




(Captions written by RaptorRed)

The most basic of rank, Techs are a low-grade jack of all trades. They cover areas such as Weapons Techs, Medical Techs, Dropship Techs, and Combat Suit Techs. They repair equipment and therefore, upon promotions, are later more proficient in their primary branches.

Grunt Private
Grunt Privates are the lowest rank of the fighting units. They are enlisted people, with a only basic understanding of tactics and equipment. They take orders directly from their corporals and sergeants. Their strength is in their numbers.

Special Weapons Grunt
Special Weapons Grunts are soldiers trained specifically in the use of one special weapon such as Smartgun,  Minigun, Flamethrower or SADAR.
Grunt Corporal
The lowest of the Non-Commissioned Officers, the Grunt Corporal is responsible for the men of their squads, which consist of 4-6 Grunt Privates plus the Corporal. Each squad also contains between 1 and 2 Special Weapons Grunts. The Squad is commanded by a Grunt Sergeant and the Corporal is the go between for the Sergeant and the enlisted men, suggesting strategies or opinions to the Sergeant.
Grunt Sergeant
The leader of a Squad and the highest NCO rank, the Sergeant is responsible for all decisions and tactics for the unit. He or she is also responsible for receiving and following their Lieutenant's orders. Sergeants have superior information and training in tactics.
The lowest full officer rank, Lieutenants command 2 to 3 squads of men and have intense tactics and strategy training. Their goal is to lose as few men as possible and reach their objective in as little time as possible.
Trained in emergency field medicine, Medics are often the different between life and death for an injured soldier. Technicians who start off in the medical branch have the option to later upgrade to a Medic. A Medic is still a strong fighting unit but can also heal their fellow soldiers and prevent them from dying in the field. Must be an officer.
Dropship Pilot
Technicians in the Dropship Tech branch later have the option of becoming a Dropship Pilot. Having familiarized themselves with all the inner workings of these ships, they are perfectly trained to drop off and pick up groups of soldiers from fighting zones. Dropships are also heavily weaponed and can be used in combat situations. Must be an officer.
APEsuit / Heavy Armour Elite
Soldiers following the basic Weapons Tech field, can later upgrade to an APEsuit which is in essence, a heavily armoured suit. Capable of withstanding much damage, the Elite can deal out a great amount of damage with greater mobility than the ALICE suit and no cyborg implants like the MAX suit. Can only be used by officers in the field.
ALICE Exosuit
Capable of being used by any tech branch, the ALICE Exosuit is a powerful suit, similar to a powerloader powered suit but equipped with a heavy minigun and flamethrower. The one drawback of the ALICE suit is that it leaves many areas of the user's body exposed to damage. Can only be used by officers in the field.
MAX Exosuit
The MAX Exosuit is something of a technological marvel and curse at the same time. A fully armoured suit, the Exosuit protects its user from almost all damage. The major drawback of the Max suit is that it connects to the wearer by a cybernetic implant at the back of the neck and the software interfaces with the user so effectively that it creates a merging of human personality and of machine. While a proper Max interface does not cause physical damage, the amount of psychological damage is not known, nor what the effects of long term use are. For officers of the Combat Suit tech branch only.