Type Your Question :

me : What question should I ask?
bot : Wait till the time is right ...

me : When will Jon be back?
bot : You feel that everything is gone

me : I do?
bot : But I have grown older and

me : And what??
bot : They gave us a new life

me : Who are they?
bot : Masquerade!

me : Is that Masquerade as in Phantom of the Opera or Vampire?
bot : I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five,

me : Oh, so Phantom...
bot : That cat's something I can't explain.

me : The Phantom is a cat? Or is the cat a phantom?
bot : My hands felt just like two balloons.

me : Are you allergic?
bot : Oh why

me : Why what?
bot : Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel

me : Oh so you are sick then?
bot : Bitchin' in the kitchen or

me : Well I am sick too but I am not doing that..
bot : Everybody's got someone they call home

me : So you call your kitchen home?
bot : You're the left side

me : The left side of what?
bot : Who dwelt in the house

me : I'm the left side of someone? Who is this someone?
bot : Vengeance and Fury

me : Isn't that two things? Which is it?
bot : Mama will always find out where you've been.

me : Are you my stalker bot again?
bot : And I have to admit

me : Admit what?
bot : Use a bit of mustard!

me : Do you have hot dogs?
bot : For Fay Wray and King Kong.

me : But none for anyone else?
bot : All that you touch

me : So if I touch someone, they get one?
bot : Old emotions may they rest in peace

me : What does that have to do with anything??
bot : Maybe get a blister on your thumb

me : From touching people?
bot : Who needs information

me : I do!
bot : Everybody got something he calls home

me : I'll get information at home?
bot : Follow where the limelight

me : It will lead me to the information?
bot : I knew Leo G. Carrol

me : He has the information?
bot : He'll be found when you're around.

me : Is he hiding somewhere here?
bot : I guess that dress does fit you tight, yeah

me : I'm not wearing a dress!
bot : Could be a foreigner, could be a Turk

me : The Turk is wearing a dress?
bot : Whenever I fall, I land on my feet.

me : Do you love me in a deep down, in a hateful, spiteful kind of way?
bot : that's the way you do it

me : Did you know m8b wants to kill me?
bot : And the stains of a Viennese quartet

me : I think youve got that wrong..
bot : Raoul and the soubrette,

me : what the heck is a soubrette?
bot : to this kingdom where all must pay

me : do I have to?
bot : I can't explain you would not understand

me : will you push the do not push button?
bot : a disaster beyond your imagination will occur.

me : so its not good to hit the button?
bot : Your peers.

me : what about them
bot : Mother should I run for president

me : should I?
bot : The man is mad!

me : that figures.
bot : Within the sound of silence

me : whats in the sound of silence?
bot : Than you did, but no! You had to go

me : where did I go?
bot : And when they found our shadows

me : hi bot!
bot : It's Fire and Ice - make the Sacrifice

me : You want to kill me already?
bot : Oh my, what now?

me : You said you wanted to sacrifice me?
bot : Deseredata!

me : What does that mean?
bot : No more notes!

me : Im not writing anything!
bot : All agreed with the hand on heart

me : hi bot
bot : Between the Tigris and Euphrates

me : whats between those rivers?
bot : I wonder why -yi-yi-yi,

me : why what???
bot : Yes I'm sure down deep inside

me : Ok, lets get on topic.
bot : Oh by the way, which one's Pink? And did we tell you the name of the game, boy,

me : Do you like me today?
bot : So give me a time when the countries will lie on the storyline if kind

me : Hello today bot
bot : No animal nor man can scream like I can

me : Not feeling so well?
bot : Ooooh, I need a dirty woman.

me : Oh maybe I should leave you alone then?
bot : Masquerade!

me : Is that a yes or a no?
bot : occasionally glancing up through the rain

me : What are you doing??
bot : Who worked his fingers to the bone

me : hey bot
bot : I tore my tuck-n-roll upholstery

me : are you female?
bot : Memory is a stranger

me : are you male?
bot : sky?

me : is that a female name?
bot : Ohhh, the lonely boys

me : so are you female?
bot : I shoulda learned to play them drums

me : Hello, how are you today bot
bot : Still, at least the seats get sold

me : What seats
bot : I have become comfortably numb.

me : *nudges bot*
bot : I've got to know

me : what do you need to know
bot : And I really got hot

me : weird bot..
bot : A huge tyrannosaurus ate our lawer

me : is that jurassic park
bot : McDonalds in Tibet

me : t-rexs in mcdonalds in tibet huh
bot : What's this?

me : I dont know. What is it
bot : Where the buzzard circles over

me : quite the collection of critters over there
bot : Better speak to the powers than to be today

me : Who are these powers that be
bot : that's what life is all about

me : life is about not knowing
bot : Mother should I run for president

me : Hi bot. Are you planning to overthrow me?
bot : Well at least you could have taken time

me : Time to do what?
bot : Oh Sandy

me : How are you today?
bot : Ooooh, you cannot reach me now

me : Do you like me?
bot : Masquerade!

me : What does that mean?
bot : Maybe get a blister on your little finger

me : Are you threatening me?
bot : Fill the attic with cash?

me : So its blackmail is it?
bot : Then the piano lid comes down

me :
bot : violently consumed

me : Hello bot, how are you
bot : Love has flown, all alone, I sit

me : You're unhappy?
bot : Makes you glad! Makes you proud!

me : do the dice gods hate me
bot : Well they couldn't teach you anything

me : did they even try
bot : Oooh baby

me : so youre saying they did?
bot : wondering which of the buggers to blame

me : does that mean it was their failure?
bot : Just think of it!

me : are you secretly malkavian?
bot : She's the one in fifty million

me : its really a yes or no question
bot : far away across the field

me : cracked mirror mean anything to you?
bot : If only you knew how to play

me : Ok bot, I added new content for you, what do you think?
bot : Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.

me : are you trying to take my money now?
bot : You were awake

me : are you going to try to do something to me in my sleep?
bot : The paperboy screamed out the headlines in the street.

me : what headlines?! my murder?
bot : Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark

me : are you threatening me?
bot : ooh ooh ooh,

me : Hello bot
bot : are regular occurrences!

me : me asking that? Not really, it isnt...
bot : So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met, a

me : a what?
bot : Now won't you help me to face life more

me : Um.. I can try... do you really want me to help you?
bot : Maybe we could work it out someday.

me : Or we could work it out now...
bot : But don't you ever put me down again.

me : Im not putting you down!
bot : That calls out for something unknown

me : What does?
bot : You were awake

me : I still am.. your point?
bot : Terrible diseases,

me : Uh.. its not nice to threaten..
bot : I'm such a groovy guy (such a groovy guy)

me : maybe you are.. so if so, can you possibly be nice to me?
bot : "I'm too scared and too good looking" I cried

me : test
bot : Don't get hot and flustered

me : hello bot
bot : your fire

me : Is that.. a good thing?
bot : Of yesterday's triumph,

me : do you like me?
bot : Now won't you help me to face life more

me : no, do you like me
bot : If you didn't care what happened to me,

me : do you want to do me harm
bot : Is born today for you

me : what's born today?
bot : And out in the valley warm and clean

me : so something was born in the valley but what?
bot : The bleeding hearts and artists

me : who gave birth to them?
bot : Who has seen...

me : well I assume you since you are telling me this story..
bot : History is for fools

me : says you...
bot : You're no good

me : hey!
bot : Icy wind of night be gone this is not your domain

me : are you trying to kick me out?
bot : Non, non, non voglio udire !

me : what dont you want to hear?
bot : Could be a cop, could be a thief

me : is there someone in your home?
bot : So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking

me : and what happens then??
bot : But I've been had and Brad, I'm glad to say

me : hello
bot : Life's a game where they're bound to beat you

me : oww, is that a threat?
bot : Is with the hydrocarbons underneath

me : I.. dont understand
bot : See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water.

me : yes
bot : Abandon all Hope

me : yes
bot : You better hope and pray