1. Intro





2. Gameplay

Game Mechanics

Choose what dino and, if applicable, what team, and what unlocks to use. Spawn areas increase healing rate.

A player who is killed respawns at the spawn point. They lose their pack/herd and will have to find them again.

Three kinds of attacks : Normal attacks, combo attacks and sneak/stalking attacks.

Slower movement, regenerates sprint (stamina?) and increases healing rate slightly.

Being in a pack or a herd, depending if you are a herbivore or carnivore, increases the health regeneration rate and gives a 10% increase in total health.

Stalking Mode
Carnivore only mode. Increases attack damage, but lowers the player's defense. Stalking mode makes the player invisible. Can't be used below a certain amount of health.

Smell/scent Mode
Herbivores have strongest sense of smell (vision), carnivores can't use smell when moving at full speed. An unlock can benefit by making the player harder to pick up in smell mode.

Maps have random wind direction, speed, and weather all of which can affect scent mode. Sense of smell in the rain is greatly reduced.

An injured dino leaves a trail of blood which shows up brightly on the smell mode. Solitary dinos heal slowly, crouched heals bit faster, herd or pack heals quickly. Spawn points heal quicker. Player moves more slowly when hurt.

Experience based on kills in all game modes, plus team wins in the team based modes. Encrypted file holds all info.

Leveling System
Will have to determine amount of levels, how much exp it takes to level and what benefits are gained from a level. Ability to get 1 unlock per level?

Taunts and Calls
Certain calls will make you visible to all on your team, a good way to form a pack.

Radar System**
See others on your team as well as objectives. Perhaps only able to see others on your team if you or they use a pack/herd call.
Only lasts a short time, maybe 5-10 secs. Cooldown time for using the call again.


Herrerasaur - 4 foot tall - Very Fast Speed
Ceratosaur - 8 foot tall - Fast Speed
Utahraptor - 8 foot tall - Fast Speed
Dilophosaur - 10 foot tall - Medium Fast Speed
Tyrannosaurus Rex - 16 foot tall - Medium Speed

Stygimoloch - 5 foot tall - Very Fast Speed
Triceratops - 8 foot tall - Fast Speed
Erlikosaur - 8 foot tall - Medium Speed
Tarchia - 10 foot tall - Slow Speed
Shunosaur - 15 foot tall - Slow Speed

Wounded Herbivore (for Survival mode)


Weak claw attack
Jump attack (jump onto other dino?) and bites/claws
Rapid bites, delivers a number of bites in quick succession (combo)

Claw attack
Bite attack
Grab and bite attack (stronger bite)
Pounce (combo)

Strong hand-claw attack
Killing claw (foot) attack (disembowling-type attack)
Pounce (combo)

Foot claw attack (disembowling-type attack)
Bite attack
Claw attack
Spit?? (combo)

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Incredibly powerful bite
Stomp or Kick
Hit's target with head.
Knock down and bite (combo)

Gore with head spikes
Charge using skull spikes(combo)

Gore with horns
Stomp attack
Crush attack
Charge using horns (combo)

Claw attack
Rapid stabbing attack (combo)

Tail attack
Knock into target with spikes along the tarchia's sides
Ramming attack
Knock down and hard tail hit (combo)

Tail-whip attack
Stomp attack
Crushing attack (Shuno rolls on target and tries to crush)
Knock down and multiple tail hits (combo)

Gameplay Modes

Typical deathmatch, everyone for themselves.

Team Deathmatch
Typical Team Deathmatch. Teams not consistant on anything.

Herbivore vs. Carnivore
Team Deathmatch. Teams chosen by herbivore/carnivore status.

A capture point type of gameplay where the teams have to take over areas on the map in order according to the way they are setup on the map. The winning team is the one who takes over the map first.

The herbivore team protects a wounded immobile dinosaur (NPC) from the herbivore team. The wounded dinsaur only has a certain amount of hit points (possibly designated by the mapper). The carnivores win by attacking the wounded dinosaur and killing it, the herbivores win by defending the wounded dino until time is up.

Everyone is a part of the carnivore team except one player. This player is part of the herbivore team and automatically starts at the highest level possible. The carnivore team hunts for the single herbivore, the player that kills it gets 10 points and becomes the herbivore itself. Maybe the one herbivore can only be one particular type of dino (like Triceratops), or maybe it can be picked out by the mapper. Points do affect whether or not the carnivore or herbivore levels up. Just does not until it dies as a herbivore.

Seek and Destroy
A CTF type gameplay where one team has to go capture an object and bring back to their base for points, except in this case the defending team can take their own flag and place it anywhere they want. Take advantage of the gravity gun code or the use command code, and get dinos to pick up stuff with their mouth.


Increased Speed
Increases the speed of the player by a certain percentage.

Increased Damage
Increases the damage dealt by the player by a certain percentage.

Increased Defense
Increases the defense of the player by a certain percentage.

Reduced Scent
Reduces the scent given off by the player in smell mode.

Increased Healing
Increases the rate of healing for the player.

Makes your target angry. They do increased damage but their defense is lowered greatly.

Threat Call**
Scares your target. Lowers their attack damage greatly but increases their defense.


Jungle Island.

Volcano Idea
Jungle map with volcanic areas. Lava flow, sulfer rifts, mud pits, black volcanic rock etc..

Forest Idea
Rain forest.

Seacoast Idea
A seacoast with grasslands and forest.

Swamp Idea
A dank, swampy map with fog.


Need Backup / Help
Plays a unique sound and displays message in English. Asks all players on their team for defense at their current location. Point shows up on their team's radar.

Attack Here
Asks all players on their team for defense at their current location. Point shows up on their team's radar. Different sound and icon on radar informs team of why they are needed so they can be better prepared.

Defend Here
Could be the same as the Need backup / Help call.

Unique Species Calls
Random calls players can use for fun. Species specific.

3. User Interface

User Intreface

Health bar (shaped like dino being used?) bottom left
Sprint bar (undetermined look) bottom right, crouch replenishes sprint more quickly

Smell 'o' vision
Will have to determine the look.

Normal, ambush mode, smell mode. Same or different crosshairs for different species/attacks?


Ingame Menu Graphics
Class/Type choice

Main Menu Graphics
Background, buttons.


4. Sounds Effects

GUI Sounds

Button clicks
Menu open

Special Effects

Sounds for each attack striking : flesh, miss, ground, rock, trees, etc.. (claws, bites, foot claws, tail hits, head hits, pounces, etc..)


Attack cries
On hit cries
Taunt calls
Threat calls
Help/communication calls
Pack creation/herding calls
Wounded NPC calls

Gameplay Elements

Smell mode sound
Stalking mode sound
Injured (heartbeat, heavy breathing, whimpers?)


Far off calls
Volcanic sounds
Sea sounds


Footsteps : ground, rock, sand, water, etc..
Knock down sound (body hitting the ground) : ground, rock, sand, water, etc..


Menu music
Ingame music?? or would just ambience be better?


5. Animations









Taunts or Communication

Animation on leveling up?