////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NPC Stat Templates (Packages) - Vampire // // NPCs in worldcraft are assigned one of these which determines their statistics. ClanDataTables { ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "DisciplineStrata" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireBrujah" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "Brujah" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Brujah" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "NoBiting" "1" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "2" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireBrujahThug" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireBrujah" "Name" "Brujah" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Brujah" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "2" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireBrujahElite" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireBrujah" "Name" "Brujah" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Brujah" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "2" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireGangrel" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "Gangrel" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Gangrel" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "2" } Disciplines { "Protean" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { // C R I T I C A L V A M P I R E Text { "TemplateName" "VampireCritical" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "DisciplineStrata" "7" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "Max_Health" "1000" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "11" "Dexterity" "10" "Stamina" "10" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "11" "Intelligence" "9" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "5" "Brawl" "5" "Dodge" "4" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "5" "Melee" "5" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "5" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "Bach" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "Grünfeld Bach" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "0" "Supernatural" "0" "Boss" "0" "DisciplineStrata" "6" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.60" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "4" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "5" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "10" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "440" "Armor_Rating" "5" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "1" "Brawl" "2" "Dodge" "1" "Intimidation" "1" "Subterfuge" "1" // "Animal_Ken" "1" "Firearms" "1" "Melee" "1" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina Numina { "Shield_of_Faith" "5" "Divine_Vision" "0" "Holy_Light" "5" "Mind_Shield" "0" } // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SheriffMan" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "The Sheriff" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "0" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Boss" "1" "Monster" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sheriff_Manbat" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "KnockbackRangedPlayer" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "SpecialMoveADamage" "25.0" // "landblast" damage "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.60" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "DamageFilterFlame" "0.1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "4" "Dexterity" "5" "Stamina" "5" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "2" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "6" "BloodPool" "5000" "FaithPoints" "10" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "570" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "1" "Brawl" "5" "Dodge" "4" "Intimidation" "1" "Subterfuge" "1" // "Animal_Ken" "1" "Firearms" "2" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines Disciplines { "Fortitude" "5" "Animalism" "5" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireSabbatLeader" //HALLOWBROOK "ParentTemplateName" "VampireBrujah" //HALLOWBROOK "Name" "Zulo Shape" // changed by wesp "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Brujah" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Boss" "0" "Monster" "1" "KnockbackRangedPlayer" "1" "SoundGroup" "Andrei_Transformed" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/Downtown/Andrei/Andrei.mdl" "SpecialMoveADamage" "17.0"//"25.0" // "charge-and-release" damage "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.75" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "DamageFilterFlame" "0.9" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "6" "Dexterity" "5" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "1" "Manipulation" "1" "Appearance" "1" "Perception" "6" "Intelligence" "1" "Wits" "5" "BloodPool" "0" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "450" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "5" "Brawl" "5" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "5" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Resistances Resistances { // Dementation: "Veil of Madness" "Full" "The Haunting" "Full" "Voice of Madness" "Full" "Waking Nightmare" "Full" "Total Insanity" "Partial" // Dominate: "Calm" "Full" "Dance" "Full" "Follow" "Full" "Hide" "Full" "Jump" "Full" "Leave" "Full" "Mesmerize" "Partial" "Sleep" "Partial" "Impose Will" "Partial DMG:0" "Possession" "Partial" // Thaumaturgy: "Blood Malady" "Full" "Bloody Eye" "Partial" "Theft of Vitae" "Full" "Purge Blood" "Partial" "Blood Boil" "Partial DMG:4" } // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "AndreiBlood" //609 "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" //609 "Name" "The Tzimisce" //609 "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Brujah" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Boss" "0" "Monster" "1" "KnockbackRangedPlayer" "1" "SoundGroup" "Andrei_Transformed" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/Downtown/Andrei/Andrei.mdl" "SpecialMoveADamage" "25.0" // "charge-and-release" damage "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.60" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "DamageFilterFlame" "0.35" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "6" "Dexterity" "5" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "1" "Manipulation" "1" "Appearance" "1" "Perception" "6" "Intelligence" "1" "Wits" "5" "BloodPool" "0" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "450" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "5" "Brawl" "5" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "5" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Resistances Resistances { // Dementation: "Veil of Madness" "Full" "The Haunting" "Full" "Voice of Madness" "Full" "Waking Nightmare" "Full" "Total Insanity" "Partial" // Dominate: "Calm" "Full" "Dance" "Full" "Follow" "Full" "Hide" "Full" "Jump" "Full" "Leave" "Full" "Mesmerize" "Partial" "Sleep" "Partial" "Impose Will" "Partial DMG:0" "Possession" "Partial" // Thaumaturgy: "Blood Malady" "Full" "Bloody Eye" "Partial" "Theft of Vitae" "Full" "Purge Blood" "Partial" "Blood Boil" "Partial DMG:4" } // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireToreador" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Toreador" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "2" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "3" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "3" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "1" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "Jezebel" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireToreador" "Name" "Jezebel Locke" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Toreador" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Female" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "6" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "2" "Perception" "4" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "192" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "1" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "1" } Disciplines { "Presence" "2" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireNosferatu" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Nosferatu" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NoBiting" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "3" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "1" "Manipulation" "1" "Appearance" "0" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "1" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BrotherKanker" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireNosferatu" "Name" "Brother Kanker" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Nosferatu" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Boss" "0" "Monster" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.70" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "2" "Dexterity" "3" "Stamina" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "224" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "1" "Animal_Ken" "5" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "1" "Computer" "5" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "Nagaraja" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "Pisha the Nagaraja" "Description" "Pisha the Nagaraja" } General { "Clan" "Pisha the Nagaraja" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Female" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "1" "SoundGroup" "" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.80" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.80" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "1" "Dexterity" "3" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "3" "Appearance" "3" "Perception" "5" "Intelligence" "4" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "284" "Armor_Rating" "2" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "3" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "1" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "3" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireLasombra" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Female" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "4" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "7.0" //glock "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "2" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "5" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "136" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "5" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData // added by wesp { Text { "TemplateName" "VampireLasombraBoss" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "The Lasombra" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "1" "SoundGroup" "" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "20.0" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/Giovanni_Mansion/bodyblood/bodyblood.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "4" "Dexterity" "4" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "40" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "336" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "3" "Dodge" "3" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "5" "Melee" "5" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatAuspexShottie" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "6.0" // shottie "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "3" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Auspex" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatAuspexSteyr" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "20.0" // Steyr "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "1" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Auspex" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatAuspexMac10" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "20.0" // Mac10 "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Auspex" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatCelerityMac10" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "20.0" //Mac10 "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "HasTrueSight" "1" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"1.00" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Celerity" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatCelerityShottie" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Boss" "0" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "6.0" //Shottie "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "HasTrueSight" "1" "DamageFilterBashing" "1.00" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Celerity" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatCelerityGlock" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "7.0" //Glock "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "1.00" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Celerity" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatFortitudeShottie" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "2" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "HasTrueSight" "1" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "6.0" // Ithaca "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95" //"0.50" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "3" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "3" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Fortitude" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatWithPotence" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "2" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "HasTrueSight" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Potence" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatPresenceShottie" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Monster" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "NpcFakeReloadCountMin" "6.0" // Ithaca "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "3" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "3" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Presence" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatWithProtean" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "HasTrueSight" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "5" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "148" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Protean" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "SabbatFireMage" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "" "DamageFilterBashing" "1.00" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "1" "Dexterity" "0" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "3" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "5" "Intelligence" "4" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "256" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "0" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "ShovelHead" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "NoBiting" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "0" "Boss" "0" "Monster" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "DamageFilterBashing" "1.00" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "1" "Dexterity" "4" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "3" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "2" "Intelligence" "4" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "3" "Dodge" "1" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Disciplines // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "Werewolf" "ParentTemplateName" "" // changed by wesp "Name" "Werewolf" "Description" "Werewolf boss NPC" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "2" "Dexterity" "1" "Stamina" "5" "Charisma" "1" "Manipulation" "1" "Appearance" "1" "Perception" "6" "Intelligence" "5" "Wits" "6" "BloodPool" "0" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "" "Excluded_Equipment" "" "Max_Health" "80" "HasTrueSight" "1" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "5" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "0" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "0" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } // Resistances Resistances { // Dementation: "Veil of Madness" "Full" "The Haunting" "Full" "Voice of Madness" "Full" "Waking Nightmare" "Full" "Total Insanity" "Full" // Dominate: "Calm" "Full" "Dance" "Full" "Follow" "Full" "Hide" "Full" "Jump" "Full" "Leave" "Full" "Mesmerize" "Full" "Sleep" "Full" "Impose Will" "Full" "Possession" "Full" // Thaumaturgy: "Blood Malady" "Full" "Bloody Eye" "Full" "Theft of Vitae" "Full" "Purge Blood" "Full" "Blood Boil" "Full" } General { "Kindred" "0" "Supernatural" "1" "Boss" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "7" "NoBiting" "1" "KnockbackRangedPlayer" "1" "SoundGroup" "Werewolf" "SpawnModel" "models/character/monster/werewolf/werewolf.mdl" } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "Killer" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGangrel" "Name" "Serial Killer" // changed by wesp "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "Gangrel" "Body" "Human" "Gender" "Male" // changed by wesp // "ClanEffect" "" "NoBiting" "1" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "5" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "HasTrueSight" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "1" "Dexterity" "4" "Stamina" "5" "Wits" "1" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "308" "Armor_Rating" "2" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" "Athletics" "2" "Brawl" "0" "Dodge" "2" } Disciplines { "Protean" "3" "Fortitude" "2" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntAuspex" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sabbat_Thug" "HasTrueSight" "1" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Auspex" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntCelerity" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sabbat_Thug" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "1" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Celerity" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntFortitude" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "2" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sabbat_Thug" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "3" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "132" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "1" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Fortitude" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntPotence" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "2" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sabbat_Thug" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "3" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Potence" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntPresence" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "SoundGroup" "Sabbat_Thug" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "2" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "128" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "2" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Presence" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } ClanData { Text { "TemplateName" "BloodHuntProtean" "ParentTemplateName" "VampireGeneric" "Name" "None" "Description" "" } General { "Clan" "None" "Body" "Vampire" "Gender" "Male, Female" // "ClanEffect" "" "Kindred" "1" "Supernatural" "1" "DisciplineStrata" "1" "Monster" "1" "Disallow_Kindred_Death" "0" "Has_Burning_Death" "1" "Boss" "0" "NoBiting" "1" "Disallow_Knockbacks" "1" "SoundGroup" "shovel_head" "SpawnModel" "models/character/npc/unique/malkgirl/girl.mdl" "DamageFilterBashing" "0.95"//"0.75" "DamageFilterLethal" "0.90" "DamageFilterAggravated" "1.00" } Attributes { // "Attrib_Order" "Physical_Mental_Social" "Strength" "3" "Dexterity" "2" "Stamina" "3" "Charisma" "2" "Manipulation" "2" "Appearance" "2" "Perception" "4" "Intelligence" "2" "Wits" "4" "BloodPool" "10" "FaithPoints" "0" "Starting_Equipment" "NPCGeneric" "Excluded_Equipment" "Default" "Max_Health" "148" //"Experience" "40" } Abilities { // "Ability_Order" "Skills_Knowledges_Talents" // "Athletics" "0" "Brawl" "2" "Dodge" "2" "Intimidation" "0" "Subterfuge" "0" // "Animal_Ken" "0" "Firearms" "3" "Melee" "0" "Security" "0" "Stealth" "0" "Computer" "5" "Finance" "0" "Investigation" "0" // "Occult" "0" } Disciplines { "Protean" "3" } // Numina // Reactions Reactions { To { "None" "0" "Brujah" "0" "Gangrel" "0" "Malkavian" "0" "Nosferatu" "0" "Toreador" "0" "Tremere" "0" "Ventrue" "0" } // Note: This would be used for clans added later (via user mods/etc.), to extend the original clans... From { } } } }