




(Captions written by RaptorRed)
Predator Wristblades come in a number of different shapes and lengths but are all created from the same material. The metal is incredibly strong and durable, able to cut through most known materials with ease. The Wristblade usually comes in dual blades though single Wristblades have been seen in use. Wristblades are capable of retracting and extending out of the Predator's right arm gauntlet. Almost all Predators are equipped with Wristblades in some form.
Wristblades (acid resistant)
Acid Resistant Wristblades are the same as normal Wristblades except they have an Acid Resistant coating which makes them perfect weapons for Predators to use when hunting the acidic-blooded Xenomorphs. The Acid Resistant blades are probably more widely used than the normal, as the primary prey of young Yautja Predators are Xenomorphs.
Blade Maul
The Blade Maul is a very personal weapon for Predators. Very few choose to use it as Wristblades serve a similar use and are more traditional weapons. The Blade Maul, like the Wristblades, are made from an almost unbreakable metal and the Blade Maul is acid resistant.
The Maul is able to spin around on its handle for slashing, or locked in place, so the sharpened ends can be used for stabbing and impaling.
Combi Stick/Throwing Spear
This weapon, commonly known as the Combistick, is often mistaken as two different weapons, the Combistick and the Throwing Spear, but it is, in fact, the same weapon. It is compactable, telescoping down to about a single foot long from its over six foot length. It is created from the same metals as the blades, being able to penetrate most materials with ease. Predators use it both as a melee spear and a throwing spear making this a versatile weapon. It is also acid resistant.
The Naginata is more of a ceremonial spear weapon, used on special hunts or by extremely elite warriors. It is a highly honourable weapon for a Predator to use, and only attempted by the most skilled as it requires a high level of agility, speed and training.
Glaives are basically a lower form of the Naginata, created for a personal use for individual Predators who have an affinity and skill for the weapon type. Often created of either a mix of Predator materials and hunted trophies/materials or purely of materials gathered from hunted prey, Glaives do not command the same respect as a Naginata but does speak something of the skill of the Predator hunter.
The Disc, also known as Smart Disc, is an extremely powerful (and therefore not very honourable) weapon. Often kept on the side leg armour of a Predator, it expands slight from the middle, going from a round to somewhat oval shape. Then thrown by the Predator, the Disc tracks its target with use of the targeting abilities of the Predator's mask. The Disc is extremely sharp, able to pass through prey, cutting them in half or even decapitating them. It is then able to return to the Predator, as long as it doesn't get stuck in a wall or other surface.
The disc can also be used as a melee weapon though is not preferable for hunting Xenomorphic targets as the range is so short, there is much danger from acidic blood.
The Shuriken is simply another form of the Disc though it does not track its target, it rather relies on the skill and aim of the Predator. It causes more damage to its target than the Disc but because of its shape, it is more likely to get caught on a wall or other surface.
The six shuriken blades expand and retract from the centre circle, making it easier for the Predator to store in their armour.
The Shuriken is also used as a melee weapon, and has slightly a larger melee range as the Disc, but still is not preferable to use for Xenomorphs.

Spear Gun
The Spear Gun fires barbed spears, each approximately a foot long. It is extremely powerful, often removing heads or limbs when hitting and pinning them to whatever surface it eventually hits. Very much a sniper rifle, the only drawback is the limited ammunition the Spear Gun can carry. The Spear Gun will decloak a cloaked Predator when fired.

Dart Gun
The Dart Gun is a built in function of certain Predator arm gauntlets, capable of firing a double-pronged dart made of an incredibly strong and durable metal. Again, this weapon has very limited ammunition but can be useful in a pinch.
Net Gun
A Net Gun is a rarely used Predator weapon, capable, as the name implies, of firing a net at its target. This net will often pin the prey against a wall and can be made to constrict. The actual netting material is almost unbreakable and is able to cut through almost anything, though some Predator blades and Xenomorph claws can cut through it.
It is not known why some Predators use this, as it is usually fatal as it constricts, and Predators have far more efficient ways of killing their prey with less damage to potential trophies.

Plasma Caster or Shoulder Cannon
Probably the most well known of all the Predator weapons is the Plasma Caster or Shoulder Cannon. Carried on the back over one (usually the left) shoulder, the Plasma Caster sits folded up into a compact, backpack like structure. When activated, it unfolds and comes up over the shoulder by use of three pivoting arms. The Plasma Caster, like the Smart Disc, is tied into the Predator's mask's targeting system. A triangle of laser dots are emitted from the right side of the Predator's mask which lock on to prey. The Plasma Caster, as the name implies, fires a bolt of plasma energy which often bursts apart its target.
The disadvantages of this weapon are that it requires a large amount of the Predator's energy store and it decloaks the Predator as it fires.
Energy Flechette
Like the Dart Gun, the Energy Flechette is a weapon built into certain Predator arm gauntlets, perhaps even being variations of the same weapon. The difference is, the Energy Flechette fires a small, contained bolt of plasma energy, though not nearly as powerful as the Plasma Caster's bolt. The Energy Flechette often requires many hits to take down a target but its high rate of fire can help to make up for this weakness.
The Predator Pistol is also a plasma energy weapon. It fires balls of plasma in an arced trajectory resulting in a massive explosion and electromagnetic pulse on hitting a target or surface. Even a near hit to a Xenomorph will kill it, though it takes a direct hit to kill a Human.
Like the Shoulder Cannon, the Predator Pistol takes massive amounts of energy, depleting the Predator's energy store in only a few shots.
Little is known of this big, gun-like energy weapon. It is used primarily during an unblooded's first hunt or during queen hunts where honour is not as important as catching the queen so she can be used as an egg layer for later hunts and bloodings. It is thought that it fires a stream of superheated plasma.
Electrified Whip
The Predator Whip is like any other whip except it is made out of the Predator's common metal. It wraps itself around its target and delivers a massive electrical charge which literally cooks the prey it is wound around.