2:59 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: nd lol when i tried to talk to you alone to see through his bs 2:59 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: [9/17/2014 9:04:59 PM] Lavos the calamity: then why did you tell me to ask her about steam [9/17/2014 9:05:07 PM] Lavos the calamity: cus she wanted to make a steam chatroom to talk it out [9/17/2014 9:05:21 PM] Lavos the calamity: aka id have to be present 3:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): uh.. I had assumed that was what he had tried to do but.. yeah apparently he kept questioning me about you talking to me after too... 3:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): he wanted to know what you wanted to talk to me about and stuff.. I didnt tell him 3:00 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: and when he owed me money for the longest time :TheSolarianWolf [9/17/2014 8:02:29 PM] Lavos the calamity: i just wish youd stop making me leap through hoops raven [9/17/2014 8:02:40 PM] Lavos the calamity: i coulda spent that $ on the other person i owe money [9/17/2014 8:02:53 PM] Lavos the calamity: and shed at least be a bit more adhesive to my cayse [9/17/2014 8:02:54 PM] Lavos the calamity: well [9/17/2014 8:02:58 PM] Lavos the calamity: me and RRs cause 3:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): *blinks* wow.. 3:00 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I have a cause with him apparently? 3:01 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: [9/17/2014 7:52:04 PM] Lavos the calamity: sooo [9/17/2014 7:52:09 PM] Lavos the calamity: me being a very close friend of hers [9/17/2014 7:52:27 PM] Lavos the calamity: and knowing what she wants to do because weve talked about it before on several occasions [9/17/2014 7:52:32 PM] Lavos the calamity: i cant be trusted to relay that? 3:01 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: and when he complained about me not being geared [9/17/2014 7:51:02 PM] Lavos the calamity: well maybe if you geared your DH a bit more...youd get mroe time to know her [9/17/2014 7:51:04 PM] Lavos the calamity: :P 3:02 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): *shakes head * just.. uhh 3:02 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): I like the very close friend part.. and the knowing what I want to do because we've "talked" about it.. part... 3:03 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): the talked about part consisted of him telling me something which I probably didnt even read... 3:03 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: [9/17/2014 7:39:23 PM] Lavos the calamity: lemme just say [9/17/2014 7:39:31 PM] Lavos the calamity: for someone who begged me to repay her with D3 [9/17/2014 7:39:38 PM] Lavos the calamity: your bein very apathetic to the game >_> [9/17/2014 7:40:14 PM] TheSolarianWolf: says the one that shits on me when i just wanna try other classes [9/17/2014 7:40:51 PM] Lavos the calamity: i aint shittin on ya [9/17/2014 7:41:00 PM] Lavos the calamity: and i never said ya cant try other stuff [9/17/2014 7:41:15 PM] Lavos the calamity: but your insisting on NOT having a lvl 70 thats up to par >_> [9/17/2014 7:41:54 PM] Lavos the calamity: which will cause issues when me and RR want to try higher torment levels than what we usually do....but we need a person whose at least geared enough to be able to survive even if not do the mosst damage >_> [9/17/2014 7:41:55 PM] TheSolarianWolf: theres an diffrence between not wanting an stong lvl70 and just playing other things atm since i just got the game [9/17/2014 7:42:13 PM] Lavos the calamity: well any paragon levels you earn [9/17/2014 7:42:18 PM] Lavos the calamity: will help all your lower-lvl shit 3:03 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: [9/17/2014 7:44:15 PM] TheSolarianWolf: you just dont get it [9/17/2014 7:44:36 PM] Lavos the calamity: yeah...i do... [9/17/2014 7:44:47 PM] Lavos the calamity: you be sorta crazy in the head >_> [9/17/2014 7:44:56 PM] TheSolarianWolf: ^ [9/17/2014 7:45:01 PM] TheSolarianWolf: all the more reason to not play d3 atm [9/17/2014 7:45:35 PM] Lavos the calamity: well till your DH is up to snuff...i wouldnt place high expectations on your survival in the Torment levels me and RR do [9/17/2014 7:45:43 PM] TheSolarianWolf: thats fine [9/17/2014 7:45:47 PM] Lavos the calamity: at least for rifts/g-rifts [9/17/2014 7:45:48 PM] TheSolarianWolf: go do ur own thing [9/17/2014 7:46:13 PM] Lavos the calamity: shall i inform RR that you wont be ableo t join us for another 6 months till you get all 6 classes to 70? [9/17/2014 7:46:20 PM] TheSolarianWolf: go for it [9/17/2014 7:46:33 PM] Lavos the calamity: id rather not [9/17/2014 7:46:53 PM] Lavos the calamity: because then shell question why i bought you the game in the first place...and id feel stupid for doing so [9/17/2014 7:47:14 PM] Lavos the calamity: ultimaately its your choice what to do [9/17/2014 7:47:18 PM] Lavos the calamity: buuut 3:04 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: [9/17/2014 7:47:25 PM] TheSolarianWolf: or you coulda just asked me nicely in the first place [9/17/2014 7:47:38 PM] TheSolarianWolf: i was actually in the mood to gear up my DH earlier lol [9/17/2014 7:47:54 PM] Lavos the calamity: well excuse me...you nearly sent me to the hospital when you told me you deleted your DH >_> [9/17/2014 7:48:06 PM] TheSolarianWolf: LOL [9/17/2014 7:48:20 PM] Lavos the calamity: nearly had a heart attack [9/17/2014 7:48:28 PM] Lavos the calamity: if your goal is to get me to a very early grave [9/17/2014 7:48:32 PM] Lavos the calamity: your halfway there [9/17/2014 7:48:41 PM] TheSolarianWolf: i should make it an goal then [9/17/2014 7:49:11 PM] Lavos the calamity: RR wouldnt be too happy 3:04 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): oh he was putting words in my mouth again there huh 3:04 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: yeah this was when i was working nd stuff 3:04 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): wow.. 3:05 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): how the heck does he have the gall.. not only to say things about me like that but especially to expect you to hold to his amount of playing and especially when you have your own life that comes before games.. 3:05 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): its really all just kind of appalling 3:05 AM - TheSpookySolarianWolf: i told yah .-. 3:06 AM - Keira Kelly (RaptorRed): yeah ><