1:35 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: goodbye going to delete my account 1:35 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): oh? 1:35 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: yup 1:35 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): ah well by then 1:36 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): bye* 1:37 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: eh how do i delete my steam account? 1:37 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I dont know, I'd never delete my own so Ive never looked 1:46 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: jesus man i remember why i fucking hate steam 1:46 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: no support whatsoever 1:46 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: i just wanna delete my shit 1:47 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its probably a good thing if accounts cant be permanently deleted actually 1:47 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I'd be glad if they didnt have that option 2:08 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: since i can deleted my account. am going to get myself perma ban 2:09 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): why do anything? Why not just not come online? 2:10 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: cause i have come to realise is that am just hurting myself with the mony i am saving for the upgrade parts and come to fucking why am i doing this i perfectly have a ps3 and 4 that am happy of 2:12 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: and why just soo i cac i can play with ya online, and dont get me wrong i really do want to play online with ya. but i cant not with the newer games. which i can run. and i am really getting peranoid to get money from the parts i was liturally was planning to rob someone just to get the card. am poor as hell 2:12 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I cant play newer games 2:12 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: i get 700 but 95% of that money goes to bill and mortgages 2:12 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: even both my parents even have two jobs just for us to stay lower class 2:13 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): cpu in my computer is extremely old so I cant play newer games for the most part.. but I dont complain and just play what I can 2:16 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: my house is falling apart and we cant get no one to fix anything, we have no kitchen sink or bathroom sink both are broken, and we have the water shut off from outside caue we have a major leik somewhere in the house. is why the water bill is soo high. i have to shower once a week now. both our cars are broken down. we have no stove cause that also broken, so we cook our food in the microwave now these days. 2:17 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): and deleting steam would solve any of this? 2:18 AM - KarasuPCgaming@GLORIOUS480P: no cause am better off with consoles. and also james bullshit made the final straw --------------------------------------------- 9:16 PM - Sadistic Dragon : Karasu: if had a good pc. i would be more active on my youtube channel. but since i can run most games. i have to rely on my ps4 with my recorderng device. but that broke on me over a year ago. thats why i have not upload anything new in forever. Sadistic Dragon : you can run most games? 9:16 PM - Sadistic Dragon : Karasu: and that recording device i got i remember it cost me like 260 bucks Karasu: cant Karasu: i always foregt to put the t there -------------------------------------- Hugh Janus: am sorry, but i have a reason to get mad at this type of stuff. i already admite i have never accomplish nothing in my life. and i know i will never will. but in games. where i can be whore ever i want. and still fail in games. it what's really hurts me. Hugh Janus: who*