3:41 PM - Lavos: o.o 3:41 PM - Lavos: why didnt i know about Ikaruga being released on steam for $10 3:41 PM - Lavos: like a while ago 3:42 PM - Lavos: i was planning to buy that when i went and got a Gamecube..but that game became Rare when the gamecube was still being manufactured like 10 years ago 3:42 PM - Lavos: so it has a VERY high pricetag, $100+ easy 3:42 PM - Lavos: but now its on steam for $10? i gotta buy that 3:45 PM - Lavos: its a 90s-style top-down ship shooter of the same genre as stuff like Gradius, Galaga, R-Type and so on 3:45 PM - Lavos: but its earned its place as a member of the Bullet-Hell subgenre 3:46 PM - Lavos: it even has a unique mechanic that sets it apart from other games but becomes not just why its different but also adds to the difficulty 3:46 PM - Lavos: its a very challenging game 3:47 PM - Lavos: Shoot! Dodge! and... Get Hit!? "Ikaruga" is a vertical shoot 'em up that features an unique polarity-switching gameplay. Switch the ship's polarity and "get hit and absorb" enemy bullets! Achieve High Score with the chain bonus! 3:48 PM - Lavos: thats the descrip straight from the steam page...and its accurate 6:11 PM - Lavos: http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/blizzcon-toys-collectibles/dead-treasure-goblin-plush.html 6:11 PM - Lavos: do want 6:12 PM - Lavos: also maxi is going out to dinner 6:12 PM - Lavos: ill talk to her after 6:12 PM - Lavos: she never quite said yesterday WHY she couldnt do D3 tonight...so i plan to ask about that 6:14 PM - Lavos: also they got Legacy of the Void shirts on the merchandise 6:14 PM - Lavos: wonder if that means we can expect it in 2015 6:33 PM - Lavos: well fuck me... 6:34 PM - Lavos: i didnt botherf to preorder any of the Amiibo figures that some of which are coming out alongside Smash Bros on Wii U in literally 7 days 6:34 PM - Lavos: turns out they do alot more than most of us thought 6:34 PM - Lavos: a lvl 9 AI in Smash seems hard at first but once you get used to the game their piss easy to beat 6:34 PM - Lavos: and theres no higher selectable AI level 6:35 PM - Lavos: but the Amiibo figures arent just plastic shelf decorations 6:35 PM - Lavos: you can scan a chip inside them into various games to do various things 6:35 PM - Lavos: so far Smash is the only game that will both receive AND send data back to the figures chip 6:35 PM - Lavos: the other games so far only receive data 6:35 PM - Lavos: but in Smash ti also becomes a trainable AI fighter player 6:35 PM - Lavos: and from what i just saw? crazy brutal at max lvl 6:36 PM - Lavos: even capable of giving good human players a run for their money 6:36 PM - Lavos: or flat out beatinfg them 6:36 PM - Lavos: the AI for these also seems to learn and adapt to battling as it happens 6:36 PM - Lavos: Jwittz noted at first the AI was having trouble beating Donkey Kong's down+b special 6:37 PM - Lavos: but after a death from it...it stopped rushnig him and started projectile spamming when he did that attack 6:37 PM - Lavos: which thats basically a melee attack 6:37 PM - Lavos: so mid-fight it developed a counter-tactic to what he was doing 6:38 PM - Lavos: course getting the full set of these figures wont be cheap, while per piece its not too bad at $12.99 6:38 PM - Lavos: theres 18 of them so far, only maybe half that releasing on the 21st 6:38 PM - Lavos: course they do look good on a shelf 6:38 PM - Lavos: in addition to each figure unlocking certain features in games 6:39 PM - Lavos: it actually seems quite a bit like that Skylanders stuff that came from the Spyro universe i beleive 6:39 PM - Lavos: cus i think Skylanders is a similar concept 6:39 PM - Lavos: but i think Amiibos wont be as cash-heavy 6:39 PM - Lavos: theres not as much collecting needed 6:39 PM - Lavos: also the only reason to have more than 1 is for the games OTHER than Smash Bros 6:40 PM - Lavos: in Smash you can only register 1 to your personal profile at a time 6:40 PM - Lavos: but it is possible to have multiple active, presumably by using someone elses data 6:40 PM - Lavos: still 6:41 PM - Lavos: im a big Samus Aran fan from Metroid particularly in Smash Bros...shes not near as good in this version as she was in all past Smash games but she can still get the job done...also is still 1 of a very small numbero f a characters with a ranged grab 6:41 PM - Lavos: but they are making an Amiibo of Samus in the Power Suit 6:41 PM - Lavos: i beleive its actually the Varia Suit judging by the design 6:42 PM - Lavos: the normal Power Suit has the same color scheme but isnt as bulky 6:42 PM - Lavos: the Varia Suit is also probly her most iconic version of the Power Suit 6:42 PM - Lavos: first one you get in mosto f the games and provides protection vs extreme temperature areas where otherwise they would drain your life just by being in them 6:44 PM - Lavos: ah ok 6:44 PM - Lavos: thats how you get multiple AI players from Amiibos in 1 game 6:44 PM - Lavos: you send the character data BACK to the figure then you can take it to another persons Wii U and use both yours and theirs 6:44 PM - Lavos: for me i wont be able to because i dont know anyone else that has a Wii U 6:44 PM - Lavos: currently ------------------------------------ 11:57 PM - Lavos: bruised my kneeecaps 11:57 PM - Lavos: and elbows 11:57 PM - Lavos: cus i got a bad habit of playing the PS3 on my couch hunched over with my elbows resting right behind my knees...depending how tense the gaming gets they can really dig in after a while 11:58 PM - Lavos: and i just sat though ~8 10 min matches 11:58 PM - Lavos: maybe 9 11:58 PM - Lavos: wasnt countin honestly 11:58 PM - Lavos: but i got my PS3 hooked to my new router/modem combo, got it port forwarded aND assigned to DMZ 11:58 PM - Lavos: since DMZ Mode is safe on PS3 11:59 PM - Lavos: and helps alot with connecting to people in multiplayer games 11:59 PM - Lavos: i would never DMZ a PC tho 11:59 PM - Lavos: but due to how PS3s work...viruses cant do jack even if they get on the system cus they cant auto-execute code 11:59 PM - Lavos: just how the PS3 runs at its core basically keeps em form workin --------------------------------------- 12:58 AM - Lavos: happy new years 12:58 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): happy new years 12:58 AM - Lavos: i know im an hour late, just got home 12:59 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah 12:58 AM - Lavos: been at my folks since 7pm lol 12:59 AM - Lavos: i dont think i wanna do any D3 tonight 12:59 AM - Lavos: for 2 reasons 12:59 AM - Lavos: 1 im very full and probly wont be awake much longer 12:59 AM - Lavos: 2. its new years 12:59 AM - Lavos: and most people went off to partieso r other events 12:59 AM - Lavos: 3. my friend had planned for he and i to play some Dragon's Crown when he gets off work which will bge shortly 1:00 AM - Lavos: and 4 1:00 AM - Lavos: maci will be busy for ~1 week 1:00 AM - Lavos: she has relatives in town 1:00 AM - Lavos: yeah thats 2 reasons...times 2 1:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its like the spanish inquisition sketch --------------------------------- 10:15 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): whenever you see this.. I will just say.. you are going to hate me for what I found in d3 after you left... 11:01 PM - Lavos: why am i not surprised 11:01 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): krider an hour after you left 11:01 PM - Lavos: >_< 11:02 PM - Lavos: oh i dont hate you...i love you 11:02 PM - Lavos: *hides dagger* ------------------------------------ 7:26 PM - Lavos: i think i injured myself earlier 7:26 PM - Lavos: though im not in pain 7:27 PM - Lavos: i went and swept the snow off my front step and part of the sidewalk so id be able to get out of the housse to go out to dinner 7:27 PM - Lavos: got back inside after, so tired i almost collapsed 7:27 PM - Lavos: then i realized i could barely hear 7:27 PM - Lavos: apparently my allergies that give me hay fever didnt like that rigorous sweeping 7:28 PM - Lavos: that ringing in my ears that made it hard to hear did wear off after i rested for 25 min 7:28 PM - Lavos: but my left arm is experiencing somethin a bit odd, its not pain but when i begin to curl my fingers as if to grab something or clench my fist...the whole arm kinda shakes rather much and uncontrollably 7:29 PM - Lavos: im pretty sure i messed up my arm doing all that snow-sweeping 7:29 PM - Lavos: cus that was the main arm i was using to direct the broom 7:29 PM - Lavos: i figure if its not better in 2-3 days, THEN i can worry 7:29 PM - Lavos: but for now, im goin ot ed 7:30 PM - Lavos: bed* 7:30 PM - Lavos: i got 1 hour of sleep last night, and have been awake since 8am 10:35 PM - Lavos: if you hear the sound of maxi being strangled whenever she next logs into steam..dont worry everything's OK February-21-15 12:57 AM - Lavos: gonna be goin to bed shortly