--- Infantry --- Stats (Normal) Health: 200, Light Raw Damage, Light Kinetic Damage Attack Rate: Fast/Normal, Attack Range: 2/12, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Added Stats (Upgrade) Medium Raw Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor, Light Acid Armor Attack Rate: Varies, Attack Range: 2/12/10, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Upgrade: Heavy Assault Kit - Replaces weapon with M41A and M3 Armor with M4x Armor. Adds a grenade launcher which can damage multiple targets simultaneously. --- Medic --- Stats (Normal/Upgrade) Health: 200, Light Kinetic Damage Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 12, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Upgrade: Counterxenology - Can counteract side-effects such as acid- scarring, cystic tumours caused by Drones, Nausea caused by Runners, repeat haemorrhaging caused by Stalkers' bleeder spears. --- Flamethrower --- Stats (Normal) Health: 300, Medium Fire Damage, Medium Kinetic Damage, Heavy Fire Armor, Heavy Acid Armor Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 6, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Added Stats (Upgrade) Medium Raw Damage Upgrade: Cobalt Thermogel - This is a slow-burn flamethrower fuel that releases radioactive material into the air and poisons to cause long-term damage to target. --- Sniper --- Stats (Normal/Upgrade) Health: 200, Heavy Raw Damage Attack Rate: Very Slow, Attack Range: 20, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 12 Upgrade: The Sledgehammer - It's a personal rail gun firing hyper kinetic slugs that use a controlled fusion reaction. Slugs can strike enemies through walls but slows down after passing through many enemies. --- Smartgunner --- Stats (Normal) Health: 200, Heavy Kinetic Damage Attack Rate: Very Fast, Attack Range: 12, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 10 Added Stats (Upgrade) Medium Raw Damage, Heavy Kinetic Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor Upgrade: M57D Smartgun 'Dirty' Smartgun - Can fire rounds that shatter into many radioactive splinters inside the target. It creates high radioactive levels in heavy targets forcing them to lose health. --- Synthetic --- Stats (Normal) Health: 300, Light Kinetic Damage, Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 12, Speed: 4, Visual Range: 10/20 Added Stats (Upgrade) Medium Kinetic Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor, Attack Rate: Normal, Attack Range: 10, Speed: 5, Visual Range: 12/22 Upgrade: Combat Modifications - Has enhanced locomotive subsystems, better ocular implants and the Synthetic can be brought back from the dead if a CommTech repairs him in time. --- CommTech --- Stats (Normal) Health: 250, Light Kinetic Damage, Light Kinetic Armor Attack Rate: Fast, Attack Range: 12, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Added Stats (Upgrade) Heavy Fire Damage Attack Rate: Fast/Very Slow, Attack Range: 12/24, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 8 Upgrade: AURORA Control - The AURORA is a space-based system found on orbital cruisers and is able of autonomously destroying enemies. The CommTech must however confirm the target and there is only one AURORA so other CommTechs must share. --- SADAR Trooper --- Stats (Normal) Health: 250, Heavy Raw Damage, Light Kinetic Damage Attack Rate: Very Slow, Attack Range: 14, Speed: 2.5, Visual Range: 12 Added Stats (Upgrade) Heavy Fire Damage, Attack Rate: Normal Upgrade: M83AM SADAR AMAG - Penetrates heavy armor and disgorges multiple megathermal payloads. Good against predators and aliens because of high impact. --- Sentry Gun --- Stats (Normal) Health: 500, Medium Kinetic Damage, Medium Kinetic Armor, Medium Fire Armor Attack Rate: Very Fast, Attack Range: 12, Speed: 0, Visual Range: 12 Added Stats (Upgrade) Attack Rate: Very Fast/Fast, Attack Range: 12/20, Visual Range: 12/20+ Upgrade: Huntbuster Revision - Has a built-in counterballistic system that calculates the cause of incoming fire and uses a beam cloak-defeating scanner to light it up. --- ExoSuit --- Stats (Normal) Health: 900, Medium Kinetic Damage, Heavy Kinetic Armor, Heavy Fire Armor Attack Rate: Variable, Attack Range: 10, Speed: 1.5, Visual Range: 10 Added Stats (Upgrade) Heavy Kinetic Damage, Attack Rate: Extreme Upgrade: Solid State Cannons - Has rail guns that fire simultaneously. The weapon can fire 1,000 rounds per second and kills most targets in seconds.