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  Vampire Clans Werewolf Tribes  
    - Werewolf Breeds
- Werewolf Auspices

Werewolf Auspices
  The Ragabash born as the new moon waxes is usually light-hearted and capricious while one birthed under the waning new moon has a slightly more wicked and ruthless streak. All werewolves of this auspice have keen senses of humor, and they try to find some wit in everything. If they have a flaw, it lies in not knowing how to show their sincerity. It's not that the Ragabash can't be earnest, quite the contrary. It's just that she may have trouble convincing her packmates when she means business. For this reason, as well as their incessant tricks, many werewolves unfortunately give little respect to the Ragabash.


Only an idiot would call a Theurge cryptic or equivocal to his face, but many of the Crescent Moons live up to the stereotype. They have a penchant for speaking in riddles and spouting off enigmatic sayings, simply because trafficking with spirits has made such talk second nature to them. Those Theurges born under the waning moon are apparently more adept at binding and forcing spirits to their will (and battling evil spirits to boot), while a Theurge brought forth under the waxing moon has a more charming, cajoling manner with denizens of the Umbra.

  Buried so heavily in her role as impartial judge and jury, others may consider the Philodox aloof and somehow above the day-to-day trials of life. Such is particularly tree of the Half Moon born under Luna's waxing gaze. The waning-moon Philodox may instead be edgy and perpetually concerned about everything around her being in perfect balance, to the point of making her packmates grind their teeth in frustration. Still, when trouble strikes, everyone looks to the Philodox for guidance.


Galliards are all the passion of the werewolves rolled up into one feisty and creative package. They're completely unrestrained in their various moods, and they're damn hot-tempered to boot. Moon Dancers born under Luna's waning face have dark, consuming passions; they relate tales of doom, war and sacrifice. The waxingmoon Galliards, by contrast, are almost giddy in their revels, full of songs of wonder, conquest and joy. In the pack, the Moon Dancer keeps everyone's spirits up, even in times of terrible hardship. Without the Galliard's song, many are the werewolves who'd have given up, even in sight of victory.

  The term "hell on wheels" doesn't begin to describe the raw strength and courage of the Warrior. A Full Moon werewolf is on the edge constantly, seething with Rage, spoiling for a fight at every turn. The waxing-moon Ahroun is almost a fanatic about proving himself, while the Warrior of the waning moon seeks to assert his dominance over others. They're all damn ornery and hard to get along with, but any werewolf is glad to have one around in the thick of a fight... assuming they're on the same side.