Type/Model : Iron Cheetah E
Tech : Clan/ 3060
Config : Biped Omnimech
Rules : Level 3, Modified Design

Mass : 100 tons
Chassis : SJ Endo 100 Endo Steel
Power Plant : 400 Clan Type XLFusion
Walking Speed : 43.2 km/h
Maximun Speed : 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets : None
Jump Capacity : 0 meters
Armour : SJ Heavy Composite Ferro-Fibrous
2 Clan MK. XVII ER PPC's
2 Kolibri Delta Series Large Pulse Lasers
2 Kolibri Delta Series Medium Pulse Lasers
1 Stalker SJ/32 ECM Suite
1 Series 1 MK. 2s ER Small Laser
Manufacturer : Huntress Alpha
Location : Huntress
Communications System : Huntress CR/23
Targeting & Tracking System : SJ Delta 117C

Overview : 
The Iron Cheetah was one of the last mechs designed by the Smoke Jaguars prior to their annihilation by the Star League. 
Intended to supplement the Dire Wolf, the Iron Cheetah combined speed, firepower, and armour into an effective and deadly 

Capabilities :
Equipped with a huge 400XL rating fusion engine, the Iron Cheetah can reach a top speed of nearly 65 kph. This gives it 
superior maneuverability compared to the Dire Wolf. An Endo Steel chassis and Ferro Fibrous armour plating reduce the loss 
of pod space to about 11 tons.

Battle History : 
First used in limited numbers by the Smoke Jaguars on Tukayyid, the Iron Cheetah performed admirably, butt could not 
prevent the disasterous defeat the Jaguars suffered. During the Star League's campaign against the Jaguar Occupation Zone, 
Iron Cheetah's were seen on three sides, Jaguar, Nova Cat, and Clan Wolf in exile. It also saw extensive combat during the 
Huntress campaign.

Variants : 
Most Iron Cheetah configurations depend on energy weapons as their primary weapons. The "E" configuration described here 
was deployed by the Jaguars in 3060 and saw extensive use in the battles leading to that Clan's demise. Twin PPC's and large 
pulse lasers make it able to stay in the field as long as it's warrior cna. It has no ammunition dependant weaponry, simplyfying 
logistics immensly.

Notable Mechs and Mechwarriors : 
Star Colonel Friedrichs Briedis of the 245th Jaguar Dragoons led his cluster during the Huntress campaign from the cockpit of 
his Iron Cheetah. On Barcella for a Trial of Possession at the time of the attack, his forces were among the last of the Jaguars 
to fall. Engaged by SLDF forces after the Trial on Strana Mechty, he accounted for nearly a company of enemy mechs and 
vehicles during the battle, finally sucumbing to an SLDF Thunder Hawk. Made a bondsman to the SLDF, he and his surviving 
troops now serve in the SLDF as mechwarriors.

Deployment : 
Along with the Smoke Jaguars, three other invading clans have deployed Iron Cheetahs, the Wolves, Nova Cats, and Ghost 
Bears. The Coyotes and Snow Ravens also use the mech, as do the Hell's Horses, though in limited numbers. The Nova Cats 
are building up a production line on Irece, while the Bears are also beginning production on Alshain. The Wolves in exiles have 
yet to set up and Iron Cheetah line, only recently beginning omnimech production on Arc Royal. The other Wolf clan has a 
factory on Strana Mechty and also provide Cheetahs to the Coyotes and Horses, though their supply to the Coyotes may end 
soon because of deteriorating relations. The Jade Falcons captured several Iron Cheetahs during the Refusal War, but have not 
set up a production line, prefering their Turkina design. The Snow Ravens got their mechs from the Ghost Bears prior to their 
move to the Inner Sphere. With the good relations between the two clans, the Ravens will probably field more Cheetahs in the 