Rank Description Number
Khans Khan and Sakhan are the rulers of the clan. Must be bloodnamed. Clan leaders. 1
LoreMaster LoreMaster records all important events of the clan in the rememberance. Must be bloodnamed. 1
OathMaster OathMaster conducts all offical rituals. Must be bloodnamed. 1
Galaxy Commander Commands a Galaxy (1 trinary and 1 binary). Must be bloodnamed. 1 per galaxy
Star Colonel Commands 1 trinary (3 stars). Must be bloodnamed. 1 per galaxy
Star Captain Commands 1 binary (2 stars). 1 per galaxy
Star Commander Commands 1 star (3 points including themselves). 5 per galaxy
Mechwarrior Base rank of a warrior. Does not command. 10 per galaxy
Cadet Reserved rank for those on probation, or for disciplanary matters. n/a


Unit Sizes Clan Size Battletech Universe Size
Galaxy 1 trinary and 1 binary / 15 people 2-8 Clusters
Cluster n/a 3-8 Binaries/Trinaries
Trinary 3 stars / 9 people 3 stars / 15 people
Binary 2 stars / 6 people 2 stars / 10 people
Star 3 people 5 mechs or 25 elementals
Point 1 person 1 mech or 5 elementals