Lavos: 12:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah huh.. 12:01 AM - Lavos: i like how my atheist friends on facebook sometimes post just casually-funny stuff instead of serious stuff 12:03 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): just reminds me a little bit more of the marilyn monroe scenario than it does of a dilophosaur or something personally but.. yeah 12:03 AM - Lavos: i think its actually supposed to be a King Cobra lol 12:03 AM - Lavos: errrr 12:03 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): looks more like a dilo 12:03 AM - Lavos: Spitting Cobra 12:03 AM - Lavos: it does 12:03 AM - Lavos: but i think its a snake joke, cus people always say that abotu Spitting Cobras, how their venom spray can be accurate up to X feet 12:04 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well the dilos in jurassic park could spit too 12:03 AM - Lavos: also would fit more with a religion joke cus of the Genesis account 12:04 AM - Lavos: and the adam/eve garden thing 12:04 AM - Lavos: but since there isnt any other context ill admit its hard to say for certain lol 12:06 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): with the frill and spit, I still say its supposed to be dilophosaur, jurassic park style 12:06 AM - Lavos: well its possible lol 12:07 AM - Lavos: i lean more towards a Spitting Cobra since its the Catholic Church and thats part of the overall thing of Christianity so you get the genesis account of creation ith satan as the snake lol 12:07 AM - Lavos: also 12:07 AM - Lavos: its possible thats not photoshopped 12:07 AM - Lavos: but im not putting any real faith in that bein the case 12:09 AM - Lavos: but even if photoshopped, i think all they wanted to do is put the popes neck-piece up like that since usually its draped over his shoulders 12:09 AM - Lavos: so given thats the actual shape of the fabric piece its hard to say what the joke really meant 12:11 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): 12:11 AM - Lavos: im aware what that dino's frill looks like, its also akin to a frilled lizard 12:12 AM - Lavos: i think the issue is context..since the words could go either way 12:14 AM - Lavos: visually yes it looks alot like a Dilophosaurus...but it depends on the intent of the context...the "spit holy venom up to 25 feet" could be a reference to a Spitting Cobra as thats something you often hear on nature documentaries regarding them, not necessarily "25 feet" precisely but usually an estimate not too far off that but usualy listed in "feet" at least for US shows 12:14 AM - Lavos: cus Spitting Cobras are known for having very good aim wen it comes to spraying venom in the eyes of enemies which causes temporary blindness i beleive 12:15 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): 12:15 AM - Lavos: and supposedly can aim accuratly at a fairly good distance 12:15 AM - Lavos: well im happy to know the original pic wasnt a photoshop lol 12:16 AM - Lavos: but we shouldnt assume the context is specifically dinosaur just cus its a popular idea, perhaps whoever made the image i linked had a different idea 12:16 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): Ill stick with the popular idea of it 12:16 AM - Lavos: well dinosaurs are always populaar for memes or images basedo ff em lol 12:17 AM - Lavos: if i had to count the number of times raptors appeared in memes id probly be several years older lol 12:17 AM - Lavos: snakes on the other hand arent a usual meme 12:17 AM - Lavos: though not to say they cant be 12:17 AM - Lavos: but i think the exact image i linked is just a bit less certain, not sayin its a snake reference for sure, but not sayin its Dilopho for sure either ---------------------------------------------------------- 7:04 PM - Lavos: but im gonna go take a nap for a couple hours i think 7:04 PM - Lavos: i still havent talked to my folks about a new computer chair 7:05 PM - Lavos: after like nearly 10 years...this ones quite flat, and people think being fat means your butt has cushion...thats not really true means you put more strain on your ass when sitting cus of all the weight pushing down on it 7:05 PM - Lavos: and with a flat computer chair cushion...that leads to lack fo bloodflow 7:05 PM - Lavos: and subsequently numb legs and ass 7:06 PM - Lavos: so i cant sit on it quite as much at a time as i used to