9:17 PM - Lavos: whew
9:17 PM - Lavos: that seemed to go by without a hithc
9:17 PM - Lavos: still wish i had done htis some time ago
9:18 PM - Lavos: missed all but the June rewards
9:18 PM - Lavos: for preorderig the Clan Collection on MWO before then
9:18 PM - Lavos: at least ill get the clan camo paint colors
9:18 PM - Lavos: i have a feeling the various other msic items for the bonuses
9:18 PM - Lavos: arent exclusive
9:18 PM - Lavos: coulda sworn the Clan Hanging Item and the Kerensky Clan Hologram are buyable
9:18 PM - Lavos: they wouldda been nice to get for free included of course but ehh
9:18 PM - Lavos: i still got like 5k MC
9:19 PM - Lavos: that was after unknowingly wasting about 8k
9:19 PM - Lavos: cus when ibought that $120 founders
9:19 PM - Lavos: they gave me liek $100 in MC
9:19 PM - Lavos: as part of it
9:19 PM - Lavos: could be wrong on exact amount
9:19 PM - Lavos: ended up buying severakl Mech bays when irodered the Phoenix Collection preorder
9:19 PM - Lavos: turns out...when you buy Collections like that on Preorder
9:19 PM - Lavos: they include mech bays
9:19 PM - Lavos: for all the mechs
9:19 PM - Lavos: but
9:20 PM - Lavos: still not a waste realyl to buy all those bays
9:20 PM - Lavos: they almost never give any out free
9:20 PM - Lavos: and any mechs i buy that ARENT in preordercollections...will need Bays
9:20 PM - Lavos: so not like its a true waste
9:20 PM - Lavos: cus ill have extra Bays whenever i feel like buying mechs
9:20 PM - Lavos: in-game
9:21 PM - Lavos: but that means i probly should start practicing MWO
9:21 PM - Lavos: also Ryoken aka Stormcrow
9:21 PM - Lavos: seems to have no missiles
9:21 PM - Lavos: at least default loadout
9:21 PM - Lavos: its got ER M/L Lasers...lots
9:21 PM - Lavos: 3 ER M and 2 ER L
9:21 PM - Lavos: which is qquite alot
9:21 PM - Lavos: though i sorta wish moreo f these mechs had Pulse Lasers
9:22 PM - Lavos: Pulses are different in MWO than the past Mechwarrior games like 54
9:22 PM - Lavos: 4*
9:22 PM - Lavos: in 4 they did less damage burt had super low recycle so could whack you repeatedly in a very short span
9:22 PM - Lavos: which madde their heat generation harder to deal with
9:22 PM - Lavos: in MWO...they just do their damage all at once on a single hit
9:23 PM - Lavos: where normal Lasers in MWO stream their damage over their fire duration meaning its hard to get all of the damage on a single spot on a foe
9:23 PM - Lavos: since it takes a coiple sec for the laser to stop firing
9:23 PM - Lavos: and you only achieve full damage when the laser isdone...meaningi t can now spread over multiple bodyparts if the foe moves or if your aim isnt too good
9:23 PM - Lavos: but if it spreads thats less per part dealt
9:24 PM - Lavos: Pulses now have approx the same recycle time for refire rate but instead pack all their full damage in a single hit instead
9:27 PM - Lavos: either way
9:28 PM - Lavos: bought thios D3 SteelSeries mouse cus i needed somethin with more than just left/right buttons
9:28 PM - Lavos: but its gonna be fun learning this mouse for that
9:28 PM - Lavos: 2 buttons on each side in addition to left/right mouse
9:28 PM - Lavos: this also means i can map ALL the "fire # weapon group" keys to the mouse
9:28 PM - Lavos: but im NOT used to having buttons on the sides of a mouse
9:29 PM - Lavos: also the mosue is a fair bit bigger than my hand so i also gotta figure out a way to hold it so ican reach those buttons equally
9:29 PM - Lavos: then gotta train myself to use them...fun
9:29 PM - Lavos: i wonder if people are still freaking out on MWO over the "wall hack" lol
9:29 PM - Lavos: you may think with a name like that its a legit concern
9:29 PM - Lavos: but its really not
9:29 PM - Lavos: cus it aint a hack
9:30 PM - Lavos: just a special Module
9:30 PM - Lavos: SeismicSensor
9:30 PM - Lavos: displays opponents on radar based on short range seismic readings aka mech footsteps
9:30 PM - Lavos: evne through walls or other stuff
9:30 PM - Lavos: only goes out 200 meters but
9:30 PM - Lavos: it got the name Wall Hack because of how it can work
9:31 PM - Lavos: coursse this made some people on the forums flip when it was simpyl referred to as "wall hack" and they didnt know what was being talked about
9:31 PM - Lavos: in MWO you need 1 of 2 things to get radar signatures
9:31 PM - Lavos: either you need direct sight of the foe
9:31 PM - Lavos: or an ally does then they have to mark the target
9:31 PM - Lavos: then it appears on the whole teams HUD/radar
9:31 PM - Lavos: not forever of course
9:32 PM - Lavos: but this means Light Mechs have a purpose now
9:32 PM - Lavos: other than annoying assauly mechs to death
9:32 PM - Lavos: since they are fast their good target spotters
9:32 PM - Lavos: and this also helps any of your allies packing LRMs
9:32 PM - Lavos: since LRMS can now fly over obstructing cover if locked on...and if a foe is SPotted for you...yuo can lockon to them without direct line of sight
9:33 PM - Lavos: LRMs in MWO do alot of damage but rain on you from above instead of flying straigght beeline-style to the locked target
9:33 PM - Lavos: so now instead of slamming into you from the front they rain down in your head
9:33 PM - Lavos: on*
9:34 PM - Lavos: thankfully they changed LRMs in a good way
9:34 PM - Lavos: they can now Dumbfire or fire with Lock at medium range
9:34 PM - Lavos: formerly they couldnt be used shorter than i think 700 meters
9:34 PM - Lavos: now they can dumbfire or lock without their normal homing at i think 300 or 400 meters
9:34 PM - Lavos: which is nice
9:35 PM - Lavos: they used to be useless at short-medium range
9:35 PM - Lavos: and the Madcat packs 2 LRM 20 which is nasty
9:35 PM - Lavos: just one of those slammnig you can hit pretty damn hard
9:36 PM - Lavos: while the overheadi mpact does cause damage to scatter some and not always inflict the full amount they are still very deadly...one of the harddest hitting weapons in the game period
9:36 PM - Lavos: my Founders Catapult has 2 LRM 20 too
9:36 PM - Lavos: also i do like one thing they chose to do in MWO
9:36 PM - Lavos: the Catapult period
9:36 PM - Lavos: it has the base variant with the big missile racks
9:36 PM - Lavos: but they decided to do the variant that lacks those
9:37 PM - Lavos: and instead has the 2 huge laser cannons instead of missile racks
9:37 PM - Lavos: in Mechwarrior 4 via the Mektek Mekpak addons they called that one that Katapult
9:37 PM - Lavos: and instead it mounted PPCs there
9:37 PM - Lavos: so it became a missile support unit into a pure laser boat
9:38 PM - Lavos: oh wow
9:38 PM - Lavos: we can change factions on MWO
9:38 PM - Lavos: i thought we couldnt once selected
9:38 PM - Lavos: i can be one of 4 Clans
9:38 PM - Lavos: Smoke Jaguar, Jade Falcon, Wolf and Ghost Bear
9:38 PM - Lavos: too bad we dont have a Kodiak yet....
9:39 PM - Lavos: hopefulyl with this clan mech update we will eventually see 1
9:39 PM - Lavos: but i love the art on the clan logos
9:39 PM - Lavos: admittedy they always looked cool even back in Mech 2
9:39 PM - Lavos: hmmm
9:39 PM - Lavos: dunno
9:39 PM - Lavos: Jade Falcon, Wolf, or Ghost Bear
9:40 PM - Lavos: wont bother with Smoke Jag cus they got owned by a merc unit
9:40 PM - Lavos: and that feels disappointing
9:40 PM - Lavos: the Gray Death Legion i beleive
9:40 PM - Lavos: from what i remember it saying in the Mech 4 Mercs thing
9:40 PM - Lavos: i did like in mech 4 how when installing off the discs
9:40 PM - Lavos: you were treated to like history facts of Mechwarrior
9:41 PM - Lavos: in Mech 4 Mercs it talked at first about how the first use of Mercenaries in military application dated back to Ancienct Egypt on Terra and i forget the name of the Pharaoh
9:41 PM - Lavos: but thats probly true even in reality
9:41 PM - Lavos: i think it was Ramses II but i dont remember
9:42 PM - Lavos: then it went on to detail various facts within Mechwarrior series lore of various Merc factions
9:42 PM - Lavos: and basically said that Gray Death Legion eliminated Clan Smoke Jaguar
9:43 PM - Lavos: but in mech 4 the original game it was more mechwarrior history talking about the various Eras including the original Star League
9:43 PM - Lavos: and the clan invasion
9:43 PM - Lavos: and the guy who tried to form a new Staar League
9:49 PM - Lavos: hmmm
9:49 PM - Lavos: maybe your knowledge of clan mech names
9:49 PM - Lavos: can put a small debate to rest
9:50 PM - Lavos: do yuo recognize these names: Turkina, Ebon Jaguar, Stooping Hawk, Black Lanner, Fire Falcon and Arctic Cheetah
9:50 PM - Lavos: i recognize Turkina and Black Lanner as Black Lanner WAS part of the Mechwarrior 4 free release by mektek
9:50 PM - Lavos: they were working on Turkina among others as part of Mekpak 4 but that never released
9:50 PM - Lavos: but the other mechs i named i dont recognize
9:50 PM - Lavos: but some guy is trying to say the original poster of the thread made them up
9:51 PM - Lavos: he also said that about 2 of the named IS mechs
9:51 PM - Lavos: Star Slayer and Dart
9:51 PM - Lavos: the thread is Speculation on future releases for IS and Clan mechs as of the clan update
9:51 PM - Lavos: Kodiak was of course on the list
9:51 PM - Lavos: and if that doesnt get made ill be sad
9:51 PM - Lavos: feels weird using Ghost Bear as a faction but with no Kodiak playable lol
9:53 PM - Lavos: also your in luck
9:53 PM - Lavos: suppsoedly Clan Nova Cat is "on the way"
9:53 PM - Lavos: as far as releases
9:53 PM - Lavos: meaning we will probly eventually see the Supernova and Nova Cat released
9:53 PM - Lavos: will be itneresting to see the Nova Cat in MWO
9:54 PM - Lavos: if its hardpoints and so on are anything like Mechwarrior 4 itll be interesting...the big problem with it in 4 was it packed so many high-heat lasers even with its 16 heat sinks by default 1 full fire would nearly overheat you and 16 sinks didnt dissipate that much heat THAT fast
9:54 PM - Lavos: but 2 of those weapons, ER PPC were on Omni slots
9:54 PM - Lavos: its whole one arm was 2 sets of 2 Omni slot hardpoints
9:54 PM - Lavos: 2 sets of 3*
9:55 PM - Lavos: meaning you werent forced to use the ER PPCs
9:55 PM - Lavos: but lasers, PPCs in particular in MWO dont generate as much heat as they did in Mech 4...they also dont hurt as much either
9:55 PM - Lavos: but they can refire much faster now
9:55 PM - Lavos: a solid 10 damage to armor with a 3-4 sec refire instead of 6-7
9:56 PM - Lavos: they still generate high heat of course...and iwth the lower Recycle time whiel the heat per shot isnt as high...being able to fire twice in the span of time it took to fire once in Mech 4 leads to the same huge heat buildup
9:57 PM - Lavos: also that line of the mechs at the bottom under the video for Operation revival
9:57 PM - Lavos: mouse over each mech "
9:57 PM - Lavos: "portrait"
9:57 PM - Lavos: and itll show their default loadout and specs
9:57 PM - Lavos: the Masakari/Warhawk will be fun
9:57 PM - Lavos: packing 20 Double Heat Sinks which should be very nice for cooling
9:58 PM - Lavos: also nwo packs 4x ER PPC by default
9:58 PM - Lavos: thatll be nasty
9:58 PM - Lavos: probly would be a terrible idea to group all 4 together as your only weap group
9:58 PM - Lavos: id probly go 2/2/4
9:58 PM - Lavos: so i can stagger firing if heat is an issue
9:58 PM - Lavos: and if not
9:58 PM - Lavos: fire all 4
9:59 PM - Lavos: also has an LRM 10 but i figure thats a support weapon in this case
9:59 PM - Lavos: sadly Ryoken has no missile hardpoints in MWO
9:59 PM - Lavos: im not sure if thats accurate to lore or not
9:59 PM - Lavos: the Ryoken im used to had the large guns on the arms but also huge missile racks on the shoulders that sorta hung right over the cockpit
10:00 PM - Lavos: the Adder/Puma odddly is practically an exact copy of its Mechwarrior 4 Mercs variant
10:00 PM - Lavos: same hardpoints, tonnage, even top speed
10:01 PM - Lavos: well not quite
10:01 PM - Lavos: the Mech 4 one had left/right torso and 1 for the head
10:01 PM - Lavos: then the arm mounts
10:01 PM - Lavos: this one only has a right torso and apparently cant be used for weapons
10:01 PM - Lavos: its loaded with Targeting Computer by default , which masakari has too
10:01 PM - Lavos: not sure what it does
10:01 PM - Lavos: its not a weapon tho...not direcrtly at least
10:01 PM - Lavos: it probly adds some benefit in combat of course
10:02 PM - Lavos: hmmm
10:02 PM - Lavos: tje Daishi looks pretty much what i remember form mech 4
10:02 PM - Lavos: but i wonder
10:02 PM - Lavos: if ill be able to do the old pelt-to-death build
10:02 PM - Lavos: that used 6 Ultra AC5
10:02 PM - Lavos: and pretty much nothing else
10:03 PM - Lavos: would constantly pound you with AC5 shells which in Mech 4 had enough force on hit to rock your torso
10:03 PM - Lavos: hence that was a very potent build
10:03 PM - Lavos: the damage per single shot wasnt high but it screwed with your foes aim by keeping their torso moving around from the shot impacts...and 6 of em causes some serious rocking problems
10:03 PM - Lavos: a single AC5/Ultra AC5 in mech 4 causes a bit of rocking when hit
10:03 PM - Lavos: but more of them only increased that
10:04 PM - Lavos: also their refire rate was very low
10:04 PM - Lavos: 1.50 sec i think
10:04 PM - Lavos: so it was a constant barrage
10:04 PM - Lavos: the damage was 2.50 provided both shots of the Ultra aC5 hit...each did 1.25 a piece
10:04 PM - Lavos: but wth 6 of em that adds up quick
10:06 PM - Lavos: wit hthe rocking effect of being nailed by 6...it makes it hard to fight back...and your being consstantly pelted with light but decent damage considering the fast refire rate...was able to tear things apart in a fairly short span...a center torso ona Light/Medium/Heavy wouldnt last long...even an asssault with a 120 point max aarmor center torso wouldnt last too terribly long under cosntant fire...even if you only hit 1 of the 2 AC shots per fire thats still 7.50 damage a hit...would be 15.0 if you got hit by both shots on each
10:06 PM - Lavos: and assault mechs being slow it aint too hard to do that
10:06 PM - Lavos: of coursse i loved the Deimos from Mekteks mekpak content for the same reason
10:06 PM - Lavos: it was more mobile than the Daishi but capable of the same loadout
10:07 PM - Lavos: was ligther tonnae though at i think 85
10:07 PM - Lavos: it also looked damn good
10:31 PM - Lavos: oh man
10:32 PM - Lavos: i just remembered a time i had in AVP2 multi
10:32 PM - Lavos: i still laugh about it to this day
10:32 PM - Lavos: i killed some newb as an alien
10:32 PM - Lavos: saw him spawn in
10:32 PM - Lavos: was a Predator
10:32 PM - Lavos: i waited for the spawn invulnerability to wear off then just stood there point-blank in front of him
10:32 PM - Lavos: he looked up at me (the characters body leeaned back some to indicate he was moving his view upwards)
10:33 PM - Lavos: then he cloaked
10:33 PM - Lavos: so i whipped him with the tail once...uncharged
10:33 PM - Lavos: then killed him after he didnt even try to run
10:33 PM - Lavos: he called me a Hacker
10:33 PM - Lavos: apparently he didnt know of the Pheremone Aura feature of alien vision
10:33 PM - Lavos: which means cloaking is pretty much useless agaisnt Aliens
10:34 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): wow
10:34 PM - Lavos: yup
10:34 PM - Lavos: he musta been new
10:34 PM - Lavos: that or never played as an alien
10:34 PM - Lavos: even campaign woulda taught him that practiccally right of the bat
10:35 PM - Lavos: when you get ouyt of the egg as the Hugger the humanss have the blue aura
10:35 PM - Lavos: also i think it gives a tooltip about the 2 vision modes, hunting and Nav
10:35 PM - Lavos: cus right after you get outta the egg
10:35 PM - Lavos: your forced into a super dark area you cant really see in
10:35 PM - Lavos: so they tell you to turn on Nav Vision
10:36 PM - Lavos: also uhhh
10:36 PM - Lavos: whatd theey do the Uller?
10:36 PM - Lavos: it migth be nasty now as a light mech
10:36 PM - Lavos: its missile hardpoint is now Streak SRM 4
10:36 PM - Lavos: but its also got an LBX AC 5
10:36 PM - Lavos: and still the classic single ER Large Laser
10:36 PM - Lavos: and a single Small Pulse
10:37 PM - Lavos: pretty nasty and varied loadout for a Light
10:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): uller? kitfox?
10:37 PM - Lavos: yup
10:37 PM - Lavos: IS 4 life :3
10:37 PM - Lavos: i jest but you know me
10:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): stravags ><
10:37 PM - Lavos: still thats pretty impressibve for a 30 ton mech
10:37 PM - Lavos: since Lights go up to 35 ton
10:37 PM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): hmm
10:38 PM - Lavos: an LBX, Streak 4 and ER large is a fairly good loadout
10:38 PM - Lavos: the Streak 4 is reliable for damage even if its not too heavy
10:38 PM - Lavos: the ER large is reliable
10:38 PM - Lavos: and im not sure of the stats on an LBX 5
10:38 PM - Lavos: i used LBX 10 and 20 alot in Mech 4 and they fuckin mauld people
10:38 PM - Lavos: they were high-damage ACs that lose damage with distance but up close nail you like a shotgun
10:39 PM - Lavos: Mech 4 didnt have LBX 5s till the mektek paks
10:39 PM - Lavos: which added a ton of new weaps actually
10:39 PM - Lavos: including both Light and Hyper Velocity versions of the normal ACs
10:39 PM - Lavos: Light only went up to AC2 and 5 i think
10:39 PM - Lavos: but Hyper went from 2 to 20
10:39 PM - Lavos: they weigh more than ACs of those same grades but they have higher damage and fire farther and faster
10:40 PM - Lavos: an aC 20 hits like a truck but has very short range at only 400
10:40 PM - Lavos: an HV AC20 hits harder and has 200 more range
10:40 PM - Lavos: but also i think longer Recycle and does weigh more
10:40 PM - Lavos: but i think the Range is beneficial as it allows more distancce shots
10:40 PM - Lavos: by quite a bit
10:41 PM - Lavos: 200 range doesnt seem like alot in math terms with mechwarrior
10:41 PM - Lavos: but in actual gameplay its significant
10:41 PM - Lavos: hmmm
10:41 PM - Lavos: your little Nova aka Blackhawk
10:41 PM - Lavos: in MWO has 6 ER Medium lasers
10:42 PM - Lavos: which i beleive is its classic loadout
10:42 PM - Lavos: i wonder if id be able to swap those for Pulse
10:42 PM - Lavos: would make it far more deadly
10:42 PM - Lavos: im not sure of the weight diffs in pulse vs normal in MWO
10:42 PM - Lavos: theres no refire rate difference
10:42 PM - Lavos: just damage output difference
10:42 PM - Lavos: since Pulses only hit once per shot
10:43 PM - Lavos: and basic lasers now od their stated damage over the duration of the beam...so not as easy to pack the damage all on a specific spot on an enemy mech cus if the beam moves off the specified area the damage continues its stream but you dont gert it all on the 1 part then
10:43 PM - Lavos: so id love to be able to put Pulses on that
10:43 PM - Lavos: given with that many mediums
10:44 PM - Lavos: even normal ones would be nasty
10:44 PM - Lavos: i also think i mispoke
10:44 PM - Lavos: lemme look at the loadout again
10:44 PM - Lavos: i did indeed
10:44 PM - Lavos: its 6 per arm
10:44 PM - Lavos: not 6 total
10:44 PM - Lavos: so 12 medium lasers
10:44 PM - Lavos: thats the classic Nova/Blackhawk
10:44 PM - Lavos: id love to do that with Medium Pulses in MWO lol
10:45 PM - Lavos: would make it into one painful medium mech
10:45 PM - Lavos: course the pack i bought was the $240 one
10:45 PM - Lavos: so i have no idea if those are the standard variants (well 1 of the 2) or the Prime variants exclusive to the preorder
10:45 PM - Lavos: so each of those mechs i get 3 of
10:45 PM - Lavos: 1 Prime/Special variant and 2 Standards
10:45 PM - Lavos: the Standards each being diff of course
10:46 PM - Lavos: but also will eventually be freely available for both MC and C-bills
10:46 PM - Lavos: they put out a release shcedule for the clan mechs i think
10:46 PM - Lavos: for those who didnt preorder
10:46 PM - Lavos: seems every month after release theyll add 1 or 2
10:46 PM - Lavos: first for MC< then C-bills after
10:46 PM - Lavos: but we better see a Kodiak eventually
10:47 PM - Lavos: or ill be one sad Ghost Bear
10:47 PM - Lavos: Pandas are overrated
10:47 PM - Lavos: also
10:47 PM - Lavos: every opne of these clan mechs
10:47 PM - Lavos: is using Double Heat Sinks
10:47 PM - Lavos: as default loadout
10:47 PM - Lavos: thats nice
10:47 PM - Lavos: but i guess fits with the lore too
10:48 PM - Lavos: i forget the details but each Double is twice as good as a single Heat Sink
10:48 PM - Lavos: but i forget if its they weigh more
10:48 PM - Lavos: or take up more hardpoiunt slots
10:48 PM - Lavos: and holy shit
10:48 PM - Lavos: the Ryoken is packin 22
10:48 PM - Lavos: wow
10:48 PM - Lavos: thats ALOT for a 55 ton
10:49 PM - Lavos: but isnt 55 ton considered Heavy Mech
10:49 PM - Lavos: i seem to recall Medium going only up to 50
10:49 PM - Lavos: i forget exactly
10:49 PM - Lavos: too long since i played Mech 4
10:49 PM - Lavos: also the free release is working fine for me now
10:49 PM - Lavos: long ago it had a crashing issue
10:49 PM - Lavos: presumably due to 64-bit windows OS
10:49 PM - Lavos: eventually that stopped happening
10:50 PM - Lavos: i actually should go boot that game up
10:50 PM - Lavos: the issue i had with the mouse previously
10:50 PM - Lavos: might be fixed now
10:50 PM - Lavos: cus i hear it often has to do with what kind of muse you have
10:50 PM - Lavos: so it may ro may not occur on this one
10:50 PM - Lavos: i may aswell check before i go to bed in a bit
10:51 PM - Lavos: im jsut glad that purchase went through fine
10:51 PM - Lavos: i half suspected my parents bank would flag it for fraud
10:51 PM - Lavos: theyve been very overprotective lately
10:51 PM - Lavos: flagging then calling us up to check forcing us to tell them "no its not fraud" time and time again for payments to the same damn companies
10:52 PM - Lavos: then have to do the purchase again just to have it go through
10:52 PM - Lavos: after over 15 ttimes they flagged it
10:52 PM - Lavos: seems they finally backed offf on ogplanet
10:52 PM - Lavos: now they only flag it if i buy astros too frequently in a span of time
10:52 PM - Lavos: i try not to buy more than once a week
10:52 PM - Lavos: cus seems everyime its less days than that
10:52 PM - Lavos: they flag it again
10:54 PM - Lavos: i made sure ot uninstall that Windows Mouse fix reg key
10:54 PM - Lavos: it did solve the problem on mech 4 for the most part
10:54 PM - Lavos: but i wanna see if it works without it now
10:54 PM - Lavos: the issue still happened with that fix
10:54 PM - Lavos: but only in places it didnt realyl matter
10:54 PM - Lavos: happened in the mechlab but only when not dragginf/dropping weapons and only on the weapons screen
10:54 PM - Lavos: or taab i should say
10:55 PM - Lavos: and the free market
10:55 PM - Lavos: but again not if dragging./dropping mechs, weapons or perssonel to the buy/sell/fire window
10:55 PM - Lavos: but it did fix it and remove the issue completely from gameplay which was where it was the biggest issue
10:55 PM - Lavos: i can deal with a bit of mosue lag in mechlab or free market
10:56 PM - Lavos: but when im trying to shoot a mech or vehicle thats also trying to shoott me
10:56 PM - Lavos: itd be good if my mouse wont lag...cu then i can aim and maneuver fine
10:56 PM - Lavos: welp gonna go check that out then go to bed
10:58 PM - Lavos: well still happennig...will try a mission first and hope it doesnt happen there
10:58 PM - Lavos: i seem to seee less of it in menues/etc