OS 5:24 AM - Lavos: im assuming "64bitrt" means "bitrate" 7:29 AM - Lavos: so it seems i can play Last Stand without much issue 7:29 AM - Lavos: just did 5 or 6 matches with Necron Overlord 7:29 AM - Lavos: didnt make it very far in Bloodied 7:29 AM - Lavos: but 7:29 AM - Lavos: kept havin 1 of the other 2 players drop 7:29 AM - Lavos: so it was only 2 people 8:28 AM - Lavos: FUCKIN YES! 8:28 AM - Lavos: finally got that damnable Tau Efficiency achievement 9:04 AM - Lavos: also i think the issue MIGHT be a sound issue 9:04 AM - Lavos: when i played LS on Bloodied Coliseum with "-nosound" i didnt lag 9:04 AM - Lavos: but when i removed that 9:04 AM - Lavos: i DID 9:55 AM - Lavos: andd nvm 9:55 AM - Lavos: the no-sound thing doesnt fix the lag 9:55 AM - Lavos: it still happens 9:55 AM - Lavos: got to wave 16 that time and it started lagging at wave 11 or 12 10:29 AM - Lavos: also the lag is being really weird in LS...for 3 runs with tau commander it didnt do much, then it went all weird for the next 3 runs 10:30 AM - Lavos: and its not the same problem as campaign 10:30 AM - Lavos: in campaign the framerate starts to suffer...in LS it lags to the point the hero unit isnt obeying inputs...then 10 seconds later thye finally do...other times it slows down so badly then speeds up to abnormal speeds as if trying to "fast forward" the game 10:31 AM - Lavos: and yes the slowdown-speedup type of problem HAS gotten me killed several times cus my unit wont obey a move order for 10 seconds so i just sit there eatin shit 10:32 AM - Lavos: im sorta happy i got that achievement finall but im still not too happy cus these problems just never cease 11:39 AM - Lavos: ok small update 11:39 AM - Lavos: i made ti to Wave 18 on Anvil map 11:39 AM - Lavos: i woulda started lagging by wwave 2-4 11:39 AM - Lavos: bt ididnt have any 11:40 AM - Lavos: granted, i went into the games graphics settins and turned everythin either to Low or Off 11:40 AM - Lavos: but now its a question of finding out which setting or settings were causing such trouble...given my specs i SHOULDNT be having trouble running the game on High or even Ultra...but for whatever reason i am 11:40 AM - Lavos: for now il lplay on Low just so i can actually play properly 11:41 AM - Lavos: and ill tweak stuff one setting at a time till i see it lag again...then ill know whats causing it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:57 PM - Lavos: i just remembered 6:57 PM - Lavos: Impossible Creatures makes a reference youd love 6:57 PM - Lavos: in the first jungle-island campaign mission 6:58 PM - Lavos: your tasked with puttin out a fire before it destroys the natives village 6:58 PM - Lavos: and so the natives give you Archerfish to combine with other creatures cus they havve a ranged artillery attack using water 6:58 PM - Lavos: and so when its over and you save the village and put out all the fires he goes "so long, and thanks for all the fish" 6:58 PM - Lavos: the main character i mean 6:59 PM - Lavos: i forgot that line was in there till i played it earlier 6:59 PM - Lavos: i just got back from dinner with a friend so 6:59 PM - Lavos: the campaign has several funny moments 7:00 PM - Lavos: the 3rd mission on the arctic island chain you come to the village of the natives (eskimos basically) and they go "the drum messages said you would be coming and that you could be trusted" 7:00 PM - Lavos: and Rex says "weve been flying for hours, how could you hear them?" 7:00 PM - Lavos: and the native says "their really big drums! huge. the latest models." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:49 AM - Lavos: well think im goin to bed 1:49 AM - Lavos: mother nature is having bipolar disorder again 1:49 AM - Lavos: cant decide on a thunderstorm, heavy rain, or high winds 1:49 AM - Lavos: im also kinda tired anyway 1:50 AM - Lavos: my lights have flickered several times so hopefuly wont lose power but if i do, id rather be asleep when i t happens 1:50 AM - Lavos: my dad woke me up this morning sooner than i expected so i woke up dazed and confused wondering why he was asking me about Subway 1:51 AM - Lavos: i was so groggy and dazed from such a sudden wake up that i didnt understand why he was talking ...i think he knew cus he reminded me i wanted to go fill up my subway card and he didnt want to do it yesterday