8:48 PM - Lavos: im fairely sure maxi will be 8:48 PM - Lavos: but i do wanna ask a favor, im not sure anything like this would ever happen purely due to the various circumstances regarding all of us 8:49 PM - Lavos: but if raven is online when the 3 of us are playing D3 on any given night, if you want to play wit her, id ask that you go off to do it and leave me and maxi...not hating you of course 8:50 PM - Lavos: but i dont need maxi being exposed to any negative sentiments...cus then shes gonna be confused as to why its happening and thats a mess i just dont wanna deal with 8:50 PM - Lavos: id rather just keep things entirely peaceful, if that means you have to go off sometimes to play with raven, thats fine 8:50 PM - Lavos: becuse i know you dont feel that way about me 8:50 PM - Lavos: so i wont take issue with it...and that way raven also has someone to play with when shes on 8:51 PM - Lavos: as much as i feel disapponited in her chosen actions...im not going to start being vengeful 8:51 PM - Lavos: if she wishes to act that way towards me...let her...shes doing me a favor by getting rid of me in this case...because id rather be around people who are friends...not those who apparently only pretend to be, in regards to me of course 8:52 PM - Lavos: but of course i dont want this whole mess with her to start over-reaching into other things 8:52 PM - Lavos: cus my ultimate goal is to keep everything peaceful 8:53 PM - Lavos: and while yes, ill probly still be thinking alot about raven for a bit...its not bothering me as much now 8:53 PM - Lavos: but thats only cus its still fresh 8:53 PM - Lavos: in time itll become just a cautionary tale for me to remember 8:54 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): 1. she hasnt been on at night in a fair while, 2. I have yet to see her cause any kind of problems, 3. I dont really appreciated being suggested to be a solution to a problem which really doesnt involve me at all 8:55 PM - Lavos: only reason i mentioned you, is because even if i dont get along with her...i dont want her to feel like shes "alone" in D3...and i didnt say this situation would necessarily happen 8:55 PM - Lavos: and it may never happen 8:55 PM - Lavos: but i think its at least worthwhile to brainstorm possibilities in case it ever does 8:55 PM - Lavos: your free to make any suggestions you want 8:56 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I dont think its needed to be "planned".. just deal with it if it comes up 8:56 PM - Lavos: i just dont want to be ill-equipped should something ever happen 8:56 PM - Lavos: well id like a plan ahead of time 8:56 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well I dont for myself -------------------------------------------------------------------- 6:36 PM - Lavos: can you fo me a favor... 6:36 PM - Lavos: kill me 6:36 PM - Lavos: now 6:36 PM - Lavos: im kidddin of course 6:36 PM - Lavos: but sometimes i want to invvent a space ship and just go live on some other planet 6:36 PM - Lavos: i just had a guy tell me to claim to know atheism 6:36 PM - Lavos: yet hes a catholic christian...the same denomination i was once 6:37 PM - Lavos: he claims all these things and to know what morality is 6:37 PM - Lavos: but you knoww something is wrong with a persons senseo f morality when the following is their excuse to bitch about atheism 6:37 PM - Lavos: "well according to atheists were all just dirt, and what we feel is only a chemical reaction so why does anything matter?" 6:38 PM - Lavos: even if we are made of space dust...even if it just chemical reactions...thats no excuse for ANYONE to surrender their humanity 6:39 PM - Lavos: this guy just doesnt understand that when he says things like that...saying "sorry if i came across as a bit mean" isnt gonna cut it...he just said someting offensive to all sentient beings...atheist or religious alike 6:40 PM - Lavos: we have feelings like happy, sad, angry and feel things like joy, sorrow, mounring, delight and a whole rangeo f things BECAUSE we are human...most animals cannot feel things on such a deep level...their brains just arent advanced enough 6:41 PM - Lavos: thats not to say some animals cant feel these things to a limited extent...i know my dog feels good when i come to my parents house and she runs up to the door barking like crazy wagging her tail..dogs and cats can ffeel emotions like happiness, sadness, anger or fear to an extent...just not QUITE as deep as we can...but many other animals cant even do that...my turtle for example, he may be interested in humans but i dont think its because he feels happy around us, i dont think he has the ability to feel sad or angry