




(Captions written by RaptorRed)
Outcasts or Rogues
Also known as Bad Bloods, these  lowest of the low among Predators are those individuals who refuse the honour system and rules of the hunt, or who fail to honourably kill themselves if they lose a hunt. A pseudo-clan of these outcasts has sprung up but true hunters try to wipe the Bad Bloods out at any chance they get.
Unblooded Predators are any Yautja that is not yet of an age to learn the art of the hunt. These Predators are often free to do as they wish on the home world, though much of their play incorporates actions that will be of use later in life.
Unblooded Students
Unblooded Students are Predators that are in training to become hunters. They learn the craft and rules of the hunt from Veteran Warriors and Ship Leaders until such a time as they are taken on their first hunt.
Newly Blooded
Newly Bloodeds are the first rank of true hunters. They become Blooded by simply surviving their first hunt and by making at least one kill. The Blooding Hunt consists of a score of Unbloodeds being taken to a world where Xenomorphs have been introduced, and their prey are the Xenomorph Drones. Their only weapon is a Burner. The weak are culled out and all worthy of being hunters become Blooded. The Ship Leader who brought them on the hunt then uses the acidic blood of the kill(s) of each student and marks their forehead with the Leader's symbol.
Blooded Warriors
Blooded Warriors generally serve on ships, helping in hunts, earning trophies and honing their skills.
Veteran Warriors
Veteran Warriors are the best of the Blooded Warriors, having survived numerous hunts but not yet of a level to be able to have their own command. Veterans often serve as the Ship Leader's first and second officers, as well as ship's navigator and other important roles.
Ship Leader
Veteran Warriors are made to serve duty as Ship Leader and trainers of Students  for a set amount of years before they are allowed to move up in the ranks. If they survive and serve as a good teacher, Ship Leaders can earn the next rank, which entitles them to hunt more challenging and rare prey and to hunt when and what they want.
Each Leader creates a symbol for themselves, and marks each successful student they teach and mark as Blooded. The success of a Ship Leader is shown through how many Yautja Hunters survive with their Blooded mark.
Master Warriors
Masters have earned the right to hunt Ooman, or Humans. The ultimate prey of the Yautja.
They are highly skilled, have many trophies, much honour to their name and therefore tend to be able to breed more often. Master Warriors limit themselves in terms of weaponry during hunts, usually opting for bladed weapons over energy weapons, thereby proving they have more skill. Master Warriors also earn the right to take whatever armour and equipment they could possibly want or need, often having highly decorated, almost ceremonial armours.
Clan Leader
There are a number of Clans in Yautja society. Often Clans are determined by means of genetics though sometimes a particularly gifted Yautja can be adopted into another Clan, though it means he must sever ties with his original Clan. Different Clans have different techniques, skills and weapon proficiencies.
Any single ship contains Predators all from one Clan and any given Clan can have multiple ships.
Elite Guard
The Elite Guard are some of the top Master Warriors, chosen to serve the Elders and the Elder council in both a ceremonial and a functional format. They are not often needed to fight, thought they pride themselves on being the best of the best, and are able to hunt as they wish and what they wish when on leave. They often function as the crew on the ships of the Elders, and are present as honour guard wherever the Elders go. Being close to the Elders means they can pick up on their skills, they are influential wherever they go and may eventually be chosen to become Elders one day.
The Elders are the ruling council of the Yautja Hunters. They are the oldest warriors who survived through skill, cunning and by the rules of the hunt. They are few in number, as very few Predators live to such an age. The Elders are often chosen from retiring Clan Leaders and Elite Guard. Elders are the most intelligent of the Yautja, being able to see the big picture and command in any way they need to. They are virtually untouchable by any other Predators.