April-09-16 7:36 PM - Lavos: so your DHs will be happy about Patch 2.4 in about 5-6 days 7:36 PM - Lavos: not so much the item buffs, but soem skill changes 7:37 PM - Lavos: like Wolf Companion or the Steady Aim passive - their damage bonuses are now multiplicative 7:37 PM - Lavos: which means they will have a larger impact 7:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): nice 7:37 PM - Lavos: it seems their trying to fix that for all classes and items that provide a % bonus 7:37 PM - Lavos: they did the same for some Crusader stuff 7:37 PM - Lavos: makes sense though 7:38 PM - Lavos: seems previously all these diff damage bonuses were NOT that way so they actuall had way less impact 7:38 PM - Lavos: but especially thisll help with your UE build 7:38 PM - Lavos: since i know Steady Aim is a s taple for that 7:38 PM - Lavos: honestly i have trouble deciding which set is better: Marauders or Unhallowed 7:38 PM - Lavos: theyve both been buffed immensely 7:39 PM - Lavos: the Sentries for Marauders now provide i think a 600% damage bonus per sentry which with the max of 5 is a hefty amount 7:39 PM - Lavos: but Unhallowed got its damage per point of discipline doubled in this patch so its also up there in terms of numbers 7:40 PM - Lavos: i do like how they also made Vengeance benefit from both sets 7:40 PM - Lavos: but Marauders arguably got better buffs 7:40 PM - Lavos: not only the damage increase per sentruy, but the damage bonus now affects Vengeance and even Companion 7:42 PM - Lavos: also 7:42 PM - Lavos: Boar companion will now grant its passive bonuses to allies in range 7:42 PM - Lavos: so itll boost the resistances and life regen of everyone in the vicinity, even your other pets 7:42 PM - Lavos: andi do like how they changed a number of classes skill runes 7:43 PM - Lavos: like Death is Life for WD for Grasp of the dead 7:43 PM - Lavos: it no longer has a hcance to spawn a health globe when something dies in its area, formerly it spawned thart or a SZombie Dog, now it only spawns a Dog but the chance has been boosted to 70% when anything dies 7:44 PM - Lavos: and the Hammer of the Ancients rune that used to cause Crits to have a chance to spawn a globe now only heals you for 3% max life instead 7:44 PM - Lavos: tbh 7:44 PM - Lavos: i dont mind this philosophy 7:44 PM - Lavos: not many builds have viable ways to play off of globes 7:44 PM - Lavos: Witch Doctors get a good passive for that, but most classes passives arent too useful for that 7:45 PM - Lavos: i mean Power Hungrey for Wizards COULD be useful but only at lower levels...once your at 70 it becomes pretty much useless because the benefit is too little to outdo other options 7:46 PM - Lavos: Power Hungry causes you to have a stack of it whenever you grab a globe or get healed by 1..that stacks up to 10 and a stack is consumed whenever you cast a skill that would use up Arcane Power 7:46 PM - Lavos: for Wizards this is almost pointless later on 7:47 PM - Lavos: cus eventualy you get lots of ways to quickly regen arcane power, and by default its already the fastest regenerating resource in the whole game, at ab ase speed of 10 per secnd and by default you have 100 7:48 PM - Lavos: with passives, you can make skills cost less arcne power, increase your max number and regen, make it so casting primary skills generates some per cast...theres lots of ways, and that doesnt even count items 7:50 PM - Lavos: but 7:50 PM - Lavos: i also like the overhauls of many legendary gems 7:51 PM - Lavos: also Enforcer will now be a WDs best friend even more than before 7:51 PM - Lavos: the rank 25 power to reduce damage your pets take was increased from 25% to 90%, it means your pets will only take 10% of the normal damage 7:52 PM - Lavos: ontop of the fact pets period got a balance pass a long time ago to make them highly resistantt o AoE attacks so they dont all just melt in 5 seconds even while having high health 7:53 PM - Lavos: also Gogok now applies a Swiftness stack with every attack,m its no longer a chance that increases with ranks...but it also now grants 0.50% Dodge per stack, with 0.01% increase per rank 7:53 PM - Lavos: it also still buffs Cooldown Reduction at rank 25 7:54 PM - Lavos: and Mirinae will be agood offensive gem now, base damage when it smites is now 3000% instead of 2000, he damage increase per rank is now 60% not 40, at rank 25 itll heal you for 3% max life whenever ti smites, and the interval for the auto-smite is reduced to 3 seconds down from 5 7:54 PM - Lavos: right now all Rank 25 on that does is make it automatically smite a nearby foe every 5 seconds 7:55 PM - Lavos: besides the auto-smite, it has a 15% chance to do it whenever you hit something, so for AoE attacks or rapid-hit attacks, it triggers alot 7:59 PM - Lavos: also Moratorium got bufed too, the chance to clear the staggered damagei s now 20% per kill 7:59 PM - Lavos: ill really love Wreath now though 8:00 PM - Lavos: 1250% damage per second at rank 0...increase per rank is now 25% not 10 8:00 PM - Lavos: and Oculus Ring now would be good for a follower 8:01 PM - Lavos: its power now triggers by your own kills even if its a follower wearing it 8:05 PM - Lavos: i wonder whatll happen post-patch if i Extract a Meticulous Bolts 8:06 PM - Lavos: i know for items whose legendary powwer got buffed but not changed, it uses the new buffed value even if the item was a legacy version 8:06 PM - Lavos: granted, i think i already have that quiver extracted 8:06 PM - Lavos: i suspecti tll just convert it into the new quiver and apply the appropriate bonuses 8:07 PM - Lavos: i do wonder if someday they plan to buff Nether Tentacles back up...that was super-nerfed pre-expansion back when only a DH could survive past Act 2 on Inferno 8:07 PM - Lavos: they nerfed its healing to like 0.4% max hp per target hit 8:07 PM - Lavos: granted it pierces all things on a line 8:08 PM - Lavos: and the new version of that quiver DOES buff the healing along with the damage 8:08 PM - Lavos: for the skills cept Ball Lightning, that quiver buffs the rune damage by 200-250%, for Nether though it also buffs the healing by that same amount, so at 250% it becoems 1.2% max life regen'd per hit 8:09 PM - Lavos: ive also been wondering for a while if Nether Tentacle arrows fired by Sentries from Marauders set heal you 8:09 PM - Lavos: its hard to tell cus cant get rid of all amounts of Life Regen or Life on Hit from my gear, and it heals such a small amount its difficult to assess 8:10 PM - Lavos: i suppose i could get myself hurt, see how much i regen out of combat, get hurt again, see the in-combat regen counting Life on Hit, then finally get hurt and fire Nether away from enemies which will STILL make the Sentries fire it at enemies...and i suppose i can tell if theres increased healing for that 8:10 PM - Lavos: might be a good idea t only use 1 Sentry for that thoughg 8:11 PM - Lavos: also the new Shadows Mantle set 8:11 PM - Lavos: their buffing it too 8:11 PM - Lavos: in the previous PTR it increased your damage by 2000% if you used a melee weapon with the 2-piece set bonus 8:11 PM - Lavos: they lowered it to 600% increase at patch launch 8:11 PM - Lavos: now its being buffed to 1200% 8:12 PM - Lavos: granted thats not as high as UE or Marauders at full capacity 8:12 PM - Lavos: but 8:12 PM - Lavos: with the 40k% damage increase to Impale for the first target hit? its still pretty sizable, even at 600% currently, a proper crit can potentially 1- shot a full-health rift guardian 8:13 PM - Lavos: my DH on season 5 hasnt been lucky, got a fairly nice rolled Sword of Ill Will, was Ancient too 8:13 PM - Lavos: but it had no socket, in addition i had to choose to either grab a socket or boost the +Damage cus it rolled very low ranges on tht 8:13 PM - Lavos: so i decided on +Damage 8:13 PM - Lavos: but 8:13 PM - Lavos: havent found a Ramaladni's Gift sadly 8:13 PM - Lavos: its weird i tend to find more of those non-season and its generally my seasonal heroes that actually need them 8:14 PM - Lavos: cus on seasons i often get otherwise great Ancient versions of weapons i want...but ofrten with no socket and its tough to give up increasing the base damage significantly for a socket 8:19 PM - Lavos: i just realized 1 thing i always did wrong with my Wiszard when using the Raging Storm rune of Energy Twister 8:19 PM - Lavos: i never used the Temporal Flux passive 8:20 PM - Lavos: which slows enemies by 80% when hit with Arcane damage 8:20 PM - Lavos: which is what that rune is 8:20 PM - Lavos: ontop of that, the rune is best if enemies stay in the twister's AoE 8:21 PM - Lavos: when 2 twisters collide, they merge into a single big one with larger radius and much higher damage but over 6 seconds...so slowing the enemies even for 3 seconds drastically increases the amount they take over that 6 sec...cus its almost impossible to keep them inside the radius for the ful l6 seconds...but slowing them by 80% for 3 sec definitly would help 8:21 PM - Lavos: i wish i had thought of that before 8:23 PM - Lavos: also 8:23 PM - Lavos: they made some set dungeons a bit easier to Master 8:24 PM - Lavos: for Marauders, Rockworms now appear in fixed locations and take longer to pop up and try and bite you...thats great cus they were the one reason that one is hard to Master 8:24 PM - Lavos: cus the problem they posed was that you couldnt see them and you just could tell they were somewhere in the vicinity when the ground rumbled...but you couldnt Master it if you got hit in melee range...the rockworms made that very difficult 8:25 PM - Lavos: so now, they take longer to pop up out of the ground and they also have fixed locatinos 8:25 PM - Lavos: it still presents some difficulty but its not as luck-based now 8:25 PM - Lavos: cus if you know where they are, you can rush past them till you beat the other objectives then try and carefully kill them 8:26 PM - Lavos: and for one dungeon, of one class, they made it so the Deceivers cant go invisible anymore 8:26 PM - Lavos: oh god 8:26 PM - Lavos: the best bugfix in the entire patch 8:26 PM - Lavos: "fixed an issue that caused Urshi to always introduce herself to players" 8:27 PM - Lavos: that was annoying, how she used to do it upon completing the first GR in a game session but nothing past that...then a bug cropped up and she did it every GR regardless 8:40 PM - Lavos is now Away.