--- Brawler --- Stats (Normal) Health: 500, Medium Raw Damage, Light Kinetic Damage, Light Acid Armor Attack Rate: Very Fast, Attack Range: 0.75, Speed: 6, Visual Range: 10/18 Added Stats (Upgrade) Attack Rate: Very Fast/Very Slow Upgrade: Glory Strike - Causes extreme damage by a powerful hit and sometimes decapitate the target. --- Hunter --- Stats (Normal) Health: 400, Medium Raw Damage, Light Kinetic Armor Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 16, Speed: 4, Visual Range: 10/18 Added Stats (Upgraded) Heavy Raw Damage, Medium Fire Damage, Speed: 3 Upgrade: Omnicaster - A bioscanner and multi-barrelled firing mechanism enables the weapon to analyse targets with plasma munitions. There are three kinds of plasma: Burst Plasma, Fire Plasma, which ignites targets and Dark Plasma which causes a controlled energy reaction. --- Disc Master --- Stats (Normal) Health: 400, Medium Kinetic Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 10, Speed: 4, Visual Range: 12/20 Added Stats (Upgraded) Heavy Raw Damage Upgrade: Nanovibronic Edge - Has nine discs with a high-speed molecular chainsaw around the circumference. Can throw three discs at one target which rips through its body. --- Spear Master --- Stats (Normal) Health: 450, Medium Kinetic Damage, Heavy Fire Armor, Light Acid Armor Attack Rate: Fast/Variable, Attack Range: 2.5/2.5, Speed: 6, Visual Range: 8/16 Added Stats (Upgraded) Light Raw Armor Upgrade: Plasma Glaive - This is double-bladed weapon with white hot plasma that can burn through enemy armor. --- Stalker --- Stats (Normal) Health: 350, Heavy Kinetic Damage Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 20, Speed: 3, Visual Range: 12/27 Added Stats (Upgraded) Heavy Raw Damage Upgrade: Bleeder Spears - Barbed harpoons that drains victim's fluid levels to the point of death. --- Hydra --- Stats (Normal/Upgraded) Health: 650, Heavy Raw Damage, Heavy Kinetic Armor, Heavy Fire Armor Attack Rate: Fast, Attack Range: 14, Speed 3, Visual Range: 12/20 Upgrade: Warhead Swarm - Fires electroshock missiles with multiple warheads. When fired, it looks to see how many target are nearby and splits the missile into as many as three submissiles which hits different targets. --- Blazer --- Stats (Normal/Upgraded) Health: 650, Heavy Raw Damage, Heavy Kinetic Damage, Heavy Acid Armor Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 16, Speed: 5, Visual Range: 12/20 Upgrade: Dual Blazers - Mounts two blazers on each shoulder to maximize attack. --- Vanguard --- Stats (Normal/Upgraded) Health: 500, Heavy Raw Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor, Medium Fire Armor, Light Acid Armor Attack Rate: Slow, Attack Range: 2, Speed: 4, Visual Range: 10/18 Upgrade: Killscreen Generator - The projection spires emit unstable streams of dark plasma that vaporized incoming enemy fire.