3:03 PM - Lavos: :/ 3:03 PM - Lavos: i hate my mom sometimes 3:03 PM - Lavos: she decided today would be a good day to shampoo the rug and now is too tired to come over an d cook 3:04 PM - Lavos: and demands she do it tomorrow morning...but if shes over tomorrow morning thatll interfere with dinner cus she wont wanna come back over in the evening to deliverTakeout for me 3:04 PM - Lavos: and ive got all of 2 frozen dinners and not much to cook in the house 3:04 PM - Lavos: and so i gotta make shit last till tuesday morning 3:04 PM - Lavos: with her not cooking today thats gonna be a lot harder 3:05 PM - Lavos: she even tried to tell me "you never let me avoid coming over unless you want me to and usually im already there" 3:05 PM - Lavos: which is blatantly false 3:05 PM - Lavos: i usually let it slide when she says "can i not come over today?" 3:05 PM - Lavos: but shes been doing that so much lately im gettin sick of it 3:05 PM - Lavos: im not exactly a fan of eating fast food 5 nights a week ----------------------- 4:36 AM - Lavos: i knew one guy once for a bit 4:36 AM - Lavos: when my parents put me in the looney bin for a few weeks 4:36 AM - Lavos: i feel bad for this kid though 4:36 AM - Lavos: he got locked up there cus he said he was hearin voices in his sleep ------------------------ 4:45 AM - Lavos: ive had other nightmares where im very loud but cussing isnt what happened...more like screaming...course im not sure that dream is entirely a dream...as its always the same, aka recurring nightmare...everytime i have it i wake up at the same point screamingm y lungs out and wake up super sweaty...another reason i have suspicions is i didnt used to have that dream...another oddity of it...ti takes place where im currently living...none of my ther dreams do 4:45 AM - Lavos: 99.9% of the dreams i have are either placed at my folks house or other local areas...but not the townhouse im living at and have been for 6 years now 4:45 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hm 4:45 AM - Lavos: partly because thats where alot of my memories are engrained 4:45 AM - Lavos: but this dream is just a bit too strange 4:46 AM - Lavos: and given the otherwordly expeirences i seem to have around here and to an extent when i was still living with my parents...it just seems too close to home to be coincedence 4:47 AM - Lavos: i still cant explain what happened one night here...i was awake at the time and im not sure wtf landed on my wall outside but it was heavy and fast...and it acted like it was watching me...i decided to be brave and open the blinds...opened the one right here next to my comp...the thing darted to the other side of the room...noticing that i opened the other one...it ran to the center then presumably straight onto the roof 4:47 AM - Lavos: and it was almost a heavy skittering sound 4:47 AM - Lavos: except it wasnt any bug... 4:48 AM - Lavos: it made a loud thud impact on my wall 4:48 AM - Lavos: thats when i knew somethin was out there 4:48 AM - Lavos: othe nights ill be asleep in my bedroom 4:49 AM - Lavos: and wake up to these ghastly noises that the best way to describe one of em i heard once would be a mix between a growl and shriek...it didnt sound animal or human...and it wasnt super loud but iit was very close to my window riht near my bed 4:49 AM - Lavos: even that description isnt quite accurate 4:50 AM - Lavos: other nights ill go to bed with the door in the kitchen going into the basement locked 4:50 AM - Lavos: and wake up in the morning and itll be unlocked 4:50 AM - Lavos: and you ccan only lock/unlock that door from the kitchen side 4:50 AM - Lavos: and no other doors on that floor of the house were unlocked 4:50 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): tailipo >< I just had to.. 4:51 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): tailypo* 4:51 AM - Lavos: one time it happened when i had a friend over cus he was joining me for vacation the next day,,,he was down there asleep on the couch....he never heard a sound...and the scary part? that door going to the basement is loud enough to wake the dead...even just locking/unlocking it is super loud...much less opening it or going up/down the wooden steps...and that friendi s a very light sleeper 4:51 AM - Lavos: another creepy thing is 4:52 AM - Lavos: occasionally ill hear this sound typically very late at night right outside my window 4:52 AM - Lavos: i hear it here maybe eveery month or 2 4:52 AM - Lavos: one time i was at the beach with my parents...they were asleep...we were in a condo on the 12th floor of a high rise condo sseries building...i was just about to go to bed...laid down in the bed and suddenly i heard it...right outside the window...whcih was on the walkway that goes between all the condos on that floor 4:53 AM - Lavos: the condo wallkways are also lit up at night...but i looked out...didnt see a thing...but sure enough something had to be out there to make that sound 4:53 AM - Lavos: and being the same sound i hear here...an just as bizarre...it creeps me out 4:54 AM - Lavos: one reason i dont like living here despite how comfy it is...i lvie alone 4:54 AM - Lavos: at least when iws with my folks...if something was going on i could wake them up and let them know 4:54 AM - Lavos: but even when i was still with them 4:54 AM - Lavos: there was some freaky shit goin down at night 4:54 AM - Lavos: my previous dog might have witnesssed some of it... 4:54 AM - Lavos: one night he wwas scared shitless to go down to the basement to sleep 4:55 AM - Lavos: and he was the kinda dog who you jsut had to say "bed" or "bedtime" and hed jump off whereve he was and prance down there on his own 4:55 AM - Lavos: but one night 4:55 AM - Lavos: he refused to go down there 4:56 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hm 4:56 AM - Lavos: and he sat there crying at the top step all night 4:56 AM - Lavos: he was scared out of his mind 4:56 AM - Lavos: oddly 4:56 AM - Lavos: i have a feeling 4:56 AM - Lavos: somethin did get in the house 4:56 AM - Lavos: wwe were asleep when it did likely 4:56 AM - Lavos: but a few nights before that 4:56 AM - Lavos: i had experienced something myself late at niight 4:56 AM - Lavos: it was aropund midnight, my folks and the dog were all asleep 4:56 AM - Lavos: i was on my computer 4:56 AM - Lavos: had to use th e bathroom bad 4:57 AM - Lavos: went in there, and that bathroom faces the back yard 4:57 AM - Lavos: and it was autumn so nice and cool outside 4:57 AM - Lavos: and my folks keep the heat on that season 24/7 4:57 AM - Lavos: so it was gettin super hot in the bathroom 4:57 AM - Lavos: i cracked the window to let some cold air in 4:58 AM - Lavos: a few minutes later i hear this ghastly sound...it was coming from the backyard 4:58 AM - Lavos: just the mere sound of it freaked me out...but it didnt stop with that...the sound kept repeating every 10 sec or so..and eventual;ly...started differing in volume.,..in 3 distinct levels, as if it wass somethin in the backyard movin around seemingly in a triangle point formation 4:59 AM - Lavos: i was so damn scared i shut the windoww, finished my #2 as quick as i could...locked myself in my room...didnt hear the noise again...for about 30 min 4:59 AM - Lavos: then it was coming from the front yard 4:59 AM - Lavos: it wasnt as loud cus my room has thicker walls 4:59 AM - Lavos: and a thicker window 4:59 AM - Lavos: but whatever was doin it had gone ot the front yard cus i could clearly hear it 4:59 AM - Lavos: mind you 5:00 AM - Lavos: this was a few nights before we found out my dog was terrified to go downstairs to sleep at night 5:00 AM - Lavos: so i get this suspicion those 2 events were linked somehow 5:02 AM - Lavos: but all these creepy and freaky events...started around 2005...of course thats when i was on vacation and saw one night what i can only describe as a UFO...i had gone to bed and was looking up through the window on the roof of the placce...i knew what time it ws because only about 5 min had passed since i laid down to bed...and it was 10:35 when i did that according to the clock they had right there...suddenly i see something dimly glowing and pulsating move across the view of the window...its shape wasnt bigger than it looked because i could see the stars beyond the edge of the flow...whatever it was made no sound...and it flew slow...had a good 15 sec to view it 5:02 AM - Lavos: of course i knew what i was seeing even if i didnt know what it was 5:02 AM - Lavos: their called UFOs for a reason 5:02 AM - Lavos: because their objects you see which you cant positively ID... 5:03 AM - Lavos: it doesnt mean you dotn have a general idea...its just you dont have the specifics 5:03 AM - Lavos: but it wasnt till after that 5:03 AM - Lavos: thst i started to notice all these bizarre happennigs at night 5:04 AM - Lavos: honesytly...i wish i hadnt wussed out in one of the experiences 5:04 AM - Lavos: ui shoulda had my folks take me to the doctor 5:04 AM - Lavos: worst case they wouldnt have known what it was 5:04 AM - Lavos: but that mightve lended credence to what ive been trying to tell my parents all thi time 5:04 AM - Lavos: i woke up one mornnig at my folks place and everyting seemed normal at first till i sat up in bed and clenched my fists while stretching 5:04 AM - Lavos: i felt something odd in my hand 5:05 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yep you told me about that 5:05 AM - Lavos: yeah 5:05 AM - Lavos: i wish i had gone to the doc for that 5:05 AM - Lavos: had an x-ray 5:05 AM - Lavos: cus there was def something there...that wasnt the night before...and was removed as mysteriously as it came precisely a week later...i have no memory of anything happening 5:06 AM - Lavos: i dont know what to say abotu that other than whats called alien implants 5:06 AM - Lavos: i did manage to find that old science kit magnet which my folks despised cus i ruioned their TV with it once as a kid 5:06 AM - Lavos: back then 5:06 AM - Lavos: i didnt know magnets and CRT-type tv's dont get along 5:07 AM - Lavos: so ruined coloration on part of the screen 5:07 AM - Lavos: at least that magnet was finally good for somethin after 8+ years 5:07 AM - Lavos: only cus its a pretty strong magnet 5:07 AM - Lavos: nd thats actually exactlywhat i needed 5:08 AM - Lavos: ive read that your average kitchen magnet 5:08 AM - Lavos: doesnt produce enough magnetism to attract objects considered alien implants 5:09 AM - Lavos: which ones that have been surgically removed from people have ben discovered to be metallic...and usually several metals combined with a skill of metallurgy we cant crrentyl do as a species...also in some cases the metals werent all from earth...but some that are naturally occuring on other planets weve explored like mars 5:09 AM - Lavos: im not sure how a person can claim somethin like htat 5:09 AM - Lavos: is just some random piece of shrapnel embedded in someone with no sign of injury 5:09 AM - Lavos: and when removed doesnt cause the usual symptoms 5:10 AM - Lavos: or when put in doesnt either 5:10 AM - Lavos: according to human med science...the body doesnt like foreign objects...hence problmes with organ transplants 5:10 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I think I was going to head to bed an hour ago by the way 5:10 AM - Lavos: yeaah i was too 5:10 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): and also, titanium doesnt get rejected 5:10 AM - Lavos: i better go do that lol --------------------------------------- 11:39 AM - Lavos: ok 11:39 AM - Lavos: my mom has a death wish 11:39 AM - Lavos: if yuo recall....my grandfather died recently 11:39 AM - Lavos: so my mom being smart...called me an hour ago and proceeded to sscare the living hell outta me 11:40 AM - Lavos: she told me in a rather non-kind sounding tone "theres been a change in plans this weekend, well talk when i get there" 11:40 AM - Lavos: mind you the only plans i was aware of 11:40 AM - Lavos: were vacation 11:40 AM - Lavos: which my grandmother and aunt are coming down by train to go with us on 11:40 AM - Lavos: so knowing the funeral for grandpa was recently...i was scared out of my mind 11:41 AM - Lavos: only to find out the "change in plans" 11:41 AM - Lavos: was my brother coming into town tonight and staying a day or 2 past when we leave 11:41 AM - Lavos: id hope for something like that shed say "hey good news" or iin an excited and/or enthusiastic tone "youll never beleive what happened" 11:42 AM - Lavos: cus jessu christ 11:42 AM - Lavos: i was sleepin 11:42 AM - Lavos: not now 11:42 AM - Lavos: scared the fuck awake 11:42 AM - Lavos: and i aint tired now 11:42 AM - Lavos: she had me fearing the worst