12:51 AM - Lavos: and ive never had any luck with Steams "verify files" 12:51 AM - Lavos: never fixes anything for me 12:51 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I have 12:51 AM - Lavos: odd 12:51 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its kind of hit or miss though 12:51 AM - Lavos: cus now your not having luck with ACM but i am lol 12:51 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): depends on the game 12:51 AM - Lavos: karma? who knows 12:51 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): would not make sense for it to be karma 12:53 AM - Lavos: well since karma is imaginary but seems real just because of how humanity works...of course it doesnt make sense 12:54 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): no, I mean calling it not working for me karma means that Ive done something bad to deserve it... which is not so.. so that doesnt make sense 12:54 AM - Lavos: mmm 12:55 AM - Lavos: i wasnt aware karma necessarily implies something bad happened 12:55 AM - Lavos: i was told once by a wise teacher karma basically means "what goes around comes around" 12:55 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): saying something not so good happening to someone karma implied that they deserved it for something else they did, which had to be bad as well 12:55 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yeah 12:55 AM - Lavos: which in that context...doenst necessarily impy bad actions 12:55 AM - Lavos: usualyl when someone says that 12:55 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): karma refers to a persons actions having consquences in the universal order of things 12:55 AM - Lavos: they use it in a way to mean "be a dick and get treated like one" 12:56 AM - Lavos: yes 12:56 AM - Lavos: but karma like i said, is a human invention 12:56 AM - Lavos: we perceive it as "real" mainly because its principle seems to apply 12:56 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): that is kind of beside the point 12:56 AM - Lavos: but not really cus karma is real lol 12:56 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): nothing to do with the point that was being made 12:56 AM - Lavos: also karma can be good or bad 12:57 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): obviously something not working is bad karma, and hence to be perceived from the person doing something bad.. 12:57 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): which I havent 12:57 AM - Lavos: well thats not really what i meant by it 12:57 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): but thats what the term means so.. 12:57 AM - Lavos: what i meant is "huh, stuff not working for you but working for me...previously stuff not working for me but working for you" aka DoW2 12:57 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well thats not karma lol 12:58 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): thats more irony 12:58 AM - Lavos: it kinda is...not in the traditional sense of karma 12:58 AM - Lavos: if one assumes karma is alwyas inherently negative...sure it wont be considered karma 12:58 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its irony 12:58 AM - Lavos: i think karma can be bad, good or neutral 12:58 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): but karma is directly tied to a person's actions so.. 12:58 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it does not apply to this 12:58 AM - Lavos: ok well tie it to an action :P 12:59 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): just go with irony 12:59 AM - Lavos: l9ol 12:59 AM - Lavos: well regardless 12:59 AM - Lavos: debate and humor aside 12:59 AM - Lavos: i need to head to bed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:44 PM - Lavos: im sure youve heard my frustration with my parents before 4:44 PM - Lavos: well its goin on again... 4:44 PM - Lavos: i was woken up at 10am with a surprise call i was NOT expecting based on what they told me last night 4:44 PM - Lavos: as they were supposed to orfer that WiiU last night but it didnt work out cus my dad got sick 4:45 PM - Lavos: so i talked to my mom last night...she said wed talk this morning and figure out the best plan 4:45 PM - Lavos: but instead 4:45 PM - Lavos: i got a call from my dad at 10am waking me up telling me "i bought it, its $395 with tax".... 4:45 PM - Lavos: i was furious but too damn tired to say anything 4:46 PM - Lavos: apparently he was supposed to call me BEFORE making the purchase...but like normal when my mom can say something ot positivelyt alter a coming scenario...she uses words that dont do jack squat...so all she did was tell him "remember to call andrew"...thinking hed do it before but failing to tell him that...so i get called AFTER 4:46 PM - Lavos: and she didnt even know till a bit ago 4:46 PM - Lavos: of course despite this being her fault and now im paying $80 more than i had planned for 4:47 PM - Lavos: because when it coulddnt be ordered last night i was intending to buy a local bundle for $300 with tax would be $315...but i couldnt do that....so now instead of paying this off for tomorrow and the week after this week...im stuck with no money till the end of the month and i had a few plans for some of that money 4:48 PM - Lavos: and my folks like usual love to bitch at me about "responsibility" yet when a situation comes up where i get boned and they are at fault...they dont feel responsible for putting me in that position...and never offer help or compensation of ANY kind 4:48 PM - Lavos: next time they givem e an abridged lecture on "responsibility" im going to remind them exactly how they act ------------------------------------ 5:32 PM - Lavos: also 5:32 PM - Lavos: talk bout irony 5:32 PM - Lavos: the ammy was Kymbo's Gold 5:32 PM - Lavos: spawned with a socket 5:32 PM - Lavos: its special affix 5:32 PM - Lavos: and 90% GF 5:32 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well thats coincidence rather than irony but.. not bad 5:33 PM - Lavos: irony cus i wwas about to enter The Vault which 9is jam packed with gold 5:33 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well irony means the opposite of the intended, so in this case, its coincidence 5:33 PM - Lavos: well whatever 5:33 PM - Lavos: still a strange happenin ------------------------------------------ [1:17:09 PM] Lavos the calamity: she wouldnt know [1:17:33 PM] Lavos the calamity: because i dont behave in such ways around her...because i know she doesnt appreciate that kinda stuff...so i dont do anything to bug her [1:17:46 PM] Lavos the calamity: thats 1 reason i was worried about how you and her would get along [1:17:58 PM] Lavos the calamity: your a bit more "enthusiastic" to say it politely... 4:22 PM - TheSolarianWolf: i like the "dont do anything to bug her" part LOL ------------------------------------------- 6:16 PM - TheSolarianWolf: this is what i come home to LOL *hold on* 6:16 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): *blinks* 6:16 PM - TheSolarianWolf: [1:13:59 PM] Lavos the calamity: get ready for a threesome on diablo...i just bought that 2nd friend D3 + RoS cus they had a sale till Oct 6th...50% off each for PC/Mac only...so i spent $40 for both [1:14:12 PM] Lavos the calamity: 1 guy and 3 girls...perfect harem :V 6:16 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): oh gods.. >< 6:16 PM - TheSolarianWolf: LOL its painful ---------- 6:43 PM - Lavos: i mean its not unusual for channels to be proponents of religion and focused on such in the US 6:44 PM - Lavos: i just find it to be an atrocity 6:44 PM - Lavos: its live-tv promotion of downright stupidity 6:44 PM - Lavos: and if people worry about fattening americas children...i think we should worry about dumbing them down 6:44 PM - Lavos: even Bill Nye who is still fairly famous even though his famous show is no longer really around outside recorded stuff and documentaries 6:45 PM - Lavos: even he said thats his biggest concern with religion 6:45 PM - Lavos: that at least in america, we are slowly raising a generation of idiots, people who cant think for themselves 6:45 PM - Lavos: even though im only 26...even im beginning to see it happening...and its fuckin scary 6:46 PM - Lavos: as time passes, religion tries ever harder to impose itself in places it does not belong...and slowlyy the religious are "evolving"...they are finding gaps they can manipulate to get their way 6:46 PM - Lavos: Seperation of church and state is a great thing...but not when its protection is nullified 6:46 PM - Lavos: but in some locations in the US...its practically non-existent 6:47 PM - Lavos: a kid recently got in deep shit and is possibly facing jail time for something that if it was challenged in court would be ruled "unconstitutional" 6:48 PM - Lavos: but because the law in that state had never been challenged...the kid is now facing some serious consequences for something completely harmless 6:48 PM - Lavos: there was a painted statue of jesus kneeling and praying, he got up on and infront of it and lets just say started doing some implied-phallic acts towartds "jesus" 6:48 PM - Lavos: and now hes being charged with some crazy ass law called "desecration of a venerated icon" 6:49 PM - Lavos: which that law alone contradicts the goverments stance 6:49 PM - Lavos: since the government is not to support a single religion unless it supports all religions equally 6:49 PM - Lavos: yet this kid is beingg punished by a law promoting religious viewpoints 6:50 PM - Lavos: i admit what he did was dumb and pointless 6:50 PM - Lavos: but to bbe punished over it in a courto f law? thats going a bit too far 6:50 PM - Lavos: especialy a law that shoudnt even BE a law 6:50 PM - Lavos: given the foundationso f this country and various measures in place 6:51 PM - Lavos: i wish so much law attention was given to those teenager pricks who did something TRULY bad 6:51 PM - Lavos: they put graaffiti on a sign on a mountain trail warning people how to react should they encounter a Mountain Lion, a potentially dangerous animal 6:51 PM - Lavos: to the point you couldnt even read the damn sign 6:52 PM - Lavos: id lvoe to put thosep unks in a cage with a mountain lion... 6:52 PM - Lavos: see if they like being mauled 6:52 PM - Lavos: they may not be as big as lions or tigers but they can still easilly kill a person and quick 6:53 PM - Lavos: and in places like that, you cant possibly avoid all encounters...mountains are mostly where they live 6:53 PM - Lavos: and it wouldnt be signed into law to make it legal to go and hunt all of them dead 6:53 PM - Lavos: the only reason theres laws in some states to allow deer hunting openly at certain times of year and so on 6:53 PM - Lavos: is because Deer if not kept in check will breed like rabbits 6:54 PM - Lavos: and while not innately dangerous animals, they can pose possible danger but normal reason for this is they are considered Pest animals 6:54 PM - Lavos: they will eat peoples gardens or even whole crops of food at farms if you let them 6:54 PM - Lavos: on farms farmers hire people to hunt deer for that reason alone 6:55 PM - Lavos: i imagine that might be nice field of employment 6:55 PM - Lavos: get paid to kill deer and also get all the Venison ya want 6:55 PM - Lavos: given ive never eaten Venison 6:55 PM - Lavos: but i hear it can be amazingi f made right 6:55 PM - Lavos: ive had alligator though! 6:55 PM - Lavos: no joke 6:55 PM - Lavos: sadly that resterant doesnt exist 6:55 PM - Lavos: but one of their appetizers was fried alligator bites 6:56 PM - Lavos: chunks of fried meat from farm-raised alligators 6:56 PM - Lavos: it was interesting, and like what people say with frog legs 6:56 PM - Lavos: its like eating chicken 6:56 PM - Lavos: and it is...animals like deer, reptiles, amphibians and so on dont have high bodily fat content so their meat tends be alot leaner which gives it a consistency more liek white meat chicken 6:57 PM - Lavos: anyway i need to go eat 6:57 PM - Lavos: im thinking jsut microwavable noodle bowl for dinner 6:58 PM - Lavos: cus thats mosrtly all i have here im comfy with making 6:58 PM - Lavos: i have 4 eggs but i am TERRIBLE at making fried eggs 6:58 PM - Lavos: and cant do Scrambled much either -------------------------------------------------- 5:29 PM - Lavos: can you do me a big favor 5:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ? 5:29 PM - Lavos: make sure in about 50-55 min im here and reay for something 5:30 PM - Lavos: i sort ahve a full hour but id rather be ready 5:30 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I might be in a game at that time 5:30 PM - Lavos: hmmm 5:30 PM - Lavos: tryin to figure out how i can set someone up to remind me then 5:31 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): why not just remember 5:31 PM - Lavos: cus i might get carred away in a game but i needto be able to login to SDGO roudn then 5:31 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): an hour isnt a long time 5:31 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): why dont you try to find some kind of alarm program for your computer? 5:31 PM - Lavos: their having a series of event matches in pvp for tonight and the next 2 fridays...and i signed up 5:31 PM - Lavos: ill just use my phone in that case