4:14 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: you know something 4:15 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: i do wish to see this 'net neutrality' be taken off 4:16 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: i want to know the limits they'll be adding in, cause i dont use the internet as much anymore 4:17 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: open and free internet.. well freedom has already been taken an advantage of and im literally tired of all the crap with people these days in general 4:18 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): net neutrality isnt really just about that.. but keeping what internet companies charge at least somewhat fair 4:18 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: we'll see how things go, though does that effect the entire world or just the US? 4:19 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): kind of both 4:19 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): since a lot of stuff runs through the US 4:19 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): "Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication." 4:20 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: Yeah I been reading it 4:21 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): that being taken away would let them edge out smaller companies, would let them charge gamers more, and other immoral things 4:22 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: quite possibly, just how it is with the console online games 4:22 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): somewhat, yeah 4:22 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): net neutrality going away though would make everything way worse 4:23 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: maybe 4:23 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: i'll just have to treat things like it were the 90s again 4:25 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: possible theory, but i can imagine that they're trying to disable the internet for good, go back to basics 4:25 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: may not be easy how it stands today 4:26 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it really doesnt have anything to do with that, its simply the internet companies trying to do away with a law that prevents them from taking advantage of their customers, prevents them from gouging in certain ways 4:28 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: good for them I suppose 4:28 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: I really don't care whatever happens with their customers 4:29 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: even if my provider place in limits 4:29 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): well I care, for myself, for others as well 4:31 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: i do wish to see them push it forward and take lots of action on how it's being used today 4:31 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it really has nothing to do with how its being used today 4:31 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): in fact, high speed internet needs to be freely provided to all as a right, the removal of net neutrality with set us back in progress, in morals, a lot 4:33 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): the amount of capitalism in the US is already showing its issues, the greed of it, this will just add to it if net neutrality is removed 4:33 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): they are not trying to do it to make anything better ON the internet, just to try to make more money from internet usage 4:34 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: I don't want it to be better 4:35 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: Just wish to see the internet disappear for once 4:35 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it wont and it shouldnt, its the single best invention in the last 50 years, the free sharing of information is the only future that is a good one 4:36 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: And people have done so much advantage to it more than terrorist attacking at random. 4:37 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): it will lead the world back into small, closed mindsets where they dont know whats happening in the world 4:37 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its a tool, the same as anything else, can be used for bad or good, but the good of it far outweights the bad 4:39 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): saying the internet is bad because there has been a few bad things its been used for is like saying the wheel is bad because some people have been run over with one.. discounting the way its changed the world for the better 4:44 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: There has been much more than a few that I've seen has changed many people I knew over the years, for the worst. I don't care for it's benefits no more and just want to see how everyone's reaction when net neutrality does go through. Whine like little babies and possibly start riots till the enforcers come and put a lot of people down. I've gone to that point now, with this generation and the things I see everyday that I can't simply ignore, most of it being the reason why I'm having to take medications. --------------------------- 12:27 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: no.. i wont say anything hateful, just planning to move on and be sure it'll stay indefinite. the long run of gaming was fun but im tired of holding grudges and not forgetting about the bad stuff in the past. im gonna have to start making new friends and let those past mistakes be a valuable lesson. i was never a bad person, its just none of us have much in common anymore. maybe one day out of freak random, we might all encounter eachother and thats just it, im fine with that, but as friends its not going to happen. i just want to keep this neutral while letting you listen and respect my decision, thats all 12:27 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I have no clue what was going on.. you came on, I said hey to you, you answered, I got attacked by guards, then you left 12:28 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): so do what you need to do 12:28 AM - Jimmy Cleaver: yep, have a nice day 12:28 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): bye