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  Vampire Clans Werewolf Tribes  
    - Werewolf Breeds
- Werewolf Auspices

Nickname : Panthers
Sect : Bastet

Humbaba's Escape


Cat's Claws
Background : As a rule, a Bagheera is generous, trustworthy, playful and fair. She's slow to rage, but when she does, nothing but total destruction will satisfy her. They carry a collective authority in their manner and bearing. A werepanther, it is said, can be counted upon to be fair, honourable and wise. When calm, a werepanther can be wise, inquisitive and even-tempered; when her passions are aroused, she becomes aggresive, wanton and tempermental. If she grows angry, look out -- a frenzied Bagheera lays waste to everything around her. Bagheera prefer learning cultural lore, supernatural puzzles, languages and political gossip. Their innate sense of honour keeps from away from forbidden occult research. The Bagheera are a sleek and graceful folk. While the majority of them have black fur in their cat-forms, some African members of the tribe have spots and yellow-brown fur instead. An exceedingly rare bloodline has the markings of the clouded leopard instead.  
Strengths :  

  Bone Gnawers    
Nickname : The Dregs
Sect : Garou Nation


Resist Toxin

Background : The scavengers and survivors of the Garou, the Bone Gnawers are seen by the other tribes as little more than mongrels who sift through the waste of mankind. The Bone Gnawers see themselves as underdogs, waiting to triumph against overconfident foes. Others consider their totems and rituals bizarre, to say the least. Whether they're sacrificing cheap wine to the Great Trash Heap, singing Frank Sinatra songs to summon the New York City Father or leaving peanut butter for Elvis and the American Dream, Bone Gnawers revel in behavior that outsiders would consider just plain nuts. Yet, they insist that what they're doing is sacred. Everyone has a say in a Bone Gnawer sept, but some of their opinions are straight out of the ozone.  
Strengths : Possibly the best-informed tribe and the most competent at spying.  
Weaknesses: The Bone Gnawers live in poverty, and the other tribes despise them for their casual ways.  

  Silent Striders    
Nickname : Kemet
Sect : Garou Nation

Sense Wyrm


Speed of Thought
Background : Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, many seem to believe their tribal origins to be in Egypt, and that they were chased out by the vampire followers of the dark god Sutekh or Set. In wolf form, they are long and lean like the jackal-dogs of Egyptian art, often with sleek black coats and yellow eyes. Perhaps no other tribe is as adept at gathering and spreading information than the Striders. As much as many of them talk, telling stories and bearing messages, they are also, on the whole, excellent listeners, and will pick up subtle details in a conversation others might miss. Striders are rarely found in the company of other Striders, perhaps occasionally pairing up with another for a difficult journey. More often than not, a Strider in a group is found in a pack composed of many tribes. Otherwise, they tend to remain loners, never settling down.  
Strengths : When they do join packs of mixed tribes, they show their packmates loyalty unto death — the Striders are so few that they greatly value those truly close to them.  
Weaknesses: It's a lonely life, and it brings a lonely death all too often. Striders rarely fall amid friends; they are simply never seen again.  

  Silver Fangs    
Nickname : Alphas
Sect : Garou Nation

Falcon's Grasp

Lambent Flame

Sense Wyrm
Background : The Silver Fangs are the proudest, most noble of the tribes. They took as their own the best Kinfolk from nobility of many countries throughout Europe and Asia. Tracing their lineage back to the Progenitor Wolf, they represent the best of the breed, embodying everything it means to be Garou: strength, nobility, perseverance, loyalty and magnificence. Through their heroic examples and awe-inspiring leadership, they unite the tribes against their enemies. That's one side of the story. A less flattering view is of the inbred rulers whose chief right of rulership is the memory of their great grandfathers' deeds as king. They are mired in strict adherence to traditions only they remember, whose original purpose may be lost to time. In the Fang's court, action has given way to procedural points. They are doddering, even senile kings whose authority among the tribes extends only as far as the doors of the royal court. Which view is true? Perhaps some of both. Their wolf forms are always graceful, with fur of silver or white, long jaws and full tail brushes. In any form, they usually wear some form of jewelry.  
Strengths : One of the Fangs' greatest strengths is personal charisma. A leader who meets often with other Garou can bind disparate factions together through sheer force of personality.  
Weaknesses: In recent years many Garou have noticed the Fangs becoming increasingly neurotic, manifesting minor quirks such as absentmindedness or an overdeveloped sense of vengeance.  

Nickname :
Sect : Garou Nation

Background : Loners by nature, they are the calmest and most introverted of the Garou, as well as the smallest of the remaining tribes. The Stargazers, like many of the less-battle minded tribes, prize wisdom over all else. On the whole, they are extremely centered and less prone to Rage than other Garou, and are masters of riddles and problem solving. However, they are also loners in the extreme, although more willing to offer help and less mistrusted than their fellow nomadic Garou, the Silent Striders. One of the more unique aspects of the Stargazer culture is their martial art, Kailindo, which they use to not only fight, but channel their energies and make their mind, body, and soul act in a unified manner.  
Strengths :  

Nickname : Older Brother
Sect : Garou Nation

Background : Composed of the broadest base of cultures and considered one of the more primitive groups of Garou, the Uktena are also masters of the dark and forbidden knowledge. The territories the Uktena came to eventually settle and control were Central and South America. While gifted in many spiritual practices, including the art of prophecy and visions, the Uktena are best known as hunters of the Wyrm and its Bane servents. While there is little arguement that the Uktena are second-to-none when it comes to their abilities, it comes at a price. The Uktena have access to many ancient dark practices because of their broad culture, and while some have proven beneficial to the tribe, many others are probably best left undisturbed. While many seek the skills of the Uktena as hunters of the Wyrm, others distrust their dark abilities and fear the tribe may corrupt itself.  
Strengths :  

Nickname : Younger Brother
Sect : Garou Nation

Call the Breeze


Resist Pain
Background : All Wendigo are descended from Native American peoples and wild wolves, and their Kinfolk are the same. Purity is held in the highest regard in the tribe. Practicioners will go to elaborate means to make Rites and rituals as pure as possible, and members will purify themselves before major and minor events ranging from war to hunts. Many Wendigo will also turn to spiritual means, such as journeys into the Umbra to look for answers to their burning questions or quests. Recently they beam with pride at their success in establishing the Indian Nation of Nunavut, given to the native people by the Canadian government, as well as Nunavut’s place in Canada’s parliamentary government. On four legs, they resemble the great timber wolves that make the tundra their home. Their coats are varying shades of gray so that they fade like ghosts into the forest.  
Strengths : The Wendigo are among the best of Garou warriors, skilled at tracking and silent ambush.  
Weaknesses: All Wendigo Kin are native peoples, whether huddled on reservations or living in the wilds as their ancestors did. The tribe is lucky to have a relatively high proportion of wolf Kin wandering free in the northern lands.