1:21 AM - Lavos: so i forgot to tell ya earlier 1:21 AM - Lavos: but im going to a funeral first thing in the morning 1:21 AM - Lavos: its on sunday but im leaving at 8am tomorrow cus its a 16 hour car drive to that state 1:22 AM - Lavos: my cousin who was diabetic with an amputated leg cus of it is now dead 1:22 AM - Lavos: and with such short notice we couldnt book plane tickets without spendingg a fortune so were driving 1:22 AM - Lavos: 4 of the 6 days gone will be mostly driving to/from illinois, the other 2 will be spent attending the funeral/etc 1:23 AM - Lavos: so by the time we get to illinois we will be just in time for the wake 1:23 AM - Lavos: cus my parents hate doing that drivei n a single go..so they split it over 2 days, drive as far as they can t he first then grab a hotel somewhere then finish the trip the next day 1:23 AM - Lavos: i prefer it that way though 1:24 AM - Lavos: i couldnt survive 16 hours in my dads car cus during trips or vacations im forced to use the back seat...and the back seat in his car has a vendetta against the living 1:24 AM - Lavos: the seatbelts become flat fabric pythons when you so much as barely lean gently forward 1:25 AM - Lavos: the back seats are also very uncomfortable and your ass and legs will begin to go numb after at most 2-3 hours of sit ting in the seat 1:25 AM - Lavos: theres also not much leg room cus of how my folks pack 1:25 AM - Lavos: it was bad enough on the 6 hour drive to the beach but im looking at an 8-10 hour first-day drive tomorrow morning 1:26 AM - Lavos: im leaving at 8am so im gonna get some sleep very shortly 1:26 AM - Lavos: still need to wake up about an hour before then to make sure i can finish packin 1:27 AM - Lavos: good news is...ive already got my clothes mostly if not fully packed cus i never got a chance to unpack them aft er the beach vacation so all m y clean clothes are still in my suitcase...of course thatsl ike 1/3rd of the clothesi own 1:27 AM - Lavos: but i doubt ill need more than whats already in there 1:27 AM - Lavos: but ill double check in the morning 1:27 AM - Lavos: for now, off to get wwhat little sleep i can ---------------------------------------------------------- December-24-15 8:03 PM - Lavos: i hope you get a chance t osee this tonight but if not, whenever you get a chance 8:04 PM - Lavos: my brother gave me the best christmas present ever...im going to be an uncle in June 11:15 PM - Lavos: so i got the best present ever tonight 11:15 PM - Lavos: not a gift exactly 11:15 PM - Lavos: but 11:15 PM - Lavos: im going to be an uncle in approximatly June 11:15 PM - Lavos: my brothers wife is pregnant with his kid but we dont know the gender yet 11:16 PM - Lavos: my parents wanted grandkids for some years now and kept looking to me to provide when i really cant 11:16 PM - Lavos: so im happy in multiple ways 11:16 PM - Lavos: 1 cus im an uncle, 2 cus my folks will have that grandchild they wanted for so long, and 3 cus now i feel the burden of giving my folks grandchildren has been lifted 11:17 PM - Lavos: oh right 11:17 PM - Lavos: i forgot i sent ya that offlin message bout that 11:24 PM - Lavos is now Away. --------------------------------------- January-07-16 8:54 PM - Lavos: welp 8:54 PM - Lavos: im gonna have to grill my friend when he gets back 8:54 PM - Lavos: im getting tired of this shit 8:54 PM - Lavos: hes so terrified to wake me up for a whopping 5 minutes by calling me after he comes back after his usual hour of being gone that he leaves my front door unlocked for that hour 8:54 PM - Lavos: the thing is 8:54 PM - Lavos: i dont fall asleep fast 8:55 PM - Lavos: so generally im still wide awake when he leaves and ive noticed every time my door has been unlocked he shut the door VERY quietly but i also have excellent hearing 8:55 PM - Lavos: so what he thinks i cant hear...i totally can 8:55 PM - Lavos: and the last few times i questioned him on this he said "i mustve done it without thinking" 8:56 PM - Lavos: kinda odd that it only happens when he perceives that im asleep 8:56 PM - Lavos: and when im NOT asleep and he knows im not going to bed he shuts the door like anyone else 8:57 PM - Lavos: so this time im leaving it unlocked except i wont answer my phone when he gets back...gonna see if he tries to come inside since im pretty damn certain he knows he left the door unlocked 8:57 PM - Lavos: but the thing is 8:57 PM - Lavos: i cant have that 8:57 PM - Lavos: its a safety concern 8:57 PM - Lavos: cus while hes gone for an hour, what if one of these times i AM asleep and someone tries to break in or somethin? 8:57 PM - Lavos: they sure wont have any trouble gettin in through an unlocked front door 8:58 PM - Lavos: and im not a light sleeper so when im asleep it aint too easy to wake me up 1:25 AM - Lavos: so i caught my friend red-handed sorta 1:26 AM - Lavos: when he came back i DID answer t he phone but i lied and said id be down in a few minutes 1:26 AM - Lavos: im not sure how hes doing what he is...but he locked my door without even coming inside...and i know he didnt have either of my house keys cus they were still here 1:26 AM - Lavos: but that also means he knew he had unlocked it 1:26 AM - Lavos: he tried to play dumb and say it wasnt him and he doesnt know who did it 1:27 AM - Lavos: but i guess thats 1 benefit of the walls of these houses being thin...cus i could tell easily it was him 1:27 AM - Lavos: i heard the door lock and i was near it, then i heard him walk off the front stoop, go back to his car open the door, get in then shut the door 1:27 AM - Lavos: there was no other car that close to the front of my house that had anyone in the car 1:27 AM - Lavos: at the same time...he woulda been the only one who was standing on my front step 1:28 AM - Lavos: and when he walks up and down that step its pretty audible even from inside the house 1:28 AM - Lavos: cus he wears boots all year round so he makes heavier footsteps than most people 1:28 AM - Lavos: and the front stoop is made of a hard materiaal that looks and feels like concrete but isnt 1:28 AM - Lavos: so i had al ong talk with him and he thinks im done but im not 1:29 AM - Lavos: im concerned that he may have took my spare house key to a shop sometime and made a copy of it 1:29 AM - Lavos: he couldnt have used either key to re-lock the door cus both were inside the house the entire time he was gone 1:30 AM - Lavos: i made sure neither was missing 1:30 AM - Lavos: but i cant tolerate him doing this 1:30 AM - Lavos: i know HE isnt trying to be malicious or endanger me...but most people would never dare do such a thing because its inherently risky 1:30 AM - Lavos: he doesnt see it as a problem that he leaves my door unlocked for an hour or sometimes 1.5 hours while hes gone and im takin a nap or somethin 1:31 AM - Lavos: but if my door is unlocked that makes it REAL easy for someone to force entry into the house...they wouldnt have to do much 1:31 AM - Lavos: so tomorrow i plan to question him 1:31 AM - Lavos: and also find out how he lockedm y door 1:32 AM - Lavos: cus i was there when it happened , i heard the lock click and when i stepped the rest of the way down the stairs i saw the lock was back in the Locked position when it was not before that 1:32 AM - Lavos: i left the door unlocked after i discovered he had unlocked it before he left 1:32 AM - Lavos: cus i was using that to trap him 1:33 AM - Lavos: cus i knew that HE knew he unlocked the door so i used that as a trap to catch him in the act 1:33 AM - Lavos: but im more concerned that he re-locked my door from outside the house...the only real way to easily do that without causing damage to the door or lock is to have the right key 1:33 AM - Lavos: and i know theres places in town where you can take a key and have them create 1 or more duplicates of it 1:34 AM - Lavos: so i worry he had done that at some point without my permission ---------------------------------------------- January-15-16 6:21 PM - Lavos: perfect timing 6:21 PM - Lavos: was just wondering how soon youd be able to start playin Season 5 later 6:22 PM - Lavos: i know we stil got a bit over 1.5 hours till it goes live 6:22 PM - Lavos: ive been tryin my hand at Set Dungeons 6:22 PM - Lavos: some of em are hard, not so much that its easy to die, its really kindah ard to in most of em 6:23 PM - Lavos: but some of em have some really hard requirements, like for Marauders, it says you cant let an enemy get in melee range...but thats made extremely hard because theres Rockworms in some spots of the map 6:23 PM - Lavos: now you dont fail the entire dungeon for just misssing 1 objective, but you cant get the Mastery level completion unless you complete ALL the objectives 6:24 PM - Lavos: so those dragon wings are gonna be hard to get lol 6:24 PM - Lavos: not only cus it makes you do all 24 Set Dungeons 6:24 PM - Lavos: but completing the Mastery portion of them is gonna be tough to do on all 24 6:25 PM - Lavos: at least the basic completion isnt hard, just needs you to beat 1 primary objective and then survive the dungeon 6:25 PM - Lavos: but yeah i did want to know about what time you planned to play later 6:26 PM - Keira Kelly(RaptorRed): dont know that Im going to, if SD is going to play, Im going to when he is but.. later tonight, Im working on some stuff in elder scrolls online 6:27 PM - Lavos: well maxi probably wont be till 11 or so 6:27 PM - Lavos: guess ill be doing it how i did last season, make at least 3 characters lol 6:27 PM - Lavos: and play 1 on my own and use 1 or both of the others for group play till 70