2:35 AM - Lavos: well i ended up havin to stay up and might still be for a while 2:36 AM - Lavos: so i wanted to ask...i know you said the only pokemon games you ever really knew about was the original trio, but did you ever see the openin to the anime? 2:36 AM - Lavos: an animator who mostly works through youtube made an amazingly spot-on parody of it using the Monster Hunter games as a base 2:37 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I used to watch the cartoon for a while 2:37 AM - Lavos: so then you are at least familiar with what this is a parody of 2:37 AM - Lavos: hes actuall got 2 vids of it 2:37 AM - Lavos: the main one which is the parody, then hes g ot a Comparison vid which is only the main aniamtion side-by-side with the pokemon intro 2:38 AM - Lavos: their both pretty short 2:38 AM - Lavos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwqV-2VT_kA 2:38 AM - Lavos: theres the full parody 2:39 AM - Lavos: i do findi t hilarious cus some of the actual names fit, like Ash Kecha 2:40 AM - Lavos: thats actually a monster in the MH series, its a black variant of the Kecha Wacha simply called the Ash Kecha Wacha for its black and grey colors, the normal Kecha is orange and yellow, very brightly colored 2:41 AM - Lavos: an d Konchu are little pillbug-type monsters that are the single most annoying thing cus they roll into you and knock you flat on your ass...not harmful much on its own but when ya got a huge angry monster on your ass being knocked over is the last thing you want 2:43 AM - Lavos: so he did use the name Ash Kecha and Pikonchu which i thought was kinda fitting 2:43 AM - Lavos: while it is a parody 2:43 AM - Lavos: everything he animated is from the Monster Hunter game series 2:46 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah 2:47 AM - Lavos: but thats why i feel its fairly impressive, if you watch the comparison vid its almost identical, obviously barring image quality since hes just using a basic program instead of a studio full of people paid to work on an anime 2:47 AM - Lavos: but i feel that makes it all the more amazing that he replicated the original intro almost perfectly and at the same time entirely with stuff from Monster Hunter 2:47 AM - Lavos: he got his fame on youtube for his Monster Hunter parody series 2:48 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah, well to be honest, I have very little interest in that type of stuff anymore 2:48 AM - Lavos: i know 2:48 AM - Lavos: and monster Hunter is a series mostly on handhelds nowwadays, over the years its had less andl ess console releases and as far as i know only a couple of Japanese-exclusive spin-off entries ever released on PC 2:49 AM - Lavos: so thats definitly off the table lol 2:49 AM - Lavos: i will admit the MH games are challenging...but you get your money's worth for sure ------------------------------------- 8:45 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): to be honest, I dont really have any interest in that game 8:45 PM - Lavos: Adaptations were always free even in the old version which was nice, cus they do function diff than the base class 8:45 PM - Lavos: well suit yourself 8:46 PM - Lavos: its free now though so if you ever change your mind 8:46 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): if I want to play some kind of versus game with other people, I have overwatch and Im happy with that 8:47 PM - Lavos: im getting a sense that you think im attempting to push this on you lol 8:47 PM - Lavos: you know i tend to talk about games period, whether someone is interested or not lol 8:47 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well generally if someone isnt interested in a game, they dont really care to hear every detail about them >< 8:48 PM - Lavos: well you know my habits better than some people 8:48 PM - Lavos: so connect the dots lol 8:48 PM - Lavos: and its not like i treat you special lol 8:48 PM - Lavos: ive talked about Evolve over the past day with several people, not so much to get them to play but if they do thats fine too 8:49 PM - Lavos: im just rather happy with how it turned out, most companies dont get a 2nd chance for a game...once it fails, its done 8:49 PM - Lavos: and when im happy or excited about something, i tend to speak about it alot, you should know this by now lol 8:49 PM - Lavos: well that goes for when im upset or angry bout stuff too 8:50 PM - Lavos: though its usually a bit less if im mad cus i usually wanna get the thoughts outta my head and constantly talking bout it doesnt help that too much 8:50 PM - Lavos: but why would anyone wanna vanquish happy thoughts lol 8:50 PM - Lavos: and for some reason i just reminded myself of Bob Ross 8:51 PM - Lavos: anyway, gonna see if i cant do this challenge now that character select bug is fixed ------------------------------------------ 6:24 PM - Lavos: so it turns out the new Ghostbusters movie sucks regardless of the all-female cast 6:25 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yep I know 6:25 PM - Lavos: apparently just the script in general was horrible and the villain was the most boring and stupid thing 6:25 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I know 6:25 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): SD works in a theatre so I know exactly whats going on with it 6:25 PM - Lavos: and see this is why i dont like that...cus the film was already pandering to "feminists" in an indirect but intended way...now all those people can scream at the rest of us claiming "we just hate the movie becaue we are anti-woman misogynists" 6:27 PM - Lavos: as far as the actual script the pandering wasnt very easy to see but there was alot in the production that really reeks of it, and of course there was some direct things during the course of production that of course werent part of the movie but happened to include a large number of the cast and staff so its hard to say "they werent promoting such ideals" 6:27 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): to be honest, I dont think it was done to pander to feminists.. but because the director, in his out of touch with reality brain thought that he needed something to make it very different from the original movies and he choose something painfully obvious as gender 6:27 PM - Lavos: well the painful part is 6:27 PM - Lavos: even if they did have the original 4 male actors 6:27 PM - Lavos: that movie STILL woulda sucked 6:28 PM - Lavos: actors dont save a movie from terrible script/etc 6:28 PM - Lavos: if ya have a good actor and a bad script or role for them it doesnt really make it any better just having a well known/liked actor 6:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): which has nothing to do with the point I was making 6:29 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): and dinner is ready ---------------------------------------- 3:50 AM - Lavos: its a system where the president is chosen by about 500 or so people, out of a nation over 1 billion people 3:51 AM - Lavos: and the definition of an Oligarchy is a system where the vast majority of the power is controleld by either a single person or group, or a small number of people or groups 3:51 AM - Lavos: whci hwhen you compare the 500 or so members of the Electoral College then look at the US population in total...that IS basically a tiny amount of people who hae the power to elect our presidents 3:52 AM - Lavos: and people refuse to admit by that system alone, not even taking other things into consideration, that we ARE an Oligarchy 3:53 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): doesnt the US have only somewhere over 350 million people? 3:53 AM - Lavos: i think its over 1 billion but id have to look it up 3:53 AM - Lavos: but even if it was only 350 mil 3:53 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): pretty sure its not a billion lol 3:53 AM - Lavos: 500 or so is still a tiyn grain of sand on a whole beach 3:53 AM - Lavos: id have to look 3:54 AM - Lavos: i used to think it was in the millions, course i used to think there was only about 5 billion people on earth, turns out theres actually around 20 billion 3:54 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): 7-8 billion 3:54 AM - Lavos: so, thats a number id have to look up 3:54 AM - Lavos: well 7-8, thats the number i used to hear 3:55 AM - Lavos: but thats not the number ive been hearing the last few years 3:55 AM - Lavos: im going off vague memory here 3:55 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): US Population• 2016 estimate 324,720,797 3:55 AM - Lavos: well even so 3:55 AM - Lavos: about 500 peeople out of that many, is still hardly anything 3:55 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): human population " As of August 2016, it was estimated at 7.4 billion"