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Thread: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

  1. #1
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    In this thread, I will present my version of rules for the Primarchs, to be used in Apocalypse, or if you have a friend suicidal enough, the meta-game. They will also come with an accompanying datasheet that represents the Primarch's preferred tactics. Criticism and comments are requested and most welcome, especially concerning points costs. Thank you all in advance.


    The Warmaster. Beloved Lupercal. Hero of Ullanor. The Emperor's Favored. The Primarch of the Luna Wolves went by many names, but to the citizens of the Imperium, he was a symbol of hope and glory like none other. They believed him to be invincible in battle, both as a general and as a warrior, and he inspired them the way only an individual born to lead could. He was the greatest of all the Primarchs and his father's favorite son. He was charisma and human pride given form, a hero the likes of which mankind had only heard of in legend. When championed by him, mankind believed itself masters of the galaxy.

    WS- 9; BS- 6; S- 5; T- 5; W- 4; I- 7; A- 5; Ld- 10



    1 Horus Lupercal

    Artificer Armor; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    The Gorgon’s Fang: Forged by Ferrus Manus' bare hands, this hand and a half sword glows with a warm light as if fresh from the forge. This is a master-crafted relic blade that re-rolls failed to wound rolls and rolls an extra D6 for armor penetration.

    Luna Cannon: This heavy bolt weapon was crafted by the Mechanicum as one of their many gifts to Horus. This is a master-crafted storm bolter that resolves its hits at Strength 5 and AP 3.

    Independent Character; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics; Orbital Bombardment; Eternal Warrior

    Son of the Emperor: All of the Primarchs possessed a measure of the Emperor's own power in their bodies. It lent them supernatural abilities and guarded their souls against the dread predations of the warp. Horus is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Warmaster of the Imperium: Few of the Primarchs could match Horus' tactical brilliance. He was a glorious blend of ingenuity and experience that resulted in the Great Crusade's finest martial record. If you include Horus in your army, you may re-roll any roll for Reserves or roll for table edge for an outflanking unit.

    Beloved Lupercal: What set Horus apart from even the other strategic geniuses of the Great Crusade was his unmatched ability to inspire. Man and Astartes fought with the vigor of heroes alongside Lupercal and earned the fledgling Imperium many great victories. If you include Horus in your army, you may choose to have any of your units with the Combat Tactics special rule automatically pass any Morale check they have to take. All friendly units within 12” of Horus have +1 Attack bonus, which does not apply to Horus himself.

    Points: 100 + Models

    When confronted by particularly difficult resistance, Horus' favored tactic was the Speartip. The Legion's finest warriors would be employed in a daring teleportation strike against enemy command, leaving the greater armies leaderless and blind. Whether led by the legendary Ezekyle Abaddon or by Horus himself, it was a practiced and utterly lethal maneuver.

    1 Horus Lupercal and/or 1 First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon
    3+ units of the following:
    – Terminator Squads
    – Terminator Assault Squads

    We Seek the Enemy: In addition to your normal strategic assets, you gain the Trophy Kill asset.

    Into the Malestrom of Battle!: All of the units in the formation must Deep Strike using the ability granted by Terminator Armor. The arcane workings of Horus’ armor allow him to accompany the Terminators, so when in this formation he must Deep Strike exactly as if equipped with Terminator Armor. When you roll for Reserves, you make a single roll for the entire formation (Horus’ re-roll is allowed for this roll). When the formation becomes available, it is deployed in its entirety.

    Ezekyle Abaddon, First Captain of the Luna Wolves: Ezekyle Abaddon counts as a Chapter Master in all respects. He is equipped with Terminator Armor, a Power Fist, and a Power Weapon. If you include him in your army and you do not include Horus, all of your units with the Combat Tactics special rule replace it and the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule with the Fearless and Counter-Attack special rules. He costs 200 points.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  2. #2
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets


    During the Great Crusade, Sanguinius was one of the greatest of the Primarchs. He was respected by all of his brothers, for in him they saw a reflection of the soul of their father. A paragon of wisdom, inspiration, and heroism, he had none of the flaws that troubled his kin, whether overt pride, restless ambition, or the inability to connect to mankind. Yet he was not flawless. It was when he met the demon lord Ka'bandha on the field that the caged darkness in his soul was unleashed.

    WS- 8; BS- 6; S- 5; T- 5; W- 4; I- 7; A-4; Ld- 10


    Jump Infantry

    1 Sanguinius

    Artificer Armor; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    The Flame of Baal: Sanguinius scoured his homeworld of mutant beasts with this blade. When alive with the power of Sanguinius' soul, it burns like a new sun. This is a master-crafted weapon that follows all the normal rules for a relic blade and a force weapon. It rolls an extra D6 for armor penetration.

    The Spear of Telesto: Forged by the hand of the Angel himself, this spear was a gift to the Blood Angels that could only be wielded by one of their own. This is a master-crafted relic weapon that always wounds on a roll of 2+. It provides a ranged attack with the following profile-
    Range: 12”. . .Strength: 4. . .AP: 2. . .Type: Assault 1

    Purity’s Vengeance: This is a master-crafted bolt pistol that resolves its hits at Strength 5 and AP 3.

    Options: Sanguinius may replace the Flame of Baal with the Spear of Telesto for no additional cost.

    Independent Character; And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics; Orbital Bombardment; Eternal Warrior; Descent of Angels

    Son of the Emperor: Sanguinius is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    The Gift of Foresight: Sanguinius is a psyker in all respects. After deployment, but before the start of the game, you may redeploy D3 of your units to anywhere inside your normal deployment zone.

    The Archangel: To his friends and allies, Sanguinius was an inspiring visage that inspired the very soul. To his enemies, Sanguinius was the Emperor's holy vengeance against which there is no victory. All friendly units within 12” of Sanguinius gain +1 Attack. Sanguinius counts as having the Transfixing Gaze psychic power, which he may use in addition to his force weapon.

    Lord of Baal: If you include Sanguinius in your army, your units replace the Red Thirst special rule with the Combat Tactics special rule and no Death Company models may be included. If Sanguinius is removed as a casualty, all of your units immediately replace Combat Tactics with Red Thirst and count as rolling a 1.

    Points: 100 + Models

    Countless were the foes that fell to the Descent of Angels. There was no image of the Crusade that embodied its purpose more than Sanguinius and his chosen descending from the heavens and falling on the enemy with the fury, authority, and power of the Emperor himself.

    1 Sanguinius
    1 Sanguinary Guard Squad
    3+ units of the following:
    – Vanguard Veteran Squads equipped with Jump Packs
    – Assault Squads equipped with Jump Packs

    Take the Fight to Them: All of the units in the formation gain the Heroic Intervention special rule, and the formation itself has the Strategic Redeployment asset.

    The Angels of the Emperor: All of the units in the formation must Deep Strike ability. When you roll for Reserves, you make a single roll for the entire formation (Horus’ re-roll is allowed for this roll). When the formation becomes available, it is deployed in its entirety. Sanguinius must be joined to the Sanguinary Guard squad. While he is alive and with the unit, he gains the Fearless special rule and cannot leave the unit.
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  3. #3
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    WS-7; BS- 6; S- 5; T- 5; W- 4; I- 7; A-4; Ld- 10



    1 Lorgar

    Artificer Armor; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    Blessed Crozius: This is a master-crafted relic blade that rolls an extra D6 for armor penetration. Any model that suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon drops to Initiative 1 until the end of the next assault phase.

    Incinerator: This is a ranged weapon that ignores invulnerable saves and uses the following profile-
    Range: Template. . .Strength: 5. . .AP: 4. . .Type: Assault 1

    Independent Character; Fearless; Litanies of Battle; Eternal Warrior

    Son of the Emperor: Lorgar is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Honor of the Legion: All friendly units within 12” of Lorgar (excluding Lorgar) have +1 Attack.

    Keeper of the Faith: Lorgar may never use a cover save. All of your units with the Combat Tactics special rule replace it and the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule with the Fearless special rule. Lorgar and any unit he is with may also re-roll failed to wound rolls on the turn in which they launch an assault.

    Points: 100 + Models

    1 Lorgar
    3+ units of the following:
    – 0-1 Honor Guard Squad
    – Vanguard Veteran Squads
    – Vanguard Veteran Squads
    – Sternguard Veteran Squads
    – Terminator Squads
    – Terminator Assault Squads
    * No squad in the formation may take transports, bikes, or jump packs. No squad in the formation may deploy using the deep strike rules. The formation must begin the game deployed on the table.

    Fury of the Righteous Unleashed: All of the units in the formation gain the Litanies of Battle special rule, and the formation itself has the Holy War asset, replacing the Adeptas Sororitas rule with the Litanies of Battle special rule.

    In addition, at the end of your turn, make a note of the number of the turn that just ended. Multiply that number by 6. That is the range, in inches, in which all friendly units become subject to the effects of the Holy War asset. In addition, units affected by the Holy War asset are subject to Rage and Relentless regardless of whether they are in no-man’s land or not.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  4. #4
    Chapter Master shabbadoo's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    You might want to remove the "force weapon" bit from the Flame of Baal. Sanguinius cannot make use of that power, as he was not a psyker.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor Jones
    Epidemus, who, at the battle against Khorne, did righteously shift paradigms with the creation of a goal oriented task force that successfully reallocated Khornate resources into Nurgle driven benefits capable of sustaining them through the next fiscal quarter.

  5. #5
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    He was indeed a psyker.

    Magnus, Sanguinius, Konrad, and Corax all had psychic abilities. In my opinion, all of the Primarchs possessed demi-god like souls that were warded and controlled by the Emperor to bleed power to them. Very much like Naruto's situation with the Kyuubu. Apologies if you hate that manga.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  6. #6
    Commander Karl MkVI's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Quote Originally Posted by shabbadoo View Post
    You might want to remove the "force weapon" bit from the Flame of Baal. Sanguinius cannot make use of that power, as he was not a psyker.
    umm... yes he was. not only did he supposedly have pre-cognitive abilities, he also had a psychic connection to his legion; hence the issues he had on Signus as per HH:CV, and the black rage/red thirst incidents during the HH.
    Quote Originally Posted by Polaria View Post
    Coincidentally the Impossible Planet spells straight out that Necrons can indeed move between stars... Then again, that was also written by Ward that had long ago passed into legend for its improbable ability to be inconsistent between the codexes at will. Wherever the Ward appears, strange happenings occur: memories change, ancient codexes rewrite themselves and canon background shifts in its orbit- almost as if history is being rewritten.

  7. #7
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    I don't have a Space Wolf Legion datasheet finished yet, so I will edit this post when I do.

    WS- 8; BS- 6; S- 5; T- 5; W- 4; I- 7; A-5; Ld- 10



    1 Leman Russ

    Runic Armor; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    Mjalnar: This is a master-crafted frostblade that rolls an additional D6 for armor penetration.

    Morkai’s Bite: This is a master-crafted bolt pistol that resolves its hits at Strength 5 and AP 3.

    Independent Character; Fearless; Counter-Attack; Acute Senses; Fleet; Eternal Warrior; Headstrong; Berserk Charge

    Son of the Emperor: Leman Russ is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    The Wolf King of Fenris: Leman Russ has the Saga of the Warrior Born, the Saga of Majesty, and the Saga of the Beastslayer.

    Howl of the World Wolf: Once per game, at the start of any of his turns, Leman Russ may unleash his howl. When he does so, all non-Space Wolf psykers must take an immediate psychic test and all friendly Space Wolf units gain the Fearless, Fleet, and Furious Charge special rules. These effects last until the start of Leman Russ’ next turn.
    Last edited by Son of Sanguinius; 30-07-2010 at 05:07.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  8. #8

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Two thing's SoS:

    The Incinerator is basically ace at taking out Xenos and renegade guard. Maybe rename it to reflect that, as it could also reflect Lorgar's intense hatred of anything not Imperial?

    Also you have quite a few times used a bolt weapon stat line of S5 AP3. Why not Change all of these to

    Primarch's Bolter: Crafted by the very finest weaponsmiths for his son's, a Primarch's bolter fires like a storm bolter with S5 AP3. It also counts as an additional hand weapon in cc.

    So Morkai's Bite and Lunar Canon could become Morkai's Bite: Primarch Bolter. There is no need for every primarch to have a specialist bolt weapon profile is there?
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
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  9. #9
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    I was attempting to present the big guys without a centralized ruleset or profile. I've always hated the way they did that with the Phoenix Lords. That said, for simplicity's sake, I can see your point. Unless I can convince myself otherwise, I'll make that change.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  10. #10

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Hey SoS mind if I have a crack at Ferrus Manus? If not, what are the basic rules you want to stick to?
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
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  11. #11
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Go for it. I want to keep the Son of the Emperor special rule as is. I want to keep each Primarch in the 350-450 point range. I also want certain of the Primarchs to be the equivalent of other Space Marine HQ or Elites units but on steroids. So Lorgar is a pumped up Chaplain, Leman Russ is Ragnar roided out, etc. And if you can convince me why I'm wrong on any of these, you're more than welcome to try.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  12. #12
    Chapter Master shabbadoo's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    To everyone who replied, I know Sanguiniuus had psycic "gifts", but they were less...obvious, and acceptable to the Primarchs(and obviously to the Emperor as well). There is no mention anywhere of him being able to channel psychic energy to do anything. He has visions apparently, but that is it. Same with the others that were mentioned, excepting Magnus who was a full-blown, trained psyker(the only one mind you). You may have all noticed that there wasn't an addendum to the edict from that Council of Nicea that stated:

    "Oh, and Sanguinius, Konrad, and Corax- cut that **** out too!!!"

    Sanguinius wasn't a psyker in the traditional sense. He just had "gifts". So, ditch the force weapon, as that is not representative of his "gifts".
    Last edited by shabbadoo; 19-07-2010 at 02:24.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inquisitor Jones
    Epidemus, who, at the battle against Khorne, did righteously shift paradigms with the creation of a goal oriented task force that successfully reallocated Khornate resources into Nurgle driven benefits capable of sustaining them through the next fiscal quarter.

  13. #13
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Less obvious? Horus knew, and referred to Sanguinius having their father's "psychic talents". That doesn't strike me as being as subdued as you're suggesting.

    Corax could cloud the minds of people around him. Konrad reached out with his consciousness and overloaded the nearby lights. I'm not suggesting they are anything like Magnus, but I also think a force weapon is appropriate for a Primarch with noted psychic talents and who fully endorsed Magnus' Librarian program.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  14. #14

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    OK, this is very rough.

    WS- 7; BS- 6; S- 6; T- 5(6); W- 4; I- 6; A-5; Ld- 10



    1 Ferrus Manus

    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    Medusa's Heart: So called after one of the newly genetically enhanced Medusans saw his Lord fire the flamer on the bolter, declaring that the flames reminded him of the lava at the heart of the body of his home planet. Primarch Bolter. This also has a one shot heavy flamer attached

    Metal Hands: When Manus hands were replaced by the metal of Asirnoth few, least of all Manus, would appreciate its affect on his life and abilities. Manus's hands allow him even greater communion with mechanical, electronic or any other non-organic device. Manus has a great deal of control over his hands and their appearance and uses. The metal has fused with his armour that he made with his own hands – he cannot wear his primarch armour made by the Emperor. Manus is forever entombed, a last victory for Asirnoth. His hands grant Ferrus the following rules:

    Weapons: Ferrus can choose at the start of each new combat what weapons his hands will become. As one hand will always be holding Medusa's Heart, his other close combat weapon counts as being master crafted: Power fist, Relic Blade, Lightning Claw, Power Weapon, Force Weapon

    Armour: Ferrus's hands are now an integral part of his armour's systems. As such he may use the following rules, declaring which at the start of the game, and at the start of each turn, before movement:

    Armour Save 4+ and Fleet + Reroll failed save
    Armour Save 3+ and Jump Pack + Reroll failed save
    Armour Save 2+ and Deep Strike + Reroll failed save

    Independent Character; Eternal Warrior; Feel No Pain; Fearless; Night Vision; Tank Hunter Master of Technology*

    Son of the Emperor: Ferrus Manus is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Master of Technology: Counts as Blessings of the Omnissiah except Manus always needs an unmodifiable 3+. This can restore structure points.

    Relentless Piety: All Imperial Units within 12” of Manus may reroll failed Ld tests. If they fail again the must remove one model as a casualty to Manus's hatred of weakness

    Mechanical Insight: To Manus the whole universe and everything in it is a part of one big mechanism. As such Manus is almost unequalled in recognising a person's place in the universe, or his next move. Once per turn, Manus may delay the use of one of the enemies' (stratagems/tactics/special rules – needs a list). He cannot stop its use, but can only delay it until the next turn when it must take place if the unit/model has not been destroyed. In addition he cannot affect the same unit in subsequent turns. Manus may declare using this ability either at the start of his turn, or as the enemy declares the use of a (stratagems/tactics/special rules) This does not work with rules/stratagems relating to the following characters: The Emperor, Horus, Fulgrim.
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
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  15. #15
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Let's see if we can't reconcile our two versions.

    WS- 7; BS- 6; S- 6; T- 5; W- 4; I- 6; A-4; Ld- 10



    1 Ferrus Manus

    Artificer Armor; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

    Forgebreaker: This is a master-crafted thunder hammer that re-rolls failed to wound rolls and rolls an extra D6 for armor penetration.

    Medusa's Heart: This is a master-crafted combi-melta gun. The bolter section fires at Strength 5 and AP 3.

    (I like your weapon.)

    Independent Character; Fearless; Eternal Warrior; Litanies of Battle; Orbital Bombardment; Blessings of the Omnissiah

    Son of the Emperor: Ferrus Manus is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Living Metal Hands: Ferrus never requires worse than a 3+ to repair a vehicle using the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule. In addition, Ferrus may elect to use his hands in close combat instead of Forgebreaker. When he does so, he counts as wielding a pair of lightning claws that roll an extra D6 for armor penetration. He also may subtract one Attack from a single model in base contact, to a minimum of 1.

    No Room for Weakness: All friendly units within 12" of Ferrus may re-roll failed Morale checks.

    Legion Tactics: If you include Ferrus Manus in your army, all of your units with the Combat Tactics special rule replace it with the Blessings of the Omnissiah special rule. Independent Characters add 1 to their roll and gain the Feel No Pain special rule.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  16. #16

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    There are three things I would change from yours fella:

    Medusa's Heart - the reason for the heavy flamer is it is a bit more unique, Vulkan would have more claim for the m/g and a combi-m/g is nothing special.

    Legion Tactics - here I think there is a danger of stereotyping. As this is pre-HH/HH then there isn't any reason to assume that the Iron Hands have started copying their primarch - especially if Manus was such a stickler for the Imperial vision this might be heresy for him. To have a whole chapter revert to being mini-techmarines just seems to charicature the Iron Hands. However, you could go for a couple of things. First is that the Iron Hands could swap Combat Tactics for free extra armour upgrade on their transport vehicles, reprsenting their tech background and the legion's growing affinity with the mechanicum.
    Another way would be to allow Iron Hands non-transport abilty vehicles to have the squadron rules, and become a 1-3 for each slot.
    Or allow Iron Hands Techmarines to have +1W and +1 attack
    Or allow them to be a 1-3 choice for each elite slot
    Or remove them from the army list, and replace the vet sgt upgrade in a squad to a vet sgt tech marine upgrade.
    Living Metal Hands - Give Ferrus the ability to restore structure points as part of his Blessing. Real Apocaypse then :-)

    Aside from that, I think your Ferrus is more GW than mine, but mine is a bit more Apoc than yours . So for me this needs a bit more contemplation!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
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  17. #17
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Hehe, I almost totally agree with you. Unfortunately, the major creative drawback that I'm dealing with is that I'm trying to make the Primarchs consistent with others GW characters.

    Normally, I would have made Son of the Emperor something like this.

    Son of the Emperor: Any model with this rule has the following special rules-
    - Fleet; Acute Senses; Eternal Warrior; Feel No Pain; Orbital Bombardment

    In addition, the model may make its Feel No Pain rolls against attacks that have AP 2 and the model is immune to all psychic powers without a given Strength value.

    But in order to streamline, I use the version I have there currently. I actually like your version more than mine. It's more characterful and encompasses Ferrus Manus without, as you say, making him and the Iron Hands into a more stereotypical image.

    And yes, I agree on the point about structure points.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  18. #18

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    I'll think on it and see if I can come up with a nice comrpomise.

    So, anyone else you think I might be able to have a crack at? Sorely temoted by Guilleman to be honest, but I don't think I could do him justice, I am not sure anyone could.
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  19. #19
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Try anyone you want. That goes for anyone else happening along this thread. Present your ideas and I will pillage the good ones.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  20. #20

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    As long as it all ends up as a downloadable pdf for everyone then all is ok fella.
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

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