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  Vampire Clans Werewolf Tribes  
    - Werewolf Breeds
- Werewolf Auspices

Werewolf Breeds
  Homids are the most common breed.
They were born human and raised by human
parents. They are not aware of their heritage until they
experienced the First Change with the onset of adulthood
(or shortly before). It's very likely that they were completely
unaware of their family's nature as Kinfolk (or of their Garou
parent's nature).
They often have trouble dealing with the wilderness and the spirit world.
They are however deeply knowledgeable of human society and understand most technology.
Strengths :
No ability restrictions
A familiarity with human society,
Higher abstract thought and the ability to reason.
The ability to handle silver without penalty in Homid form.
  Weaknesses :
Low starting Gnosis/mana.
Limited senses and perception.
The weakest starting form.


Both their parents are Garou, and they broke
the Litany when they conceived. Metis are raised within
a sept among werewolves, and they understand Garou culture
more deeply than either homids or lupus. As a sign of their
parents' sin, they are malformed and sterile.
They are perhaps the best balanced of the breeds being equally
likely to understand the wilderness or human technology.
Additionally, their natural form is Crinos, the man-wolf form, granting them great battle prowess.
The metis are always deformed in some fashion. Their deformities are usually evident in human form, although they are much more debilitating than cosmetic oddities like pointed ears.

Strengths :
Their natural form is crinos, so they are naturally better at combat than their brethern.
Have a better grasp of rituals, the spirit world, and other aspect of Garou society.
Metis cubs can walk on two feet or four feet, so are used to perceiving the world from multiple perspectives.
  Weaknesses :
They are trapped in Crinos until First Change, they must be kept out of sight of humans.
Lack basic social skills for dealing with both humans AND wolves.

  Lupus were born a wolf and raised in the wilds
among wolves. Until they are almost full-grown (two years
or so), they are unaware of their true nature as a werewolf.
They aren't as sophisticated as a homid, but they have stronger
faith in their instincts.
These are born of wolves and have a deep primal connection to Gaia.
However, they are sadly out of place in the human world, having little understanding of human society.
Some never even learn to speak a human language.
Most hate technology and often blame humans for all that is wrong in the world.
Strengths :
High starting Gnosis/mana.
A deep familiarity with Gaia and the wilderness.
Heightened senses (especially sight and smell).
The strongest natural form.
  Weaknesses :
Limited starting abilities, especially things dealing with technology or human society.
A simpler viewpoint and limited ability to look at things logically.