10:41 PM - Lavos: well im a bit bewildered 10:41 PM - Lavos: my mother decided since my brother is getting me the Keurig, that shed surprise me with a gift since she then had money spare... 10:42 PM - Lavos: unfortunatly that gift was a tablet...i woulda much rather had just cash cus i seriously coulda used that to help fund a very wanted future purchase 10:43 PM - Lavos: so now im stuck with a tablet i can either let her give to someone else and kiss $100+ goodbye...or sit here with a useless item that i may use a couple weeks a year at most when im at my grandmothers ando therwise have no internet 10:43 PM - Lavos: she likes to say "a gift is NEVER a waste" but i disagree 10:43 PM - Lavos: if your gonna give someone a gift, its not being considerate if you do not so much as think as to how their gonna use it 10:44 PM - Lavos: for me, a tablet is mostly useless cus i have a laptop, a desktop, handhelds and consoles and i spend 98% of my time at home, if i was out and about more each week i MIGHT find a use for that 10:44 PM - Lavos: but as it stands, theres basically nothing that tablet can do that my computers cannot 10:44 PM - Lavos: and many things my computers CAN do that the tablet just doesnt have the specs for 10:46 PM - Lavos: but its sad to me that she spent so much on that tablet, at least $100 if i had to take a shot in the dark for a guess, and now im either gonna have it here collecting dust for most of each year, or give it to someone else and i wont get any sort of compensation for hte waste of cash, cus she wont let me sell it to anyone 10:47 PM - Lavos: and i woulda loved having another $100 to put towards upgrading to a PS4 Pro which i cant have my dad buy one on a loan without at least half the price in downpayment...right now ive got $100 and thats gonna be gone within 2 days, havin that money she spent on the tablet woulda been a nice kick-start to saving up for the PS4 Pro cus that costs $400 10:47 PM - Lavos: i mean, i appreciate the thought she put into it...i just wish she had thought more about it and really taken things into consideration ------------------------------------- 6:43 PM - Lavos: well my dinner plans tonight just turned from frozen-dinner General Tso's Chicken to bottled water, unsalted peanuts and exercise 6:43 PM - Lavos: bloodsugar is apparently high today, had a coupel waves of intense dizziness and after they went away i went to immediatly go check my bloodsugar...yup its high 6:44 PM - Lavos: wondering if last night and my inability to sleep had kept the levels elevated going into today 6:44 PM - Lavos: but bout to go get some exercise hoping by later tonight i can lower that number when i check again later --------------------------------- 12:34 AM - Lavos: godammit 12:35 AM - Lavos: my house is having 1 surprise after another 12:35 AM - Lavos: just went down to the basement to go do a load of clothes before i hit the bed tonight...water was pooling on the floor cus theres a leaking pipe running along the ceiling that has partially flooded both rooms 12:36 AM - Lavos: that basically means i cant go to sleep tonight, cus i gotta notify my parents about htat first thing in the morning, i also gotta check on it periodically to make sure it doesnt get much worse -------- 3:47 AM - Lavos: welp 3:47 AM - Lavos: wish me luck 3:47 AM - Lavos: i just walked into a minefield 3:47 AM - Lavos: willingly, but still 3:48 AM - Lavos: i contacted one of my Exs who i hadnt spoken to in 6 years ultimatley to bring peace to myself over what went down all those years ago, but what took me off-guard is that she actually responded, and she also still remembers me but does NOT remember what happened...which means i gotta be super careful