4:18 PM - Lavos: wanted to ask if youd possibly be up for some D3 later 4:18 PM - Lavos: was planning to go take a nap so id be awake later tonight 4:18 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): probably likely 4:19 PM - Lavos: ok 4:19 PM - Lavos: well my friend had work today 4:19 PM - Lavos: so he wont be buggin me till about 1am or so 4:19 PM - Lavos: gives me plenty of time to have a good nap 4:20 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah 9:02 PM - Lavos: hopefully my net is back to bein stable 9:02 PM - Lavos: earlier it was actin weird 9:02 PM - Lavos: id lose connection on steam/skype/nb-net and so on 9:02 PM - Lavos: but my net icon on the taskbar would NOT show that there was a disconnection 9:36 PM - Lavos: well 9:36 PM - Lavos: net seems stable 9:36 PM - Lavos: so lets hope that keeps up for later 9:55 PM - Lavos: just wonderin forl ater 9:55 PM - Lavos: have you reached 70 on season 2? 11:45 PM - Lavos: i think 11:45 PM - Lavos: i actually wanna cancel D3 tonight 11:45 PM - Lavos: i probly shouldnt stay up that late 11:46 PM - Lavos: since it will be tuesday tomorrow 11:46 PM - Lavos: worst case we can play on wednesday 11:46 PM - Lavos: if tuesday doesnt work out 11:46 PM - Lavos: also i kinda want to play Heroes a bit 11:46 PM - Lavos: ive been mostly just doing my daily quest there and not much real playin 11:46 PM - Lavos: but that might persist till 2am or so 11:46 PM - Lavos: and i should probly get to bed after that 11:48 PM - Lavos: but ill see what happens around 1am ---------------------------------------- 8:26 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its not really orchestral so much as synth music actually 8:27 PM - Lavos: well, they did hire actual groups of peopple with instruments for most of the tracks 8:27 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): the one you sent wasnt real instruments at all 8:27 PM - Lavos: well squaresoft was pretty well known for doing that...i mean creating entire orchestras to compose the music of their RPGs 8:29 PM - Lavos: it may not sound like it to some people but i think its hard to tell a good orchestra from syntth if both are done well enough, obviously there was a degree of digitizing because they couldnt direct record to the game disc, im sure the music had to be recorded then processed into formats that would fit on the media 8:35 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I know how to tell the difference.. Ive been in an orchestra... 8:35 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): synth and real sound completely different >< 8:36 PM - Lavos: if you hear it live, sure 8:36 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): no, even in digital format 8:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): Im a musician with years of being right beside the real thing and hearing synth stuff.. I know >, 8:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ><* 8:37 PM - Lavos: ive heard live orchestras vs recordings too, and they dont sound quite the same 8:37 PM - Lavos: the recordings once digitized have some differences, not huge ones, but noticable 8:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I even have digitalized versions of my own orchestra playing.. I well know the difference between real and fake 8:38 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I know what each instrument sounds like in either way and I know how a synth sounds when trying to reproduce the sound 8:38 PM - Lavos: well then let me make 1 argument: just how good are you at identifying 20+ instruments in an orchestra all at once? 8:39 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): very lol 8:39 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I had to be.. had to be able to pick out everything even when I was in the middle of it... >< 8:39 PM - Lavos: for some reason i find that hard to beleive, im not doubting you have some ability, probly far better than ill ever be im sure 8:39 PM - Lavos: but let me make 1 final case 8:39 PM - Lavos: last year i forget the time frame 8:40 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I was in orchestral bands for over 7 years... 8:40 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): part of that is having to listen to everything going on, keeping in time, knowing who is playing what.. etc... 8:40 PM - Lavos: nintendo set up a series of large events across the USA playing in diff months, these were orchestra performances of music from pokemon, tickets sold out obscenely fast, but prior to the events they could only give us samples of the music, and it sounded much different at the actual orchestras 8:40 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its a part of being in an orchestra ---------------------------------------- 1:13 AM - Lavos: im truly vexed 1:13 AM - Lavos: some guy on youtube claims to know me, is calling me a douche and acting like 1 himself...i cant even remember the guy and the name isnt familiar 1:13 AM - Lavos: yet he wont identify himselff and even claims the reason i dont remember is that i get into too many fights there 1:13 AM - Lavos: the balls on this guy and the level of hypocrisy are off the charts 1:15 AM - Lavos: youtube ahs become mostly a cesspool of hate and negativity, so with someone as strong of convictions as me and with the views i have, its no real surprise that i manage to pissp eople off constantly...course some of that would happen regardless cus some people go off on me merely for identifying as an atheist even fi i dont provoke them ---------------------------------------- 7:12 PM - Lavos: i mean, i had people ogling me in cabal 1 just because in MMOs i never make all male characters and usually split it down the middle about 50/50 male and female 7:13 PM - Lavos: i wouldnt even have to be dancing to restore sp meter 7:13 PM - Lavos: so i cant fathom why anyone would think mostly making breast physics impossible to notice by being such tiny and borderline invisible animations is going to stop anyone from staring 7:15 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I wouldnt understand the interesting in having such physics anyways.. 7:15 PM - Lavos: well, i wouldnt love or hate cabal any moreo r less if it didnt have em 7:15 PM - Lavos: so for me its not a big deal 7:16 PM - Lavos: but i just cant understand why they would add something like that but outside character creation make it a non-feature 7:16 PM - Lavos: whats the point of even adding it to begin with in that case? 7:16 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): doesnt make sense just from a simple fighting mechanic standpoint even 7:17 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it would hurt to not be.. supported... while fighting 7:17 PM - Lavos: lol 7:17 PM - Lavos: well i agree ---------------------------------------- Lavos 1:17 AM cus my parents dont ever !@#$in listen to me i think they learned to not listen when i was a kid but they never abandond the habit as i got older >_< just like their various ways of thinking that i act like the world revolves around me...when i was only like that as a kid