10:14 PM - Lavos: i wonder if you can help me at all X_X 10:14 PM - Lavos: if you see her online on b-net....try and tell her she needs t oget in touch with me 10:14 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): she's been on a few times later 10:14 PM - Lavos: i know >_< 10:14 PM - Lavos: just 30 min ago actually 10:14 PM - Lavos: for 3 min 10:14 PM - Lavos: while i had the window behind other stuff 10:15 PM - Lavos: because i refuse to sit there for hours on end staring at a friends list 10:15 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I saw her sitting on bnet last night 10:15 PM - Lavos: b-net told me that too 10:15 PM - Lavos: i missed her by 30 min this morning 10:15 PM - Lavos: but this isnt helping 10:15 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): im going into game now 10:15 PM - Lavos: well can we talk about this later? 10:16 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I guess 10:16 PM - Lavos: ill probly be up tonight...though its so stressful i really dont wanna be March-04-15 12:52 AM - Lavos: well if your not free to talk in a short bit...im about ready to pass out 12:52 AM - Lavos: also my eyes are feeling strained tonight...not sure why 12:52 AM - Lavos: but sitting in front of a screen has not helped 12:53 AM - Lavos: i also never got dinner...and im just now being hit with feelings of hunger...ill go get some food and see if your available to talk for a bit when iget back 12:54 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): k 12:54 AM - Lavos: my pc teacher was right all those years ago 12:55 AM - Lavos: he was also a psychologist by trade 12:55 AM - Lavos: and he has supposedly successfully hypnotized people...but he always refused to do it on me at school so that id do my homework 12:55 AM - Lavos: he once told me "it truly is mind over matter" and hes so damn right 12:55 AM - Lavos: i last ate at noon 12:56 AM - Lavos: usually i woulda been at least mildly hungry 6 hours ago 12:56 AM - Lavos: but i got so occupied my brain didnt trigger 12:56 AM - Lavos: so now im starving so ill go eat some food real quick then ill come back 1:18 AM - Lavos is now Online. 1:19 AM - Lavos: ok im back 1:19 AM - Lavos: for a few min 1:19 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): wb 1:19 AM - Lavos: so about the maxi issue 1:19 AM - Lavos: i dunno if this is asking too much 1:19 AM - Lavos: but if you see her online on b-net 1:19 AM - Lavos: could you attempt to notify her that i need to speak to her? 1:20 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I suppose, if I see her.. though I think she was set as away the past few times 1:21 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): havent seen her that much 1:21 AM - Lavos: sadly i cant use offline messaging on b-net, it doesnt support it...and shes been even worse about getting on steam 1:21 AM - Lavos: well all im askin is you try 1:21 AM - Lavos: cus if im not awake, obviously i wont know if shes online 1:21 AM - Lavos: and i have not been getting good sleep at night hte past several days, so staying up late is counterproductive 1:22 AM - Lavos: also i cant monitor my b-net friends list 24/7 1:22 AM - Lavos: as it only pops up notifications if im in a game 1:22 AM - Lavos: and if im not in a game, chances are im occupied so im not actively checking it 1:22 AM - Lavos: hence earlier today 1:22 AM - Lavos: where she logged in for 3 min 1:22 AM - Lavos: i was actually here 1:23 AM - Lavos: but was busy with some other stuff so i hadnt checked it in a while 1:23 AM - Lavos: and only found out 5 min after she left 1:23 AM - Lavos: but nayway 1:23 AM - Lavos: yeah 1:23 AM - Lavos: if you see her, try to contact her 1:24 AM - Lavos: i dont know if she will show up again tonight 1:24 AM - Lavos: or if itll be another night 1:24 AM - Lavos: this inactivity is partly why its buggin me..because my options to speak to her are limited for a few reasons 1:24 AM - Lavos: b-net doesnt support offline messaging so if i dont realize shes there for whatever reason, and she doesnt say anything, then thats kindau seless 1:25 AM - Lavos: she hasnt been gettin on steam hardly at all, last i heard her say, she was havin issues 1:25 AM - Lavos: with steam i mean 1:25 AM - Lavos: but at the same time 1:25 AM - Lavos: i dont have any other avenue to contact her 1:25 AM - Lavos: she apparently has a really shitty cellphone plan (her family does most likely) so she wont gimme her number to make texting a thing 1:26 AM - Lavos: which may seem odd to you, but for mei ts cheaper than long distance calls 1:26 AM - Lavos: and it also is an easy way to stay in contact with specific people 1:26 AM - Lavos: i prefer not to call said people because id be charged long distance, so would they, and that would suck 1:26 AM - Lavos: but texting under most plans is free to a limited extent 1:26 AM - Lavos: you typically get X amount free per month 1:27 AM - Lavos: and usualy its fairly generous 1:27 AM - Lavos: and theres hardly any phone service providers in the USA anymore that do NOT have a decent texting plan 1:27 AM - Lavos: i hear Sprint and AT&T are the last pair who dont give good rates on texting 1:28 AM - Lavos: but most people i know, both family, friends (on and offline) dont have plans through Sprint or AT&T 1:28 AM - Lavos: so its not a problem in most cases 1:28 AM - Lavos: it also does let me keep up with some specific online friends who i like to keep in touch with 1:28 AM - Lavos: because sometimes skype isnt an option, either their at work, i might be out of town with no net, or any number of things 1:29 AM - Lavos: also im not too big on texting so i dont do it alot 1:29 AM - Lavos: but maxi doesnt use skype anymore either 1:29 AM - Lavos: so thats also not an option 1:30 AM - Lavos: and i cant use the Nintendo 3DS to reach her because Nintendo decided that only thr Wii U would support private messages to friends via the Miiverse app 1:30 AM - Lavos: and she rarely uses her wii u, at least for the time being till a new game comes out on it she wants...and who knows when thatll be 1:30 AM - Lavos: so steam and b-net are all i have 1:30 AM - Lavos: and those arent workin out too well for now 1:30 AM - Lavos: so yeah 1:31 AM - Lavos: any help would be appreciated, even ifi ts just a simple reminder to her to contact me if/when you see her 1:31 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): if I see her 1:31 AM - Lavos: also for some reason 1:31 AM - Lavos: b-net keeps removing her from my Favorites list 1:31 AM - Lavos: not sure why ------------------------------ 12:19 AM - Lavos: i totally forgot i know maxi on youtube 12:19 AM - Lavos: i hope a message there reaches her easier than steam 12:19 AM - Lavos: i dont know whats the deal with her lately 12:19 AM - Lavos: all i know is its drivin me crazy 12:21 AM - Lavos: i know she said she was havin trouble with steam, but that didnt stop her from loggin in the 1 sunday then failing to meet what she promised me the tuesday after...and literally made me feel ill when i waited till 12am only to turn on my 3ds and find out she was playing Monster hunter...now she did login that tuesday, but at 3am in the morning...and i told her that sunday i wouldnt be stayin up that late for that week cus of the pending b-day shenanigans 12:21 AM - Lavos: the 1 sunday she logged in here and i saw her...we talked a fair bit 12:26 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah 12:27 AM - Lavos: im hoping she visits youtubee a bit more regularly 12:27 AM - Lavos: if she does itll tell her with notifications that she has a message from me 12:28 AM - Lavos: also 12:28 AM - Lavos: do you remember anything about that problem in Ferguson Missouri that was all over the news some months back? where Michael Brown got shot dead by the pussy ass cop who was "so scared" but decided to give chase? 12:29 AM - Lavos: turns out it goes alot deeper than just the mike brown incident 12:29 AM - Lavos: the Department of Justice recently did a big investigation on the city 12:30 AM - Lavos: turns out, both the police and local courts are in a conspiracy...and its not exactly about demonizing black citizens, they just happened to be the biggest victim 12:30 AM - Lavos: and the real problem is 1 not exclusive to ferguson...ferguson just chose 1 of the worst ways to deal with it 12:30 AM - Lavos: the issue is the city and being able to fund it...in the case of ferguson...they get all that extra revenue by terrorizing the middle and lower class which are 67% blacks 12:31 AM - Lavos: in 2013 alone they had 9000 citations for traffic tickets...in a city of only 16000 people 12:31 AM - Lavos: and this investigation by the Derpartment of Justice is pretty damning 12:31 AM - Lavos: there are emails upon emails both between the police and even jointly the police and courts BRAGGING about writing people tickets to keep that cash comin 12:32 AM - Lavos: 1 woman is now practically homeless after a $150 traffic ticket has now cost her upwards of $700 and she was having trouble paying with just the $150...but they just keep tacking more on 12:32 AM - Lavos: 1 man lost his job, and the real shitty part is that he was a registered Government Contractor so he was already filed and approved with the city 12:34 AM - Lavos: sooo he got pulled over after playin basketball, and because it happened to be next to a playground, the cop wrote him up for being a Pedo...and then gave hium a false Fraud charge wich cost him his job...the Fraud one was all because when asked his name, he replied with Mike but on his ID/etc it says Michael...which is NOT a fraud charge...especialyl when the guy is registered as a government employee 12:35 AM - Lavos: the reason ferguson suffered all those riots and so on following the Michael Brown case is because this shit has been going on for years now, and it reached a boiling point...people there dont trust police, and i cant blame em 12:35 AM - Lavos: but this kind of problem with city revenue isnt exclusive t o there...it happens in many cities, but usually the cities use much more subtle means that also dont demonize the people living there 12:36 AM - Lavos: of course some judges, the cops confirmed in all those emails werent being fair but they kept them in position BECAUSE these judges caused more citations thus more money to the city flowing...so it all came down to how to fund a city 12:42 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah 12:42 AM - Lavos: in 1 way 12:42 AM - Lavos: im glad the Department of Justice launched the investigation...but it does make me question why it took so long 12:43 AM - Lavos: whenever tyhe DoJ gets involved usually it means somethin aint right 12:43 AM - Lavos: because you dont bring in the DoJ for petty issues 12:46 AM - Lavos: i only hope that something positive comes of it 12:46 AM - Lavos: because its a deplorable practice 12:46 AM - Lavos: and it keeps people in suffering by locking them down financially 12:46 AM - Lavos: it costs people their jobs, possibly even their homes 12:49 AM - Lavos: anyway 12:49 AM - Lavos: think im gonna try goin back to bed