Messenger Plus! Chat Log

Session Start: June 2, 2007

(11:23 PM) firedragon.02@ho:red red me scared lol
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(11:23 PM) firedragon.02@ho:next door fighting 4 or 5 house has there light on to see
(11:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(11:24 PM) firedragon.02@ho:over a damn tint
(11:25 PM) firedragon.02@ho:that pettey bad..
(11:25 PM) firedragon.02@ho:night
(11:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :gn

Session Start: June 3, 2007

(6:00 PM) firedragon.02@ho:still not use paypal yet?
(6:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i have
(6:00 PM) firedragon.02@ho:really?
(6:01 PM) firedragon.02@ho:so u did it by ur bank?
(6:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(6:01 PM) firedragon.02@ho:o ok so u need permission evey time u add money there or ? just permission to use it then add money whenever u want :S
(6:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm? i just add money to the paypal whenever i want to, though it takes about 6-8 days because its a bank account
(6:03 PM) firedragon.02@ho:so it didnt took 6 - 8 day
(6:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it took a bit longer for me but it was around easter when i did it so they were probably busy
(6:04 PM) firedragon.02@ho:true but when u order it didnt took that long?
(6:04 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :nope, it was automatic
(6:05 PM) firedragon.02@ho:so like it i put $300 in it take awhile

it be there untill whenever i wanna spend

so if i wanna add other $300

i would have 600 without spending

but if i spend it just be send asp and the compay will...ship...?
(6:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(6:06 PM) firedragon.02@ho:really
(6:06 PM) firedragon.02@ho:dose it have a history of wat u buy n stuff do?
(6:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep i think it does
(6:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and it emails you every time just for confirmation too
(6:06 PM) firedragon.02@ho:Yeh it usely half 2 cause of visa and mastercard (As will)
(6:07 PM) firedragon.02@ho:were would it tell u how much $ u have left over? :S
(6:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh..
(6:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :right on the main page after you sign in
(6:09 PM) firedragon.02@ho:o sry about that stupid question
(6:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and yes it does show a record of what you paid
(6:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np
(6:09 PM) firedragon.02@ho:it just that if i do make account n stuff

i just wanna know it show your $ Left... on the main page (without) worrying how much...
(6:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(6:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i have a dollar and 56 cents in my balance on there lol
(6:11 PM) firedragon.02@ho:i worry... about $ i know paypal a trust compay it just that i would forget...
(6:11 PM) firedragon.02@ho:how much i had befor
(6:11 PM) firedragon.02@ho:u going add more $ to your paypal account or just leave that 56 cents alone:P
(6:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ill leave it as it is until i need to buy something else lol
(6:12 PM) firedragon.02@ho:wat u buy from paypal if u rememeber..
(6:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i bought a game
(6:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i had the trial and i upgraded to the full game
(6:13 PM) firedragon.02@ho:wat... i didnt know game site have paypal
(6:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it was one specific game, on their official site
(6:13 PM) firedragon.02@ho:lol nice..
(6:14 PM) dosnt matter were  u buy from or it must be in canada ?
(6:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :depends on the seller
(6:16 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:some i want is pettey much in cAnada
(6:18 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:Any bill from it/
(6:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(6:18 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:any bill from buying?
(6:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :o
(6:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(6:19 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:so they wouldnt send none .. if it paypal
(6:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know, the one guy who owns the game that i bought, he just sent me a confirmation email after
(6:20 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:u had him on msn?!?! lol
(6:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :what?
(6:20 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:when u said that seen like u no the guy
(6:21 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no, i just said he sent me an confirmation email....
(6:21 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:sry tried lol no sleep next door been fighting non stop lastnight but yeh cool thanks

long i still get $ in there without no spending n stuff that good
(6:25 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:okay thank red  i think i know now

it keep watever i added (Without spending) n stuff thanks
(6:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np

Session Start: June 3, 2007

(10:46 PM) firedragon.02@ho:any date of it out yet lol or not even
(10:46 PM) firedragon.02@ho:sc2
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no, not that i know of
(10:47 PM) firedragon.02@ho:=/
(10:50 PM) firedragon.02@ho:tht sucks cause SC2 recommand right now :D At less a damn demo.............

but i know it be vista only tho :(
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no it wont, its primarily for xp
(10:51 PM) firedragon.02@ho:yay.. =/         but eh still vista.........not alot of people will buy it............
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :do you mean not a lot of people will buy vista or buy sc2?
(10:51 PM) firedragon.02@ho:vista
(10:52 PM) firedragon.02@ho:sc2 will be popur hopyfully
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(10:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i just care for d3 :( 
(10:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i care about both
(10:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:eh im not good at building :( 
(10:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i like there mini game's :$
(10:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:is that so bad?!
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :minigames?
(10:55 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh gunbounds n stuff like that people build off it
(10:59 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:some people want Diablo for psp :| tho that be kinda small!!!!!!!!!!!!
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(11:00 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:so been working much?
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh yep
(11:00 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cool how is the game?
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :coming along
(11:01 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hey can i show u somethen

A friend of my dosnt know much art but can u see how he did?
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sur
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sure*
(11:01 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:he made me 2... but 1st one kinda hard to see word but
(11:02 PM) Patrick - CrAzY: < hard see words
(11:02 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:program is useing gimp..
(11:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well both are kinda hard to tell what the picture is
(11:03 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh true but he learning it...
(11:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :better colour definition would be a good thing, more contrast in the colours
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hmm i dunno gimp has that type of stuff
(11:04 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it has almost everything photoshop has, or so i hear
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:he ask how much psp cost i told him he like got pissed about it
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yea pettey  true 2
(11:04 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :why doesnt he just download it
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:then he need pay after that 30 days..
(11:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :can download the full programs from some places
(11:05 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:didnt know but he kinda happy about gimp but still new do it how u can tell since your good at art
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :with the 2nd one, it might have been better if he made the font and the dragon bright colours, and the background darker
(11:08 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:any idea wat  bright colours that would match
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well the font could be red or something, leave the dragon the colour it is, and just make the background much darker
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it would really stand out
(11:09 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dark as
(11:10 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:u got the hight xmen done yet
(11:10 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:wolf..
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no, i havent had the time to go back and work on him
(11:11 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:so it never get done?
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :its sitting half done on my comp
(11:12 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hmm wounder it talk at night while eveyone sleep :P
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:13 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:some 1 i know she like alright done school she like got 2 tatto and had it on her myspace she put it hurt like a bitch...../
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:14 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:she was gotta cry but eh :P
(11:20 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:;) Plz Plz!!! PLZ make a 360 version after :P sry
(11:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:21 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:any news on testing?
(11:25 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:XD my computer can play hight XD
(11:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:25 PM) Patrick - CrAzY::) all i need more ram

1 more512mb = 1GB on both ram n video card :D
(11:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:26 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:it my video card how they build it T&L
(11:31 PM) Patrick - CrAzY: wat about this
(11:32 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:wat u think
(11:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :a lot better
(11:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :name could be a bit brighter, but at least you can read it
(11:33 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh but u think it better
(11:36 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :much better
(11:36 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hah cool
(11:47 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:oit late i think ill go get sleep

+ I wannna Sound'( 
    !!!!!!!!!!! Em sry lol tried
(11:47 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:49 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dose it really matter how lought the sound go

Cause at walmart there one for $89.99

Come: Dvd player / 6 small paper / Sub / Tv Speaker / (is that any good) or bad?
(11:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i dont know, depends on the company
(11:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:no clue cause it got no compay logo...
(11:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:but it show "Walmart shipping Address" ...wat dosnt...
(11:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :probably not a good thing then
(11:51 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:eh my cousin has it but it ok

but it look bad cause u gotta refill it up after the thingy burn out after awhile
(11:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:it come with 2 (1 in side sub) and other just to put in after other burn out (wat prob cost like $50)

(11:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:53 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:and u dont need nothing for your?
(11:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:sorry
(11:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:but if it around $199 - 499 would be worth it

under $70 + it not ?
(11:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :guess not
(11:55 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:will i dunno i know u told me 1 befor but i forgot name alright :$
(11:56 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :pioneer?
(11:56 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:o yah
(11:56 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:did it cost u alot?
(11:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know exactly how much though
(11:57 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:damn
(11:58 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ok would u buy the kit (With eveything)

or 1 by 1 speaker n all ?
(11:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :probably go with a kit
(11:58 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:alrigh
(11:58 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:are they all pettey much DD?
(11:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :dd?
(11:59 PM) Patrick - CrAzY: it like this but sliver but not RCA
(11:59 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dd Dolby Digital
(12:01 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ours is more expensive than that one lol
(12:01 AM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol yeh i just want Dolby Digital
(12:01 AM) Patrick - CrAzY:but im pettey sure there all Dolby Digital  right
(12:02 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :this is close to what we have, not exact though
(12:02 AM) Patrick - CrAzY:wish canada look that but eh us .com
(12:02 AM) Patrick - CrAzY:alright cool night
(12:02 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :gn
(12:02 AM)The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:


Session Start: June 5, 2007

(10:13 PM) firedragon.02@ho:lol divx has a dvd player =/
(10:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:13 PM) firedragon.02@ho:i just check it out yesertday
(10:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:15 PM) firedragon.02@ho:and i found out what to get for laptop

Acer    im going get this

u think the space is good?
it a ati video card 128 shared i think

but idc i wanna use it for internet n stuff without gaming on this would it be good by speed and ram? and the hd size?
(10:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hd size only matters if you are going to be saving a lot of stuff on it
(10:18 PM)- Patrick - CrAzY Canadian Dude!!! is now Online
(10:18 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:true

that the thing i dunno if u can upgread the hd on laptop :S
(10:18 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i know ram
(10:18 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:can
(10:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :120 isnt too small of space though
(10:19 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:1024MB good right it
(10:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :for ram? ya thats 1 gig
(10:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not bad
(10:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not the best though
(10:19 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:eh lol
(10:19 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:Fuck i get mac o wait i dunno how use them and they cost 3k! rofl i hate mac's =/
(10:20 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i dunno i think u can upgread harddrive

like if i dont want 120 i can upgread it to bigger one like 350 or 250 or so?
(10:21 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:or it can't be upgreaded :S
(10:21 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know about laptops
(10:21 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:me eather
(10:21 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:but i know it good for now

i dont really want anything big

but that look fine as it is
(10:22 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :if its just for internet and stuff, ya probably fine
(10:22 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:will yea for msn / xfire n stuff

i dont play pc game much anymore it pointless pay 3k for a gaming system if not one going play them
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(10:23 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i just wanna good speend just cause of Vista and bigger hd but i think it can be upgreaded  
(10:24 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:aslo was looking at this

but it could lag..
(10:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm maybe
(10:27 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:bestbuy prob have cheaper eh
(10:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya probably
(10:27 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:err i wish bestbuy here!
(10:28 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:wait mom going NB Summer wait i dunno bestbuy be there
(10:29 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:anyways  thank for alittle help

but ok

Dual Core?
1GB Ram
5 or 17" Flat screen if can get any
  Video Card (125mb or 256mb for dvd movie's?)
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya that is pretty good
(10:30 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:video card?? Dosnt matter for video's?
(10:30 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:for dvds ?
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :um the more the better, but for dvd's it probably doesnt make too much of a difference, but more is always better
(10:31 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:alright i try get 256
(10:31 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:thank
(10:39 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np
(10:40 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:if i can't get 256 ill get 126mb or w/e it nothing big
(10:40 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya

Session Start: June 5, 2007

(10:56 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:alright cool thank

I guess 1k  dosnt hurt

or $800 at less  i think it dosnt... -_-
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(10:58 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:will i mean

$500 - 1000 is ok for price i guess..
(10:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya probably

Session Start: June 5, 2007

(11:32 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:okay i got it

i really dont need that i got 360 need be work on since i love it n use it evey day n so on ... :D 

fuck it ... i hoping MS Add Web brower do it soon hopyfully... :$ 
(11:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:32 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i want Wii do
(11:32 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:it $300
(11:33 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:cause of

Final Fight
Mario Zelda 1 2 and so on
(11:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(11:34 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:yeh would u buy wii for $300 at less?

Then $600 xbox 360 or $700 ps3 :P
(11:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i wouldnt cause i dont like consoles much, but that is just me
(11:35 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:lol :P true
(11:35 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:guess i going go bed
(11:35 PM)- Patrick - CrAzY Canadian Dude!!! is now Offline

Session Start: June 6, 2007

(4:48 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:is roger cheap for cellphone?
(4:48 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i hear it very bad
(4:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i dont know, we dont have rogers cellphones
(4:49 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol i tho u have roger eveything :P
(4:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no, we only have rogers cable tv and internet
(4:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :have bell phones
(4:49 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:bell have phones?!
(4:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:my Alient

but i thinking disconnect them phone
buy the cellphone at roger's
        or       telus or somewere

some said telus is better... but i dunno lol
(4:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(4:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i dunno i thinking rogers is it cheap tho

somethen support msn... aim and yahoo then idc..
(4:52 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(4:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:and it like $15 per month for unlimt text i think anyways idk
(4:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ill look at rogers site later on

i just tho u would have the "Set" Tv Phone wireless and internet from them
(4:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :nope lol
(4:57 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol damn i tho u would save $ From all but eh sry lol

Session Start: June 6, 2007

(5:11 PM) damn i need work:anyway i going check roger u telus site out later...
(5:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(5:11 PM)The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:


Session Start: June 6, 2007

(10:28 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:red gamespy dard
(10:28 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dead *
(10:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:28 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:im like board
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :how do you know gs is dead
(10:29 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:im on it
(10:29 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:u ever seen like 10 people in chat room

used been over 120
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not in a long time
(10:29 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol trust me it long dEAd
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :there were a few people in avp gold last time i logged on
(10:30 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol :P
(10:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :there is only 1 plus me in there now lol
(10:31 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ur on gs??
(10:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i see more than 40 people online right now
(10:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and yes
(10:31 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:1 min
(10:32 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i dunno if i could use my life time
(10:32 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cause my gatherfather buy it

but he pass away and i dunno if it work again
(10:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(10:32 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cause AD Are being ass's
(10:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:32 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i didnt know u buyed it lol
(10:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :long time ago lol
(10:33 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:same here but i dunno if i could use it again due gatherfather account ehh err i wish he used mine email!
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(10:34 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh shame =/
(10:40 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:holy shit im falling asleep
(10:41 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:41 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:o wait a fight :-O 
(10:43 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:god girls on myspace look good few other ugly as hell but eh i dunno
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:43 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol i dont think u got that?
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(10:44 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:not hear myspace eather
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont look at other people's profiles on there except my friends
(10:44 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol :D no i dont look at other people im on there chat room rofl ... that the sad part ...
(10:45 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:mine

haha :P
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :" This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile"
(10:45 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh it is pravte cause it got nothing i dunno were go
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:for image n stuff
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ur better then mine :P
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i know how to edit it lol
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:my pet!
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i dont ! lol
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:that bad?
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :nah a lot of people dont know
(10:46 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:u got IMVP or w/e lol do
(10:47 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i did but i havent used it in a looong time, think i might have deleted it
(10:47 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol what the hell that?
(10:48 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :some kind of chat program
(10:49 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:really?
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(10:49 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:eh...boring?
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :3d though, you make a character and go in
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well ya it wasnt to my tastes
(10:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol fuck ii c like older people on that to like 30's + do
(10:51 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:but i wat good or wat not anymore tho
(10:51 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i wanna chat program to chat but there non msn is gone :(       Aim sucks

Myspace down

Was looking at imvp or w/e it call but i tho it nothing cause of "young" but i c 30 + on it :|
(10:52 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(10:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:really on site it show like 33 20 50 etc
(10:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:i going shower but if u ever find a "web" for it can u show me it plz?
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :the site for imvu?
(10:53 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:yeh...
(10:53 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:brb going get quick shower
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh its just
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and k
(10:53 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:damn i feel stupid
(10:55 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:going go shower but after bak can i ask u few q about it ?
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sure
(10:55 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:k ty brb
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:can it be deleted anytime? if u dont want it anymore
(11:04 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(11:04 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:last name shows?
(11:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you make up a name for it
(11:05 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:what u mean

Dosnt half be 1st & Last?
(11:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :
(11:06 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dont see ur info..
(11:06 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:Guest_IllyriaLycanis
Avatar since: 09/27/06

Age: 24
Last log on: 06/06/07

(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :dont need to add  anything else
(11:07 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:friend list n shit included?
(11:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :just whoever you add as a friend on there
(11:08 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:how i tho it chat how can u add while it not in chat it only show buddy list :S
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :there are a couple windows that open
(11:10 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hmm
(11:11 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:wikie said it like myspace :S
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :thats wrong
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it has 3d chat rooms
(11:11 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:true but eh
(11:12 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:if u dont need it anymore delete account right?
(11:12 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:if u can
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well i dont know if you can actually delete the account, i assume you can, but you can just get rid of the program and be done with it
(11:14 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dose it for home address post code n stuff like that eh i hate that cause :P it could send junk!!!
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(11:16 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:can i short my last name or half be full?
(11:17 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you can put whatever you want in there, doesnt have to be your actual name
(11:17 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:eh so i can just put b and they dont care
(11:17 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(11:17 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:but would it send to other people :S
(11:18 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:like invite that type of bs like bebo n few other ? or no
(11:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no i dont think so
(11:19 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:fuk it i put my real name but i put B For last cause i dont think i wanna share that :P so they dont give a shit
(11:19 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:?
(11:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :they dont care about any name you put it whatsoever
(11:20 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:even last they dont care lol
(11:20 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ty
(11:21 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np
(11:22 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:wat the hell
(11:26 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:adults only wtf dose that mean! Im no kid anymore :P rofl i alright kno that
(11:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :did it ask you if you were over 13?
(11:27 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol no it show dob system

month day and year
(11:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:28 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:if i said it right then this icon show on top adults only n so on :P ROFL
(11:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :maybe you put the wrong year in?
(11:28 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:hmmm  im not even 18
(11:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :that could be the problem
(11:29 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:me 19 lol :P
(11:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:29 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:20 in dec
(11:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(11:30 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:eh
(11:30 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:it kinda look ulgy
(11:31 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:very....
(11:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(11:33 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:thank god they got delete account on this
(11:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:34 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:it look ponitless
(11:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:35 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:god them white people look stone VERY
(11:35 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:with red eye wtf
(11:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:35 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:omg lol
(11:38 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cool 1 timeout
(11:38 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:for nothing
(11:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:39 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:omfg this stoner dude making me sleeepy do
(11:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cool deleted it :P dont like it
(11:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:50 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:dont ya feel bad for the 3d guy haha
(11:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:51 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol but owill
(11:52 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:Fuck
(11:53 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:ps3 going have somethen like that i rememeber now
(11:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:54 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:nice display
(11:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cover of the movie Monty Python's Meaning of Life
(11:55 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:cool
(11:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :good movie lol
(11:56 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:lol :Pyeh never seen it...
(11:56 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :should its funny
(11:56 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :monty python is some of the best comedy around
(11:56 PM) Patrick - CrAzY:alrigh ... ill watch it whenever it on
(11:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:57 PM) Patrick - CrAzY::P

Session Start: June 7, 2007

(10:02 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:lol im getting hang of myspace
(10:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(10:03 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:yeh i like there IM :P
(10:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:03 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:it kinda sound good
(10:07 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i dont htink u got that
(10:07 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:think *
(10:07 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(10:07 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i mean i dont think u got myspace im lol
(10:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i havent been on myspace today
(10:10 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:noo i mean myspace im

Im = Messenger (still new and beta)
(10:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(10:10 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:lol :P
(10:11 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:
(10:11 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:wat i mean lol

Session Start: June 7, 2007

(10:26 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:im turning to dark side :| AKA PS3 Side :| i love my 360 but
(10:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:27 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:is that bad
(10:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :*shrugs*
(10:29 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:will i mean err im on MS Side cause of good deal n stuff but never BC

I like sony befor xbox (had old xbox solded out asp) it cause sony keep me alittle busyer........ with Action Game's

360 pettey much sport / FPS / Etc
(10:33 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:+ i want wii for SUPERMARO FOR THE WIN !
(10:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:33 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:not got wii?
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(10:35 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:o yea lol forgot

Session Start: June 7, 2007

(10:49 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:guess i need save other $800 for ps3
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:49 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:ny 369 came to 900
(10:49 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:360*
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:49 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:o yeh i gotta question i dunno if u would know
(10:50 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:usa got them paid visa card

Gift card paided any age law can use it in US would canada have somethen like this any time soon ?
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i would think any age could use something like that since its a gift card but i dont know for sure
(10:52 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:will i know american has them cause my friend in us she like 13 her mom and sisters buy her visa gift card..
(10:54 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i hop Canada has it sometime this year or not cause it be nice...
(10:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(10:54 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:need visa
(10:54 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:XD For ps3 store they dont make paid Card !
(10:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:54 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:+ Paypal dosnt support it damn

Session Start: June 7, 2007

(11:09 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:o yeh could u rob a ATM Cash?
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(11:10 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:Will some 1 wanna try rob cash from atm..
(11:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i doubt it
(11:10 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:ok
(11:10 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:but if u try would it set anything off?
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oh almost certainly.. all atm's have cameras too
(11:11 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:yeh i kno that but fuck
(11:11 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:it dagers and risky tho
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :probably just about impossible to get away with
(11:11 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:yah i kno some 1 who wanna try that
(11:12 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:im sure hell would never do nothing like that
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :tell them its a stupid idea
(11:12 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:i had
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :they would get caught for sure
(11:12 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:-_- he didnt listen cause he Friend try
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :=\
(11:12 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:he kinda got like 300 off it some how wired
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :very stupid thing to try
(11:12 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:yep
(11:13 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:that...hmm bad
(11:22 PM) - Patrick - CrAz:sooooooo wat new?
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not much

Session Start: June 9, 2007

(10:58 PM) Getting Vista in:red  u wanna see wat emma made for me
(10:58 PM) Getting Vista in:it not done yet but almost
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh sure
(10:58 PM) Getting Vista in:
(10:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(10:59 PM) Getting Vista in:yeh...
(10:59 PM) Getting Vista in:dunno wat kind of paper it is tho
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hard to tell but looks like it has a low thread count which makes it bumpier
(11:00 PM) Getting Vista in:yeh true + emma like paper art :P u like PC
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i do both actually
(11:01 PM) Getting Vista in:o i didnt kno
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :for example,
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :all pencil
(11:01 PM) Getting Vista in:wtf nice
(11:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oh and one of my newest
(11:02 PM) Getting Vista in:holy shit
(11:02 PM) Getting Vista in:bet that took alot
(11:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep, worked on it for like 4 days =\
(11:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and here is another
(11:03 PM) Getting Vista take few day off eh
(11:03 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:05 PM) Getting Vista in:o yeh i gotta go on dark side soon :(
(11:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:06 PM) Getting Vista in:my pc acting like a bitch so i gotta format this   hop it fix but i got fucking problem err

my xp cdkeys are ended all 25 are up (Wat is bs) my xp cd broke

So in a week or 2 ill gotta go buy vista  
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:06 PM) Getting Vista in::(
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :evil vista
(11:06 PM) Getting Vista in:if u want

W/e i get n shit i can take Few Vista Pictrue for ya so u can see them ur self... i use photobucket! so...  
(11:07 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :thanks but ive seen screenshots and vids of vista before
(11:07 PM) Getting Vista in:ok lol i didnt kno
(11:10 PM) Getting Vista in:ok do ur free hosting site give u offer?
(11:10 PM) Getting Vista in:i mean wow server
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:11 PM) Getting Vista in:my friend got 1

if u pay like $25.00 domain
U get ALOT more (Newer level to 80 + etc) not 75 etc i think they hack it
(11:12 PM) Getting Vista in:free same but less
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you dont even really need to pay for a domain i think, i know ones that just use the ip address
(11:13 PM) Getting Vista in:i kno lol but i mean it just for other free i think eh
(11:13 PM) Getting Vista in:but ehh nooo i dont wanna go on dark sideeeeeee
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in:is it 64 bit or 32 let u play game?
(11:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no idea
(11:16 PM) Getting Vista in:i think 64
(11:21 PM) Getting Vista in:lol i think vista has more picture's then xp dose at start
(11:22 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:22 PM) Getting Vista in:u seen the install setup yet lol if u seen pictrue
(11:22 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no i havent
(11:22 PM) Getting Vista in:

i dunno wat this is

just learning it when evil come on this pc
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:23 PM) Getting Vista in:this setup look better then xp...sry
(11:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:25 PM) Getting Vista in:but i mean ... bootup with OS  

not hit any key
(11:27 PM) Getting Vista in:o m g
(11:28 PM) Getting Vista in:i rememeber this Setup thingy 98 used had

Eveytime there a new update
it pop up to install / then restart
(11:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:28 PM) Getting Vista in:vista has it:|
(11:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:36 PM) Getting Vista in:night

;) In week or 2 ill tell u how vista is ! :P
(11:36 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol

Session Start: June 10, 2007

(11:10 PM) Getting Vista in:i getting a wii :D
(11:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(11:11 PM) Getting Vista in:yah mom going buy me one for xmas

ROFL but should i get game "Very Early"?
(11:11 PM) Getting Vista in:cause if i dont i forget n prob would be piss...
(11:12 PM) Getting Vista in:but should i

And i would save up for Point's :P For Mario BRO Mario Bro 3 :) ETc
(11:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:13 PM) Getting Vista in:hah i love sega nes etc :( Im pettey much old school
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in:is that bad :Plol
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh no
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in::-O It is omg i a idoit then
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in:jk
(11:21 PM) Getting Vista in:u migh remember this
(11:21 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i never had nintendo
(11:21 PM) Getting Vista in:err :P Okk nvm lol
(11:24 PM)Getting Vista in Week or 2 ! :D - Patrick - CrAzY Canadian Dude!!! - Fire Dragon02 Was giving by a Speacl Friend ! From year's :D has changed his/her status to Busy
(11:24 PM)Getting Vista in Week or 2 ! :D - Patrick - CrAzY Canadian Dude!!! - Fire Dragon02 Was giving by a Speacl Friend ! From year's :D has changed his/her status to Online
(11:26 PM)Getting Vista in Week or 2 ! :D - Patrick - CrAzY Canadian Dude!!! - Fire Dragon02 Was giving by a Speacl Friend ! From year's :D is now Offline

Session Start: June 11, 2007

(11:12 PM) Getting Vista in::(
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in:xp firewall dosnt remov
(11:14 PM) Getting Vista in:e
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:my xp
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:dosnt
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:remove...
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:firewall even if disable :( 
(11:15 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:u no wat stupid
(11:15 PM) Getting Vista in:vista need
1GB  of Eveything to run
60GB Of hd     
(11:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:17 PM) Getting Vista in:guess i need buy a other 512mb ram
(11:23 PM) Getting Vista in:errrrr

lol how much are 512 now? cheap or still up to 100
(11:23 PM) Getting Vista in:mine take 184 pin
(11:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i dont know, i got a 1gig for $80
(11:24 PM) Getting Vista in:hmmm i need 184 pin
(11:24 PM) Getting Vista in:lol :P nice deal
(11:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :best buy
(11:25 PM) Getting Vista in:yeh
(11:25 PM) Getting Vista in:but i should order 2GB
and other 512 = 4GB
(11:26 PM) Getting Vista in:but for now fuck it

ill get vista if it unhappy idc
i going buy Wii Game's  n stuff :P cause i do want wii badly :$

Session Start: June 12, 2007

(10:57 PM) Getting Vista in:hmm im confused y vista cant have fat or fat32
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(10:57 PM) Getting Vista in:on alot site u need rename them nstc
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:58 PM) Getting Vista in:that confused me
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:59 PM) Getting Vista in:+ 1 - 2 week i get vista
(10:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:00 PM) Getting Vista in:then i gotta work on my xbox 360 n wii if i can buy it

Session Start: June 13, 2007

(4:29 PM) getting vista in:lol ur on early
(4:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(4:30 PM) getting vista in:-_- i miss nintendo game's haha
(4:40 PM) getting vista in:o yeh
(4:40 PM) getting vista in:E3 be out
(4:40 PM) getting vista in:this year in a month
(4:40 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :e3?
(4:41 PM) getting vista in:yeh

It tell people what upcoming Game for ALL Systems And SC2 be in this one

They show u what in it  Gameplay What they Add Remove

(Eveything) befor IGN Gamespot do
(4:42 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(4:42 PM) getting vista in:it kool really
(4:43 PM) getting vista in:maybe they put "Wii Colors" If they are planing cause N compay dosnt wanna do that untill they sold alot of copys

They alrighted solded 7,000,000 + copys almost to the 8k
(4:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(4:44 PM) getting vista in:dunno if E3 on Tv or not i usely ign it after few day it done

Session Start: June 13, 2007

(5:05 PM) getting vista in:but i hop wii have color soon

i want black
(5:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(5:06 PM) getting vista in::P wat im nintendo fan :(

Session Start: June 13, 2007

(5:18 PM) getting vista in:haha
(5:18 PM) getting vista in:there a fire down the road -_-
(5:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(5:18 PM) getting vista in:i think it mom ex friend house
(5:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(5:19 PM) getting vista in:XD if it get big it go near the park

Session Start: June 13, 2007

(5:51 PM) getting vista in:fuck this street bad now
(5:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(5:51 PM) getting vista in:there like 4 cop down the road here...
(5:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :oo
(5:51 PM) getting vista in::D Good thing strong good :D word

no one can't kick my sorry ass

Session Start: June 13, 2007

(11:12 PM) playing ofp - Cr:do people still play? D2
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(11:13 PM) playing ofp - Cr:wounder if i can find it
(11:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:14 PM) playing ofp - Cr:would u help me? lol
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sure
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :now?
(11:14 PM) playing ofp - Cr:no i mean after i install it etc..
(11:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sure
(11:15 PM) playing ofp - Cr:really? What level
(11:15 PM) playing ofp - Cr:are u
(11:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :highest char is 87, and i have just about anything in between
(11:17 PM) playing ofp - Cr:umm
(11:19 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i gotta look for it later if not around ill buy it not that much anymore is it
(11:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh the battlechest still is pretty pricey (both d2 and lod), like 60 for both or 30 each
(11:22 PM) playing ofp - Cr:WTF
(11:22 PM) playing ofp - Cr:no way
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it hasnt gone down in price since i bought it
(11:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :must still be pretty popular
(11:23 PM) playing ofp - Cr:damn
(11:25 PM) playing ofp - Cr:dont ya love popur game -_-
(11:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:26 PM) playing ofp - Cr:but i found starcraft
(11:28 PM) playing ofp - Cr:but  u think u able to help me

on easy untill im level 20 - 25 with cow's?          then i can go on my own after
(11:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sure
(11:29 PM) playing ofp - Cr:what level u think i can make it by?
(11:29 PM) playing ofp - Cr:on easy with cow's? befor norm and hard
(11:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you mean on normal mode, uh depends on the class you are using and what kind of equipment you have, but around lvl 30 probably
(11:31 PM) playing ofp - Cr:will i mean i forgot my account name

+ it all deleted due 90 days:(
And i might go with the guy with magic skull or the bear dude  
(11:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :do you mean necro or druid?
(11:32 PM) playing ofp - Cr:yea
(11:32 PM) playing ofp - Cr:vut they prob suck 2 -_- will necro is
(11:32 PM) playing ofp - Cr:but*
(11:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :necros dont suck
(11:33 PM) playing ofp - Cr:hmm i dunno wat use with him
(11:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:34 PM) playing ofp - Cr:summe thingy?
(11:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(11:34 PM) playing ofp - Cr:were he call skulls undead n them rock fire iron people
(11:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :summoner
(11:35 PM) playing ofp - Cr:yeh
(11:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i used an overlord necro and patriarched him ( finished the whole game)
(11:35 PM) playing ofp - Cr:wat overload?
(11:36 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not overload, overlord
(11:36 PM) playing ofp - Cr::P
(11:36 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i tho the use max
(11:36 PM) playing ofp - Cr:25 of eveything
(11:36 PM) playing ofp - Cr:n 1 rock fire or iron
(11:37 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :
(11:38 PM) playing ofp - Cr:nice
(11:38 PM) playing ofp - Cr:u got halo/
(11:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(11:38 PM) playing ofp - Cr:alot people play it?
(11:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i guess, im not a big fan of it though
(11:39 PM) playing ofp - Cr:lol i c that by 7 hours
(11:39 PM) playing ofp - Cr:and d2 more hours
(11:39 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :d2 and wow are probably my top games i think
(11:39 PM) playing ofp - Cr:51 on wow
(11:40 PM) playing ofp - Cr:my friend got some wired pravte room
(11:40 PM) playing ofp - Cr:were he can play eveything

if he pay he get "ALOT" more..
(11:41 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(11:41 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i dunno it call Marc's HighRate BC
(11:43 PM) playing ofp - Cr:but still that halo screenshot scared me cause of the gun
(11:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:44 PM) playing ofp - Cr:
(11:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol that was fun to do... we flipped 4 warthog jeeps in there and then 2 tanks lol
(11:44 PM) playing ofp - Cr:lol haha
(11:44 PM) playing ofp - Cr:damn must been fun
(11:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :very lol
(11:45 PM) playing ofp - Cr:wow still in 1st place of xfire....

Then Call of duty 2

Then CSS
(11:46 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i read on GameSite of Vista
(11:46 PM) playing ofp - Cr:it kinda bs
(11:47 PM) playing ofp - Cr:u need 8GB of Space For 1 Vista Game

2.4 GHZ  + Recommand 3 GH
1GB  + Recommand 2 - 4GB
(11:47 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ouch
(11:47 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i didnt know 3GH was out....

Dual core would beat that?
(11:48 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no idea
(11:48 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i mean fuck...3GH Prob cost like 3,000
(11:48 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:48 PM) playing ofp - Cr:will few are...
(11:50 PM) playing ofp - Cr:hell i order XPS on dell then
(11:50 PM) playing ofp - Cr:fuck that help  

and this offer today are 512mb video card :D   
(11:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:51 PM) playing ofp - Cr:but i dunno how pay eather i dont think i can send them money
(11:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(11:52 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i mean i dont got visa or mastercard

i hear Dell take paypal payments now :P
(11:52 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(11:53 PM) playing ofp - Cr:lol XD Red u need new pc  u can get dell by paypal :P
(11:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont have the money
(11:53 PM) playing ofp - Cr:i tho u get money evey day by ur art
(11:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh no i dont sell my art
(11:54 PM) playing ofp - Cr:u dont got job?
(11:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not yet
(11:54 PM) playing ofp - Cr:Free Upgrade to 512MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 7950 GTX - $400 Value
(11:54 PM) playing ofp - Cr:for offer today
(11:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:55 PM) playing ofp - Cr:hell saved $400 for nothing
(12:01 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh
(12:02 AM) playing ofp - Cr:haha i forgot mail somethen i mean
(12:04 AM) playing ofp - Cr:for Xmas $200 from dad and gathermother  

$300 from mom n her bf  for xmas

should i buy laptop with it?
(12:05 AM) playing ofp - Cr:and red my friend want somethen that she can edit eye color like Photoshop
(12:05 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh GIMP is like photoshop but free
(12:05 AM) playing ofp - Cr:but can u edit eye?
(12:06 AM) playing ofp - Cr:right?
(12:06 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :why not
(12:06 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i assume you can
(12:08 AM) playing ofp - Cr:i really wanna laptop tho
(12:08 AM) playing ofp - Cr:haha
(12:10 AM) playing ofp - Cr:it not virus righ
(12:10 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :GIMP? no
(12:10 AM) playing ofp - Cr:can i invite u to her?
(12:10 AM) playing ofp - Cr:so u could help
(12:11 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh what could i do, ive never used GIMP
(12:11 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i just know of it
(12:11 AM) playing ofp - Cr:will i mean u migh kno of somethen
(12:11 AM) playing ofp - Cr:or could help her fix the eye?
(12:11 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont even know what the program looks like
(12:12 AM) playing ofp - Cr:will i dunno
(12:13 AM) playing ofp - Cr:ok
(12:13 AM) playing ofp - Cr:we got problem
(12:13 AM) playing ofp - Cr:she can't download it VISTA Block it
(12:14 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(12:15 AM) playing ofp - Cr:so gimp out of the list
(12:15 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know of any other free program
(12:15 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :programs*
(12:16 AM) playing ofp - Cr:she dl photoshop
(12:16 AM) playing ofp - Cr:for 30days
(12:16 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:20 AM) Crazy Canadian D:but fuck 2 hours dl :P
(12:21 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :why so long
(12:21 AM) Crazy Canadian D:i dunno vista prob
(12:21 AM) Crazy Canadian D:Vista take alot so it can make other things slower
(12:21 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :=\
(12:22 AM) Crazy Canadian D:yep  

Right now Recommand 1GB Ram
80GB of HD Space
Video Card of 256mb or better
(12:23 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :80.. thats bigger than my friends hd
(12:23 AM) Crazy Canadian D:yep
(12:23 AM) Crazy Canadian D:sad uh
(12:23 AM) Crazy Canadian D:good thing i order 350GB befor
(12:23 AM) Crazy Canadian D:people buying 1TB now so eh
(12:23 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i wish i had that much
(12:24 AM) Crazy Canadian D:if u ever wanna newer computer..
(12:24 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(12:25 AM) Crazy Canadian D:i mean will

When u get a new job
  if u ever want a new computer
You can build ur own or go Dell's
(12:25 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(12:27 AM) Crazy Canadian D:can u check somethen out for min if u can?
(12:28 AM) Crazy Canadian D:

Will play anything?    with 256mb card  
(12:29 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i assume so.. but i dont know much about amd cpus
(12:30 AM) Crazy Canadian D:i got amd :) I love it
(12:30 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :im an intel person
(12:30 AM) Crazy Canadian D:AMD ARE build for gaming and working   
(12:30 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :but i hear they burn out more often than intel
(12:31 AM) Crazy Canadian D:nop
(12:32 AM) Crazy Canadian D:never burned out on me and keep it on running hell my cpu go to 20%

when no one useing it

IF i got like alot of shit it go 50%

if it lags or virus it go 100% Then lower back to norm after removing the virus
(12:33 AM) Crazy Canadian D:checking it now it at 0%
(12:33 AM) Crazy Canadian D:for msn..
(12:33 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well ive been told by people who had it that they had lots of problems
(12:33 AM) Crazy Canadian D:hmmm mine not and it at 0 to 2% only
(12:33 AM) Crazy Canadian D::P shocking eh
(12:33 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(12:34 AM) Crazy Canadian D:got cpuz on
(12:34 AM) Crazy Canadian D:core speed 1808.4 mhz
(12:35 AM) Crazy Canadian D:muitplier X9.0
Bis Speed 200.9 mjz
HT Link 1004.7 MHZ
(12:35 AM) Crazy Canadian D:bus *
(12:35 AM) Crazy Canadian D:Frequency 200 mhz
(12:36 AM) Crazy Canadian D:^^
(12:36 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:36 AM) Crazy Canadian D:so i think it all good
(12:38 AM) Crazy Canadian D:+ I think he burned fast cause he prob didnt had a good fan
(12:38 AM) Crazy Canadian D:u need a big fan "To cool it" Can't use the fan that they give u
(12:38 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:39 AM) Crazy Canadian D:cause when he buid this i c the amd fan and he rechages it to a bigger fan

it quite as hell  
(12:39 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:39 AM) Crazy Canadian D:n i might get this XD it cheap
(12:40 AM) Crazy Canadian D:it not like i need a big big one
(12:40 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:40 AM) Crazy Canadian D:+ IT Offer XP :D
(12:40 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(12:40 AM) Crazy Canadian D::P Dell...gotta love them
(12:41 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(12:41 AM) Crazy Canadian D:cya gotta go bed

And  yeh i might get dell  

(12:42 AM) Crazy Canadian D:and u think i can pay it off
(12:42 AM) Crazy Canadian D:in 1 day
(12:42 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya
(12:42 AM) Crazy Canadian D:like order n pay all at onec?
(12:42 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i would assume so
(12:43 AM) Crazy Canadian D:k my friend did that even tho she in us
(12:43 AM) Crazy Canadian D:cya
(12:43 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya
(12:43 AM)Crazy Canadian Dude - damn i want wii .. is now Offline

Session Start: June 14, 2007

(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:canada have paid card yet ?

CC Paid card's?
I hear few people said they do :S
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :how would i know
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:i dunno........ would it be on any site
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no idea
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:ill check visa 1st :P
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:o shit
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:canada has it
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA: Visa giftcard
(10:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:Visa Gift cards are prepaid, so spending is limited to the amount loaded on the card.
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA::D Is that good
(10:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :* shrugs*
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:The purchaser decides how much to load onto the gift card. The recipient decides where and when to use the card.
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:Use your card until the card balance is used up or until the expiry date, whichever comes first.
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA::D RED VISA GIFTCARD OUT

we dont need job for it
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:we paid then use it w/e :P
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i probably would never use something like that
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:y not lol
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:a friend in usa dose tho
(10:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :why would i
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:will i mean  If u need order online

no pay pal

u got paid visa :P Ready
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:u pay it be added to the card
(10:36 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :there is nothing online i need that much that i would use a credit card if they didnt have paypal
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:but i do i buy hell alot tho
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:alot online thins i want lol this help me righ:P
(10:37 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i guess
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:can buy Gamespy :D
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:$90 for a year
Founders Club
(10:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i have a never ending subscription that only cost me $20
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:me 2
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:but my gatherfather pass away

Dont think i can use it anymore
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:i kno email / pass
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA: for it tho
(10:39 PM) Downloading ArmA:hell idk if i trust Steam tho
(10:40 PM) Downloading ArmA:Giving a Visa Gift card

Visa Gift cards make gift giving easy for people of all ages. :D 

Evey 1 year old can use Visa
(10:40 PM) Downloading ArmA:hahaha :D
(10:40 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:41 PM) Downloading ArmA:that  kool
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:if i buy that put $500 (That the MAX) it can go

i can order parts or w/e n sell it or keep it :-O
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:that kool
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:i can buy a cheap CPU :D
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:since he order 1.8Ghz (When  i wanna 2.0Ghz)

Session Start: June 14, 2007

(10:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:red canada has them :D
(10:56 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you already said that
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:i asked a friend he in canada

Session Start: June 14, 2007

(11:24 PM) Downloading ArmA:nice :)
(11:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?

Session Start: June 15, 2007

(10:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:D2D be my main store now for gaming order :)
(10:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(10:28 PM) Downloading ArmA:
(10:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:28 PM) Downloading ArmA:not hear of it:S
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ive heard of it but thats it
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:ah
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:i buy off there befor
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:game cheat guide book :Pssshh
(10:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:was 28
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:hah
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:but hey
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:uu tell me this worth it
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:it a deal offer
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:Oblivion + Shivering Isles Bundle $80 in canada $69.95 in us  

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion w/ Manual
Exp Pack
(10:37 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sounds good
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:it kinda cheap for deal like tha 2
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:red 1 question
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:North America

Usa & Canada

or USA only:S
(10:39 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :usa, canada and mexico
(10:39 PM) Downloading ArmA:that all?
(10:39 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:40 PM) Downloading ArmA:i didnt know Mexico was part of it... i was thinking Canada & Usa
(10:40 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :technically mexico is part of it
(10:40 PM) Downloading ArmA:that cool
(10:41 PM) Downloading ArmA:ty
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:winzip still free with them logo after 30 day?
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no idea
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i only use winrar now
(10:44 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol no zip fan anymore
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :a lot of things use rar now and well.. winrar can open both zip and rar, so why do i need winzip at all
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:true
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:+ u can make ur own rar installer without addon like winzip
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:it like 25 cheaper
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:zip 79.99 rar 25.00
(10:47 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:but North America = 3  wat u said ty red :) can us n mexico righ
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:ty
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol ebgames doing offer
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:trade 10 xbox 360 games

get xbox 360 for $99
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:Rofl
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:rip off
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:n -_- what a point of the deal if u dont own xbox xbox 360 game's then waste it for that
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA::PRofl
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:but anyways
(10:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:later n thank for that asnwer

Asked few friend befor they didnt kno... me eather i just was thinking them 2 :P
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:57 PM) Downloading ArmA:must been stupid question..
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :some people know, some people dont
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:i didnt i tho them 2 :P
(10:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:i gotta shower n stuff later
(10:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya
(10:59 PM) Downloading ArmA: 

o yeh i might order off D2D Starting
This or next week :D i stopped vista order got my $ back
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:00 PM) Downloading ArmA:hell
(11:00 PM) Downloading ArmA:vista wouldnt run anyways ill wait other year for less bugs
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:01 PM) Downloading ArmA:anyways Thanks :)  later

n ill tell u how it good...                  bye gnight
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :bye

Session Start: June 16, 2007

(11:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:hey
(11:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hi
(11:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:omfg
(11:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:melissa pushing it wtf
(11:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:-_- we doing this wired bet tomorrow

  Just seeee if i gotta miss her or not
-_-              so we can't talk untill monday or so :P
(11:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol i love Geforce card's
(11:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:i can make this disable :P When moving it (While seeing my background) :D
(11:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:$69.95    USA

$79.95 i think

Oblivion + Shivering Isles Bundle
Oblivion Guilds Included
  3 in 1 pack
(11:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you said that yesterday
(11:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:o yeh but it is 79 in canada?
(11:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:since it 69 in us
(11:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :possibly less
(12:00 AM) Downloading ArmA:true...but we gotta pay tax
(12:07 AM) Downloading ArmA:Red
(12:08 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(12:08 AM) Downloading ArmA:if u ever looking for Somethen to play :P Game with without keyboard

get xbox recovery + xbox 360 wireless  

Then you can use 360 wireless play any pc game's without keyboard
(12:08 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i like keyboard
(12:08 AM) Downloading ArmA:lol me 2
(12:08 AM) Downloading ArmA:but not for few games :(
(12:14 AM) Downloading ArmA:installshield compay fucking powerful

o wait installsheild be solded and rename

but damn they added a new program

Try befor buying

you get 1 hour or w/e u set

Then you buy it they give u the history and money into your bank account Asp

(12:14 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:15 AM) Downloading ArmA:so if u ever wanna try somethen

it a idea...
(12:16 AM) Downloading ArmA:it all "Web"

u get support (Ready)
you upload eveything (it be ready under few min)
You get Admin tool (history or payments you made "net" Etc)
  And u need installer for it (cause it dosnt come with 1) only to download / buy / play

If they losed the cdkeys, you dont need do nothing they enter the email. from the "tools" they get the key asp

So yeh
(12:17 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:23 AM) Downloading ArmA:lol idunno if i trust alienware
(12:23 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:23 AM) Downloading ArmA: ..
(12:24 AM) Downloading ArmA:..=/
(12:31 AM) Downloading ArmA:same thing as D2D but i migh get mine off D2D For Movie's  n stuff :)
(12:46 AM) Downloading ArmA:night
(12:46 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :gn

Session Start: June 17, 2007

(5:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:so since Norton American  = us canada  & Mexico

South = UK +
(5:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh no, uk is europe
(5:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:o
(5:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:o ok that why i got confused
(5:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol
(5:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:i was thinking there was only 2
(5:28 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :south america is brazil, peru, uruguay, argentina, chile, bolivia, and a bunch of other countries
(5:28 PM) Downloading ArmA:                 

                                       We got 3

                   us and mexico (With canada)

South is all  brazil etc

Eurp = UK
(5:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank red... i think i got it now  

(5:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np
(5:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:Glad can buy game from D2D Then

When i seen "North American" Only
Was thinking usa only when i asked u that yesertday or so lol but ty :)
(5:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :kik
(5:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:uh.......right
(5:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah typo, "lol"
(5:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol :P 1st time i see a type
(5:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:typo *
(5:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:by u lol
(5:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :it happens
(5:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh
(5:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:but ya thank

Going buy game of D2D Then if it good in canada (Nortn america = canada us n mexico) All i need to hear ty cya :D olol
(5:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya
(5:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:hey 1 question
(5:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:when u used buy a game way bak

Was it by "Trymedia"
(5:37 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know what trymedia is even
(5:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:Part of installshield compay

but installshiled sold it out rename it

  it when you download a "Full Game" you got 1 hour to play the game, after the time up you half to buy befor playing...
(5:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah well no i havent
(5:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:o so it not that...when u used buy it
(5:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(5:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:from paypal onec befo
(5:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:k
(5:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:was just making sure

Session Start: June 17, 2007

(6:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:i gotta go play sc :P later
(6:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya
(6:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:was it /f list?
(6:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(6:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:to add /f add
(6:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(6:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:thnk

Session Start: June 17, 2007

(9:41 PM) Downloading ArmA:so many news people on xfire :P Lol i hop xfire dosnt have "Subscrbed thingy"
(9:42 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(9:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:watup
(9:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :working on a mech model
(9:44 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol nice ill leav

Session Start: June 18, 2007

(10:32 PM) upgreading compu:hey red

would usb can hold "Game" as a Installer file?

Like Autorun / Setup / Dll / Blah whatever it has

under 1GB or 512?

Thank , ill tell u more about it later
(10:32 PM)RR_DF_RaptorRed - I love my Dragon has signed-in (Appear Offline)

Session Start: June 19, 2007

(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:would USB Remove can hold game?
(10:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh if it was big enough maybe
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:will say around 1GB or 2GB

just to hold installer file
(10:15 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you need more than just the installer file though, it needs all the data files and other stuff as well if you want to install a game
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:that what i mean All
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:CAB / Install / Dlls / Folder / ETc from the cd it self
(10:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:16 PM) Downloading ArmA:but D2D  Give u a ZIP File

That let u burn it on disc

It has eveything from autorun +
(10:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :if you can fit all that, it might work.. but a lot of games need the cd, specially newer games
(10:16 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :would have to try and see
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:no D2D Dosnt need cds
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:there from internet

no cd needed to play.exe or anything
(10:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :can always try then
(10:20 PM) Downloading ArmA:will on the support page

can burn it on cd anything
it be on my account life time
cdkeys are on my account life time

just that i dont wanna go on site if i format..
(10:21 PM) Downloading ArmA:will i know i can  

but u see what i mean?
(10:21 PM) Downloading ArmA:just make it usb remove

can be easy for me to install (less cds)
And if i format or anything i can use that
(10:22 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i know what you mean
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm will would at less 2GB Can hold them or 4GB?
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:or should i buy 1 of them thingy u got
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i dont know, ive never had a usb flash drive, so i dont know the sizes, and it depends on how many games you want to store
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:noo i mean the hd u got

The removeable one
(10:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya i know what you meant, you said usb or the removeable hd, so i said i dont know much about flash drives, but if you wanted to store a lot of games, the hd is better probably
(10:25 PM) Downloading ArmA:yea i know

but i dont wanna use ATA Cables i got 1 left i wanna save that for TB Soon

I just wanna somethen  that has USB
(10:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :the removeable hd is a usb
(10:25 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :at least the one i have
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:see what i mean u got 1
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:should i go with them ?
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:then them small one
(10:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :its your choice
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:will i know i wll buy more then 1 games from them
(10:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:i just dont wanna buy small usb remove evey time
(10:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:if i buy like 10 game's that mean i need buy 10 2GB Evey time
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:what u recommand if i get removeable hd
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know, i dont know any other kinds other than the one i got
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh i kno what u mean i forgot lol
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:my friend catch 5 octopus
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:=/
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank red

and plus  i think hd one are cheaper then usb one
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:them small usb remover thingy
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :flash drives
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:sry
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:but they are cheaper then them?
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:8GB Are like $199
(10:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i got my 80gb hd for about $80 but it was on sale at the time, but it was a lot less than that
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:uh damn that cheap
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA:ok ill look at website for hd ones
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:brb
(10:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :k
(10:38 PM) Downloading ArmA:on site it said 3 gb
(10:39 PM) Downloading ArmA:or so ... really if u got website of hd or somethen plz share n brb
(10:42 PM) Downloading ArmA:u got dawn of war?
(10:42 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not yet, in a couple of days probably
(10:42 PM) Downloading ArmA:u getting it
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :my bf is sending me it
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:so i guessing it good... game
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:ah that cool
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :Initiated a file transfer
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :Initiated a file transfer
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :darn this link isnt copying
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :pretty good hd, much better than mine, and under Buy Locally/ Compare Prices, seems good price
(10:44 PM) Downloading ArmA:nice
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:i hop it hold up alot :D 
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :that one there is 500gb
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:when u put usb in
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:dose it show the usb popup
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:alright
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:this game look good
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes the demo was fun
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:wait u had demo
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:47 PM) Downloading ArmA:so u bf had this game but buyed other 1 for u so u both can play it :S
(10:47 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:47 PM) Downloading ArmA:damn that cool
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:wounder alot of people play it :S
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :dont know
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:few of my friend play it on xfire tho
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:he said get all 3...
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:while back
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :a
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah*
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:i kno i want C&C3 lol

Session Start: June 19, 2007

(11:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:that was fast xfire login lol
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(11:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:i was not paying attation u logged out
(11:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i was trying to install mechwarrior 2 and was worried xfire might mess it up
(11:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:oo yea red

i want somethen from alienware
it $399.00 + tax  it limt time only
(11:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:there Case it self

There selling Black n Sliver
      but i dunno how long it limt it for
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:maybe over priced but still
(11:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:but still i need laptop..
(11:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:uh damn dell giving bad offer this week
(11:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:only 2GB ram on eveything
(11:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:if i can get  job n stuff

dell recommanded?  
for laptop

Alot of people told me it is
(11:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :both laptops my bro had are dells
(11:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:damn he rich?
(11:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(11:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:it give him any problems?
(11:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(11:27 PM) Downloading ArmA:nice
(11:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:it not vista?
(11:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no, xp
(11:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummmmmm  
(11:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:if i buy off dell i hop i can add xp then vista ! :P 
(11:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:if not i hope some 1 make a vista downgrader!
(11:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:hey Vista ! U wanna stay with it for ever with problem :D Download DG to XP :D n xp = good p
(11:32 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:32 PM) Downloading ArmA:dunno this or alienware lol

Session Start: June 20, 2007

(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:Red
(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:can i show u somethen
(9:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:let me upload it
(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:brb
(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:this is being done by hand
(9:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:but i wanna see what u think
(9:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:
(9:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:just for fun tho i was trying the editer program out
(9:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:but still they make u do it by hand
(9:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah cool
(9:57 PM) Downloading ArmA:just wish had images etc...

but u think it turn out if i use the editer program alot?
(9:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh
(9:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:anyways it cost $34.99
(9:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(9:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:is it worth it

it has Eveything even XML..
(9:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know
(9:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:k
(9:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:any idea how xml start?
(9:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:to add row n stuff
(10:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ive never used nor seen xml coding
(10:00 PM) Downloading ArmA:ah thank anyways
(10:07 PM) Downloading ArmA:i think ill buy that or lol D2D Game
(10:07 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:thinking buy that

or D2D Game but i duno yet i like the editer :P
(10:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah

Session Start: June 21, 2007

(10:32 PM) Alienware or Del:hey i might get alienware here space

Genuine Windows® XP Professional
AMD Turion™ 64 Mobile ML44 2.4GHz 800MHz FSB 1MB L2 Cache
19" WideSXGA+ 1680 x 1050 LCD Display
2GB Dual Channel DDR SO-DIMM at 400MHz
200GB Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 7,200 RPM w/ NCQ & 16MB Cache
  8x Dual Layer CD-RW/DVD±RW w/ Nero Software   
Dual 512mb NVIDIA Geforce go 7950 GTX SLI Enabled
(10:32 PM)RR_DF_RaptorRed - I love my Dragon has signed-in (Appear Offline)

Session Start: June 21, 2007

(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:i losed the cd :(
(10:48 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :huh
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:d2
(10:48 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:trying dl bc for free but there none
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:i dont wanna buy cd -_-
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :burning crusade?
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:ye
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :get it from a torrent site, isohunt has it
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:so dose but i dont wanna login my name
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:they might kno the catch
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :so get it from isohunt, you dont need to login there
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:alright ur game came yet?
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :today
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol kool try it?
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :installing it now
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:have fun with it
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:how many cds ? lol
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :1
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:i tho 2
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :actually its a dvd
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:that say
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA::P DVD better
(10:52 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :dvd's sometimes crash my comp

Session Start: June 22, 2007

(12:18 AM) Downloading ArmA:hi?
(12:18 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hi
(12:19 AM) Downloading ArmA:how is the game?
(12:19 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :fun
(12:19 AM) Downloading ArmA:alot people?
(12:19 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :im playing an offline game
(12:19 AM) Downloading ArmA:ah i tho online lol
(12:20 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i wouldnt play online til i understand the game better
(12:21 AM) Downloading ArmA:ah i going go bed have fun with it
(12:21 AM) Downloading ArmA:night red
(12:21 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :gn

Session Start: June 22, 2007

(10:03 PM) Downloading ArmA:im confused :S
(10:04 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :?
(10:04 PM) Downloading ArmA:my AMD Athlon 3000 is 1.8Ghz

On a Game Site that do speed

It show my speed 3.0GHZ
(10:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :is it a dual?
(10:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :dont know then
(10:05 PM) Downloading ArmA:it not overclock
(10:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well then it just doesnt read the info right
(10:06 PM) Downloading ArmA:i gotta load CPUZ just to see
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:it HT tho
(10:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:may that y
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:it a big ass fan that cooling it down 2
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:core speed 1808.4 Mhz
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:bus is at 2000.9 Mhz
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:so yeh i think it might sound righ
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:i think it dual
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:caue it show 2 LEVEL
(10:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:is that good 3.0Ghz ?
(10:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:but need 512mb
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:then i got 1GB :D 

i test it pass ALL but not 1GB N Vista :(
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:o shit
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:it is overclocking
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:but still :) IT 2...x
(10:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :very
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:yay? Lol
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:how ur new game keep u busy
(10:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ive only had time to try it once last night
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol will less it somethen u might not get bored of
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:o yeh red
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:some uk guy wanna  gaming pc
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummm
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:Dell? right
(10:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh?
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummmmmmm :P I buying off D2D Site...
(10:18 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:soon
(10:19 PM) Downloading ArmA:tomorrow or next week hoping
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:that game err w/e it call
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:i can play it

on very hight i can't 1gb needed
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:then it would..
(10:22 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:o yea
(10:22 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummm
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:therea motherbord update
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:from geforce kinda scared of dl it..
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:my motherboard geforce..
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:24 PM) Downloading ArmA:nForce Driver Version 6.86
Version: 6.86  WHQL
Release Date: July 7, 2006
(10:24 PM) Downloading ArmA:mine
Current Installed Driver
(10:25 PM) Downloading ArmA:but umm scared...of updateing it
(10:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD incause if may "Crash" And never work again....:$
(10:26 PM) Downloading ArmA:Audio Driver (v4.65) "WHQL"
Audio Utility (v4.51)
Ethernet Driver (v50.25) "WHQL"
Network Management Tools (v50.19)
SMBus Driver (v4.57) "WHQL"
Installer (v4.89)
WinXP IDE SataRAID Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"
WinXP IDE SataIDE Driver (v6.66) "WHQL"
WinXP RAIDTOOL Application (v6.63)

^ the main update ..
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:im not updating it fuck it
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:to scared
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:29 PM) Downloading ArmA:Umm i dont ........ :P want..........

                                         IT Crash lol
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA: this site
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:told mei  could run eveything
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:30 PM) Downloading ArmA:if the site bad?
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA:CPU
Minimum: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP or better
You Have: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3000+
(10:31 PM) Downloading ArmA: CPU Speed
Minimum: 2 GHz
You Have: 1.81 GHz Performance Rated at 3.00 GHz  

^ passed
(10:32 PM) Downloading ArmA: CPU Speed
Recommended: 3 GHz
You Have: 1.81 GHz Performance Rated at 3.00 GHz

Recommand ^ Passed
(10:33 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :the only thing i ever get that fails on those tests is cpu speed, but it always passes minimum, only fails recommended
(10:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm my 3ghz tho some how...:P im not worry tho XD
(10:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:it good
(10:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:it AMD  do soo
(10:33 PM) Downloading ArmA:System RAM
Recommended: 1 GB
You Have: 511.5 MB  

^ Didnt pass
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :you only have a 512 stick?
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:For now....... Yeh
(10:34 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ouch
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA: System RAM
Minimum: 512 MB
You Have: 511.5 MB     
(10:34 PM) Downloading ArmA:-_-
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:i kno bad
(10:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :even though i have a crap comp, i have 3 times that amount lol
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:of Ram?
(10:35 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(10:35 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm i going update it sooon
(10:36 PM) Downloading ArmA::P just dont wanna brother yet

going buy new one when i work again
(10:36 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:but buy whole new system
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:but get intel this time
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:since it better...
(10:37 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:+ I Got $60 -_-
(10:37 PM) Downloading ArmA:it not gotta help
(10:39 PM) Downloading ArmA:n plus u can't get 184 pin anywere now
(10:40 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(10:40 PM) Downloading ArmA:so fuck it
XD 512 going half 2 do

untill i feel like rebuit a computer over
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:i need a printer
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:i got 1 but i need lnk that they cost like $50 -_-
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:3 in 1
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:got it when gatherfather pass away
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:43 PM) Downloading ArmA:logitech ..
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:44 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD IT work but it low on ink + no paper! LOL
(10:44 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :*shrugs*
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:i forgot
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:a guy own a shop he can pettey much order anything
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:i got idea i buy a game + order me other 512mb (1GB) IS good for awhile?!
(10:48 PM) Downloading ArmA:ok so 1GB = Good For Awhile
                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ?

that all it need?
(10:49 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :wouldnt hurt
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:anyways nvm ill order me a 512

Just hoping this last for game's! :P AT less......... XD
(10:49 PM) Downloading ArmA:Ummm :P Evey other game i go to say 1GB needed
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:Will anyways

I go buy Few Game's Then "Buy that 1GB" :P
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD u said it dosnt hurt lol
(10:52 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yep
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:i do it when get few games
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:even can i order it near nov?
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:or 1GB needed by then
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:i mean
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:newer game need 1GB befor "End of the summer"?
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:anyways

Thank red

but fuck it i stay with 512
ill buy other Ram near soon im no hurry + Few Game's play 512 XD Even if it slow  alittl ebut it dosnt bug me
(10:59 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:01 PM) Downloading ArmA:i gotta go later

Aaaaaaaand fuck ill stay with 512
 :D When i feel like buying "Ram" Ill do it Asp
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:02 PM) Downloading ArmA:is 1GB Really recommand/
(11:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :adding an extra gig of ram to my comp made a HUGE difference in everything, not just games
(11:02 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummmmmm DAmn :P Alright but i going go ill think about it

It fine tho it not even slow
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya

Session Start: June 25, 2007

(10:19 PM) Alienware or Del:Red i gotta question

1. should i buy PC Game & Movie's Online or Store

been buying game in store

2.if Store What should i put pc game on shelf? I got long shelf in my room mayb good 3 / 5 foot long.... All the way to my door to the window

3. do we got new pc game case now?!
(10:19 PM)RR_DF_RaptorRed - I love my Dragon has signed-in (Appear Offline)
(10:19 PM)RR_DF_RaptorRed - I love my Dragon has changed his/her personal message to "I love my dragon"

Session Start: June 25, 2007

(10:44 PM) Downloading ArmA:quick question

                     I going buy new router
in week or in 3 week
I want Wireless
to they go long rages? As 50" +
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i dont know, never used a wireless
(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :let me ask my friend if he knows
(10:45 PM) Downloading ArmA:k
(10:46 PM) Downloading ArmA:it just that i getting Wii soon
And buying PSP Soon

I wanna go ragers from my room it like 50" I dont really want lag drop out or anything idc if it near 70 to +  
(10:46 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i know my friend had problems with the last wireless router he had, it would always cut out and disconnect him, he got a new router but im asking if the new one is a wireless or not
(10:47 PM) Downloading ArmA:k
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :do you mean 50 feet or 50 inches
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:feet
(10:50 PM) Downloading ArmA:i got email wtf :S
(10:50 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :should be 50' not "
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :" is inches
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:sry
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:tried lil
(10:51 PM) Downloading ArmA:new cat woke me up :(
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:51 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ok my friend said his new router is a wireless, it works really well, and he is pretty sure it can reach 50 feet
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:what kinda?
(10:52 PM) Downloading ArmA:few people told me WRT54 and WRT54GS
(10:53 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :he is checking i think
(10:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:what with people n they dont kno cause i asked few all day they half check :|
(10:53 PM) Downloading ArmA:d-link are bad for wireless tho
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:my cousin got one...
(10:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :they are fine for normal though
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh wired fine
(10:54 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :my friend doesnt know what kind his is, but he recommends linksys
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:but wireless

3x boot
3x psp kick
3x ps2 kick
Then stop working
(10:54 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD try new computer it work
After that it stopped
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:ok yeh
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:i dunno WRT54GS or WRT54
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank red
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :those sound like models though, what brands are they
(10:55 PM) Downloading ArmA:linksys
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah ok
(10:55 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :and np
(10:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:it just that idc how long i just wanna good "Ragers" around 50 feet

       idc about outside XD no one steal it !
(10:56 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm  

(10:56 PM) Downloading ArmA:Wait u said he has one befor that didnt work?
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ya
(10:57 PM) Downloading ArmA:damn must been d-link wireless
(10:57 PM) Downloading ArmA:oo yeh ! Some girl copying my nam
(10:57 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :nah it was a microsoft wireless router
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:ah Damn ms not good at that but there good at OS making :|
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no they arent
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:LOL :P Ok but they make $ Off it by "People"
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :now thats true
(10:58 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD no other people make os
(10:58 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :they have a monopoly on it
(10:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:LOL
(10:59 PM) Downloading ArmA:i wounder what model

WRT54GS or WRT54

WRT54GS $89.99
WRT54 $69.99
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :check out the specs on it maybe
(11:00 PM) Downloading ArmA:they got space?
(11:00 PM) Downloading ArmA:GS = SpeedBooster
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :that one sounds better then lol
(11:00 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :speed doesnt hurt
(11:01 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh
(11:01 PM) Downloading ArmA:it like $20 more but off stables site $10 less
(11:01 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not bad
(11:01 PM) Downloading ArmA:89.94

From nets $98.99
(11:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:02 PM) Downloading ArmA:it got 2 wireless thingy on
(11:02 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:06 PM) Downloading ArmA:it made by Cisco compay
(11:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:07 PM) Downloading ArmA:UMmm  i gotta quick search see how long WRT54GS can go
(11:07 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:i just need somethen 50 - That all if highter = good :P
(11:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:will should i buy WRT54GS?
(11:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:i got $100 coming

(11:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sounds like a good investment
(11:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh mom going pay me back :D Llol

but i mean would it be worth it
(11:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :depends on your current router, if you think you could do with the upgrade, then yes
(11:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:mine right now is urs router

(11:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:i buyed one last year "Wired"
(11:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(11:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:but ok i get WRT54GS

Since ill get $100 in 3 week or week
I hope it help me for long  way down XD
(11:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:even other thing computer room is under my bed room 2
(11:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(11:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:it even WIFI
(11:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:hell
(11:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:i get WRT54GS

it not gotta hurt :S Would it
(11:15 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :nope
(11:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:Ty
(11:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank  

ill buy 3 in week or 3
Would WRT54GS be worth it for $100? Even if it highter price?
(11:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i guess
(11:19 PM) Downloading ArmA:i should get sleep but ill try WRT54GS

(11:19 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank
(11:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :np

Session Start: June 27, 2007

(6:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:got any CSS Friends :P
(6:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no
(6:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:k
(6:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:some friend buy severs but dunni how add admin
(6:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(6:19 PM) Downloading ArmA:^^ this lag ?:P
(6:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(6:20 PM) Downloading ArmA:Dual 512MB NVidia® GeForce™ Go 7950 GTX
17" WideUXGA 1920 x 1200 LCD with Clearview
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T7600 2.33GHz
4GB Dual Channel DDR2 SO-DIMM at 667MHz - 2 x 2048MB  
Windows Vista™ Ultimate
200GB Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 7,200 RPM w/ NCQ & 16MB Cache
Dual Layer Blu-Ray/DVD±R/W/CD-RW Burner w/ Nero Software

^^ *
(6:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh probably not
(6:20 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol came out 2 day ago AT AW Site
(6:20 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah

Session Start: June 27, 2007

(10:01 PM) Alienware or Del:can u help me with wow plz?
(10:01 PM)RR_DF_RaptorRed - I love my Dragon has signed-in (Appear Offline)
(10:05 PM) Downloading ArmA:hhey
(10:05 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hi
(10:06 PM) Downloading ArmA:ummmm
(10:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :not much
(10:06 PM) Downloading ArmA:same trying get wow fix :P
(10:06 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:07 PM) Downloading ArmA:um
(10:07 PM) Downloading ArmA:should i get that router? just for hell of it ?
(10:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh if you need it
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:gotta half 2 cat just almost bited my 50' cable and 30' cable
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:even if i put it on wall it take it out
(10:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:+ need wifi or Wireless for Xbox 360 / PC / Wii
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:but would it be worth it for $100 from $99 to 89.96
(10:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :probably
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:that make the cat stop biting it
(10:11 PM) Downloading ArmA:basted
(10:11 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:almost know crt down n the computer
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:+need it for laptop 2
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:=p
(10:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:some german told me they got steel for wall wtf?
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:that norm:Sfor them
(10:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh i doubt that
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:o
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:o 1 question if u took pictrue etc

What best compay for SD card?
(10:15 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :sd?
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:dc  memory card
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:them small thing
(10:15 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :i dont know
(10:15 PM) Downloading ArmA:alright then i get Sandisk
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:yeh i go stables next week pick it up  

need found good G Card for my pc tho
(10:17 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA:they are PCI if i do no?
(10:17 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :no idea
(10:17 PM) Downloading ArmA::P k
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank anyways i go get the router

mayb buy psp for it sep Then so on
(10:19 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol

Session Start: June 28, 2007

(12:04 AM) Downloading ArmA:fixed his admin mod
(12:05 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cool
(12:05 AM) Downloading ArmA:lol he need a damn ftp program
(12:05 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(12:06 AM) Downloading ArmA:i want mine wii now !
(12:06 AM) Downloading ArmA:o yeh red this new cat
(12:06 AM) Downloading ArmA:try.....go in my computer case
(12:06 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(12:06 AM) Downloading ArmA:it keep hitting his head on it
(12:06 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :lol
(12:07 AM) Downloading ArmA:eh that.....bad......
(12:10 AM) Downloading ArmA: wii people some 1 made it :P If u no who that is
(12:10 AM) Downloading ArmA:on pictrue
(12:10 AM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cant look, playing a game
(12:11 AM) Downloading ArmA:sry

Session Start: June 28, 2007

(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:u still play wow much
(10:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:XD Trying get my on..
(10:08 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :what server
(10:08 PM) Downloading ArmA:lol right now i got none...
(10:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :did you want the free one? or are you going to buy an official account
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:Fuk paying -_-
(10:09 PM) Downloading ArmA:it not worth it per week
(10:09 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :well this is the site for the free one i use
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm
(10:10 PM) Downloading ArmA:so mak account
(10:10 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :go to the how to connect topic and follow the instructions
(10:12 PM) Downloading ArmA:that the 1 u use?
(10:12 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:kinda big
(10:13 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :hm?
(10:13 PM) Downloading ArmA:nvm lol it only 9 people eh
(10:14 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :there are more than that that routinely play on the server
(10:14 PM) Downloading ArmA:ah
(10:18 PM) Downloading ArmA:dunnno ill look in few brb
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:bak
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :wb
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:thank
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:had take dog out
(10:23 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:umm I wait untill give away bc :P 
(10:23 PM) Downloading ArmA:it pointless
(10:24 PM) Downloading ArmA:i kinda wanna wii.. badly
(10:24 PM) Downloading ArmA:how the game doing?
(10:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ok

Session Start: June 29, 2007

(10:24 PM) Dont Talk only F:i got bite in the face by a cat :(
(10:24 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh
(10:25 PM) Dont Talk only F:watup
(10:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :watching the last episode of red vs blue
(10:26 PM) Dont Talk only F:what is that
(10:26 PM) Dont Talk only F:i seen alot of that but  i tho it was just pictrue...
(10:26 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :its a machinima
(10:26 PM) Dont Talk only F:ah sound good...:S I think
(10:27 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :yes
(10:27 PM) Dont Talk only F:i might go out of town

I might able to buy my router
IF not it bee in 3 weeks :(
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:30 PM) Dont Talk only F:but i might buy wii game early since getting wii for dec

Session Start: June 30, 2007

(10:29 PM) Dont Talk only F:Hey busy?
(10:29 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh not really
(10:30 PM) Dont Talk only F::P ALmost fly out of the car windown 8-) forgot put seat belt on while deer jumped out of no were on road eh :P
(10:30 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:30 PM) Dont Talk only F:XD i tho had it on the time
(10:31 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ive never forgotten to put my seatbelt on, ever
(10:31 PM) Dont Talk only F:i usely do wear them in car

Dont wear non in taxi :P
(10:37 PM) Dont Talk only F:anyways i gotta go bed

Still n eed a damn router
And i wanna mine wii :P
(10:37 PM) Dont Talk only F:red im confused
(10:37 PM) Dont Talk only F:i when out of town

then....... i seen alot cheaper stuff

I go in town i see alot norm hight price :S is it a catch to move out there
(10:37 PM) Dont Talk only F::P
(10:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :uh no idea
(10:38 PM) Dont Talk only F:i wish bestbuy was out of town
(10:38 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:41 PM) Dont Talk only F:but... Really i wanna a wii badly :( 
:P i put it next to xbox 360
Then me happy
(10:42 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :ah
(10:42 PM) Dont Talk only F:is it canada day monday?
(10:42 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :tomorrow
(10:42 PM) Dont Talk only F:what monday :S nothing
(10:43 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :its a day off
(10:43 PM) Dont Talk only F::P
(10:43 PM) Dont Talk only F:yay day off :D :P ROfl
(10:44 PM) Dont Talk only F:But yeh i gotta go i guess Watch TV
Then sleep i didnt got non yesertday

And....... yeh....
                                         :D I get router soon ... n tell u how it work out after...

(10:45 PM) RR_DF_RaptorRed :cya