please help i have a model and i cant doing please can you do a video of it if no please go to my msn ill send you the model so you could do it for me please. i have leon model please to put it in game ----------------------------- theres any one knows how to do this please help this is so hard please come help me on my msn please guys please thanks ----------------------------- theres anybody could tell me exactly how to do this please ----------------------------- i finish the model but i dont know how to put in left for dead its wierd ----------------------------- i have the model with the bone already now how you make a qc file and the tool mdldecompiler how you make it work ----------------------------- ok i did now what ----------------------------- can you make the Models for us it would be thankful please i cant do this i give up please can you at list do one model for me please ----------------------------- o ok but do you have any models you could send like soldiers i dont know if you have one can you send them please ----------------------------- who do you have ----------------------------- please can you give me one of your models please ----------------------------- im sorry but its just its to hard