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Thread: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

  1. #41

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    If people don't mind I'm going to try to do Alpharius and Omegon, I love alpha legion so I thought I'd give it a go.


    Quote Originally Posted by RagingHobo View Post
    Real men play Dwarfs
    Did you know that Dandaman buys and Sells?

    Quote Originally Posted by Enigmatik1 View Post
    You do realize, however, that fluff-bunnies across the world would instantly sense what you've done, all at the same time (as if in a gestalt) and focus their collective psyches to "wish" you dead with no saves of any kind allowed, right?

  2. #42

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Here it is;

    Alpharius and Omegon


    Unit Type

    Unit Composition
    1 Alpharius, 1 Omegon


    WS- 7; BS- 5; S- 4(5); T- 6; A- 3 W- 3; I- 5; LD- 10


    WS- 6, BS- 5; S- 4(5); T- 6; A- 2, W-2, I- 5; LD- 10


    Stealth Suits, Suppressed Bolter, The Fangs of the Hydra,

    Stealth Suits: The Alpha Legions incredible ability to use stealth attacks and lightning quick assaults have led to the development of state of the art stealth suits. Any model wearing a stealth suit counts as wearing power armor. Furthermore, due to the stealth fields concealing the suit wearer, models targeting the bearers of stealth suits are at -1 to hit.

    Suppressed Weapons: Bolters used by the Alpha Legion carry a peculiar device that allows the alpha legion to fire their bolters from unexpected areas, creating confusion among the enemy. If a unit suffers a wound from a suppressed weapon, they must immediately take a pinning test, provided they do not need to take another morale check for 25% casualties. However, these suppressors come at price, as the bolter fire is slowed from firing through the suppressors, to represent this, any models with suppressed weapons have the following profile:

    Range: 18” Strength: 4 AP: 5 Type: Suppressed

    Fangs of the Hydra: The weapons used by both Alpharius and Omegon, these vicious weapons shaped in the form of the symbol of the Alpha Legion, the hydra. These weapons count as a master crafted lightning claws and in addition provide an additional +1 strength.* (added in above profiles)

    *Please note that Alpherius bears 2 Fangs of the Hydra, gaining the benefits of using paired lightning claws, while Omegon bears a single Fang of the Hydra and a suppressed bolt pistol that follows the same rules for bolt pistols, but in addition has its range reduced to 6” and has the suppressed special rule.

    Special Rules:

    And They Shall Know No Fear; Combat Tactics; Eternal Warrior; Hit and Run; Infiltrate; Scout

    Son of the Emperor: Alpharius and Omegon are immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Alpharius Omegon: Alpharius and Omegon are twins, it is this bond that allows them to fight to together in an unnatural pair, for all gaming purposes, Alpharius and Omegon are a single HQ choice. They also count as one unit that may join other units if you wish, or they may be fielded on their own, although they may never be fielded in separate units.

    From the Shadows They Emerge: The Alpha Legionnaires are devastating guerilla troops, specializing in tactics that allow them to appear from shadows and cover, surprising the enemies and killing in rapid assaults. While you are fielding Alpharius and Omegon, any units may replace their Combat Tactics and And They Shall Know No Fear special rule for one of the following: Scout, Hit and Run, or Infiltrate for no additional cost. Also, models that replace any one of their special rules may also take suppressors (+1 pts/ model) and Stealth Suits (+2 pts/ model) The Alpha Legion specializes in guerilla tactics on foot, so to represent this, any models the replace thier Combat Tactics and And They Shall Know No Fear with another special rule may not take a drop pod or other vehicle as a dedicated transport.

    I've got to add another special rule called It would have been to easy, but I have to think a little bit more on how to make it work. Any thoughts on what everyone thinks of the rules so far?


    Last edited by _dandaman_; 27-07-2010 at 16:38.
    Quote Originally Posted by RagingHobo View Post
    Real men play Dwarfs
    Did you know that Dandaman buys and Sells?

    Quote Originally Posted by Enigmatik1 View Post
    You do realize, however, that fluff-bunnies across the world would instantly sense what you've done, all at the same time (as if in a gestalt) and focus their collective psyches to "wish" you dead with no saves of any kind allowed, right?

  3. #43
    Veteran Sergeant GabrielEvander's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    @_Dandaman_ i wouldn't remove and they shall know no fear from the Alpha legion mainly because i can see the legionnaires choosing to withdraw from a tactically unwise position.
    Quote Originally Posted by Petay1985 View Post
    Mortarion will forever
    more be affectionately known as the 'Winged Spaghetti Monster with Scythe' !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Toaster View Post
    Where is your god-emperor now?!?!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozendorph View Post
    "Hey, who's that guy in the black Mk 4 armor advising the Fire Caste commander?"

  4. #44
    Veteran Sergeant GabrielEvander's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    All right here's my take on the Lion

    Lion El'Jonson Primarch Of The Dark Angels Legion

    WS-8 BS-6 S-5 T-5 W-4 I-8 A-5 LD-10 SV-2+



    1 Lion El'Jonson

    Artificer Armour, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Lion Sword, Lion's Bite, Lion's Helm

    Lion's Helm: A helm with a powerful force field generator built in, grants the lion and any unit he joins with a 3+ invulnerable save

    Lion Sword: This is a master crafted relic blade that adds an extra d6 to armour penetration

    Lion's Bite: This is a master crafted plasma pistol that does not Get Hot!

    Special Rules: Son of the Emperor, Independent Character, Fearless, Eternal Warrior, Orbital Bombardment, Master Swordsmen, Tactical Genius, Inspiring Leader, Roar of Caliban

    Son of the Emperor: Lion El'Jonson is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Master Swordsman: Any attacks aimed at the Lion in close combat may be parried on a 4+ If a parry is successful an counter attack may be launch, resolve one attack against the attacking model, Only one counterattack may be launched against each attacking model in a given assault phase

    Tactical Genius: Up to D3 units may be redeployed in your deployment zone before the first turn but after scout and infiltrate units have deployed

    Inspiring Leader: Any Dark Angels models may choose to pass or fail any morale checks while on the board while the Lion is on the board, also any Dark Angels may choose to use the Lions Leadership for any Leadership checks need while he is on the Board

    Roar of Caliban: Once per game in the assault phase the Lion may release a mighty roar. All Dark Angels Models may reroll all failed Hits and Wounds roll in this Assault Phase.

    Gabriel Out
    Last edited by GabrielEvander; 28-07-2010 at 01:35. Reason: Spelling and lay out
    Quote Originally Posted by Petay1985 View Post
    Mortarion will forever
    more be affectionately known as the 'Winged Spaghetti Monster with Scythe' !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Toaster View Post
    Where is your god-emperor now?!?!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozendorph View Post
    "Hey, who's that guy in the black Mk 4 armor advising the Fire Caste commander?"

  5. #45
    Chaplain jdunn's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    my turn to have a go at Angron


    Perhaps the most brutal of all the Primarchs, Angron was found on a gladiator planet where he led many revolts against the slavers there.The Emperor promised Angron a legion made in his image, limitless power, and life-times spent perfecting the Art of Conquest. Angron at first refused, and had to be forced onto the ship and watched as his gladiator brothers died below. Angron adopted the gladiator way of putting nerve implants in the bodies of his warriors to increase their battle prowess, a practice that made him somewhat of an outcast amongst his brothers.


    WS 9 BS 6 S 5 T 5 W 4 I 6 A 5 Ld 10 Sv 2+

    Unit Comp: (independent character)

    Type: Infantry

    War gear:

    Nerve Implants: After receiving specialized nerve implants from his gladiatorial days on his home world, Angron's ferociousness in battle was greatly increased, even compared to the super-human senses of a Space Marine. He, and any unit he has joined, gain +2 attacks whenever they charge.

    The Cleaver: A chain axe of enormous size, this weapon seethes with the power of Angron's rage. Hits from this weapon are Resolved at S6, ignore armor saves, and have rending.

    Primarch Bolt PIstol: Range:12" S5 AP3 Assault 1

    Special Rules

    Counter-Attack, Fearless, And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Orbital Bombardment, Eternal Warrior, Furious Charge, Fleet, Independent Character

    Uncontrollable Rage: Angron's fury is rivaled by none, and all who challenge him will know it! Angron always hits on a 2+ in Close Combat, and will always count as charging (and hence gain the +2 attack for charging)

    Primarch Tactics: All models in an army that includes Angron may swap the Combat Tactics special rule with Furious Charge.

    Son of The Emperor: Angron is immune to psychic powers with out a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.
    Last edited by jdunn; 29-07-2010 at 02:12.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Caerolion View Post
    Well, Morghur hates the Wood Elves, but the rest don't really seem to care. Your average Gor isn't too picky as to what civilisation he's tearing down, as long as he gets to fling poop at something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iuris View Post
    The 40K in my head is way better (by my tastes, of course) than the one GW puts out

  6. #46
    Chaplain jdunn's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    just wanted to post this link.... its a model somebody at GW did of Roboute Guilliam and it will rock yo socks off!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Caerolion View Post
    Well, Morghur hates the Wood Elves, but the rest don't really seem to care. Your average Gor isn't too picky as to what civilisation he's tearing down, as long as he gets to fling poop at something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iuris View Post
    The 40K in my head is way better (by my tastes, of course) than the one GW puts out

  7. #47
    Chaplain jdunn's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Quote Originally Posted by yabbadabba View Post
    Sorry, I thought I had posted this ... maybe it has ended up somewhere else. This is a basic version and it needs something ..... unexpected (and not the Spanish Inquisition!).

    WS- 8; BS- 6; S- 6; T- 5; W- 4; I- 6; A-5; Ld- 10



    1 Roboute Guilliman

    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades,
    Artificer's Armour – Guilliman's armour also contains a teleport homer, and allows Guilliman to Deep Strike.
    Gauntlets of Ultramar – Master Crafted Power Fists that strike in normal I order. In addition they count as having a twin linked Primarch Bolter

    Independent Character; Eternal Warrior; Feel No Pain; Fearless;

    Son of the Emperor: Roboute Guilliman is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Guilliman may +1/-1 from any Reserve Rolls. Any Ultramarine unit may halve its Deep Strike scatter distance.

    Strength In Depth: Guilliman might have lacked some of his brothers more extreme specialisms, but only the Warmaster could top Guilliman organisational genius. Once per turn Guilliman may redeploy one destroyed unit/vehicle/vehicle squadron from any Imperial Guard, Ultramarine or Ultramarine Successor Chapter. This excludes War Machines, Super Heavy Vehicles, Super Heavy Flyers, named Characters and their units or Fortifications. The unit may use Deep Strike or Flank Attack regardless of if it actually has the rule. Once per game Guilliman may try to redeploy a Apocalypse Formation of 1000pts or less.. Roll a d6 and on a roll of 4+ the formation may come on at any point in the Imperial deployment side. The formation counts as moving for its first turn.

    methinks perhaps he should have something along the lines of this

    "Great One": Roboute's name means Great One, and he represents this both in mind and in physical aptitude. He can reroll all failed to hit and to wound rolls made by him. Also, all units with Combat Tactics can choose to pass or fail any morale test they are called upon to make.

    i basically took the rules from marneus calgar and slapped them on him. since they are almost the same person in my mind, minus the fact ones a primarch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Caerolion View Post
    Well, Morghur hates the Wood Elves, but the rest don't really seem to care. Your average Gor isn't too picky as to what civilisation he's tearing down, as long as he gets to fling poop at something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iuris View Post
    The 40K in my head is way better (by my tastes, of course) than the one GW puts out

  8. #48

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    WS- 8; BS- 6; S- 6; T- 5; W- 4; I- 6; A-5; Ld- 10



    1 Roboute Guilliman

    Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades,
    Artificer's Armour – Guilliman's armour also contains a teleport homer, and allows Guilliman to Deep Strike.
    Gauntlets of Ultramar – Master Crafted Power Fists that strike in normal I order. In addition they count as having a twin linked Primarch Bolter

    Independent Character; Eternal Warrior; Feel No Pain; Fearless;

    Son of the Emperor: Roboute Guilliman is immune to psychic powers without a given strength value and has a 3+ invulnerable save.

    Guilliman may +1/-1 from any Reserve Rolls. Any Ultramarine unit may halve its Deep Strike scatter distance.

    Strength In Depth: Guilliman might have lacked some of his brothers more extreme specialisms, but only the Warmaster could top Guilliman organisational genius. Once per turn Guilliman may redeploy one destroyed unit/vehicle/vehicle squadron from any Imperial Guard, Ultramarine or Ultramarine Successor Chapter. This excludes War Machines, Super Heavy Vehicles, Super Heavy Flyers, named Characters and their units or Fortifications. The unit may use Deep Strike or Flank Attack regardless of if it actually has the rule. Once per game Guilliman may try to redeploy a Apocalypse Formation of 1000pts or less.. Roll a d6 and on a roll of 4+ the formation may come on at any point in the Imperial deployment side. The formation counts as moving for its first turn.

    Lord of War: As a primarch and a son of Ultramar, Guilliman had the finest warriors train him and help him develop his skills beyond most mortals. His time campaigning against the wild hillmen of his planet, Guilliman also witnessed the horrifying impact of berserkers - ferocious warriors almost invincible and with no thought to personal safety. Recognising this, Guilliman adapted the techniques with devastating but controlled results.
    Guilliman may reroll rolls to hit or wound in combat. Guilliman may choose to forgo these rerolls and double his attacks in any combat phase, but his Initiative counts as 1 in this phase.
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  9. #49
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Unless I am mistaken, Roboute used a sword primarily. I believe it was called Agisleus, but that name may be from the Rise of the Tau fan fiction. That damn story is so epic that details tend to run together sometimes.

    I'd give Roboute the option of the sword or the Gauntlets.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  10. #50

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Hi Dan, here are a few thoughts:

    Stealth Suits: How about replacing this with units with stealth suits counts as being under the Night Fight conditions when being shot at. Armour of Night - Alpharius and Omegon gain +1 to any cover saves, and can force opponents to reroll their Night Fight dice rolls when targettting them, or units they are in

    Suppressed Weapons: How about giving A+O Suppressed Primarch Bolters with no penalties - they are unique weapons after all!

    From the Shadows They Emerge: Possibly give them hit and run, with the option by unit of Scout or Infiltrate?
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  11. #51

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Quote Originally Posted by Son of Sanguinius View Post
    Unless I am mistaken, Roboute used a sword primarily. I believe it was called Agisleus, but that name may be from the Rise of the Tau fan fiction. That damn story is so epic that details tend to run together sometimes.
    I'd give Roboute the option of the sword or the Gauntlets.
    Lets put it up to the vote?
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  12. #52
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Dan, a couple of things. The stealth suits, surpressed weapons, and shadow imagery are much more the style of the Raven Guard. In my humble opinion, Alpharius and Omegon should be granting you some of their tactical genius. Alpharius trained under Horus and devised tactics that could counter Horus' own. In part that's what they have the Hydra as their symbol. Other Legions go for the speartip tactic of taking out the Leadership. The Alpha Legion decentralizes command to a large extent and trains units to be highly independent. To me, this would be better represented through something like Calgar's God of War rule, Reserve and outflanking bonuses, etc. Infiltrate and Scout and all that should still play an important part, but the Alpha Legion defeated you before the war ever got started, not because of stealth tactics on the field itself.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  13. #53
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Quote Originally Posted by yabbadabba View Post
    Lets put it up to the vote?
    Fine with me.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

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  14. #54
    Chaplain jdunn's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    i think we should give RG a sword. mainly because of the link i posted of that custom primarch on GW website. it just screams epic-ness.
    also, i much prefer the second roboute guilliman to the first. the option to double his attacks is nice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Caerolion View Post
    Well, Morghur hates the Wood Elves, but the rest don't really seem to care. Your average Gor isn't too picky as to what civilisation he's tearing down, as long as he gets to fling poop at something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iuris View Post
    The 40K in my head is way better (by my tastes, of course) than the one GW puts out

  15. #55

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Quote Originally Posted by Son of Sanguinius View Post
    Dan, a couple of things. The stealth suits, surpressed weapons, and shadow imagery are much more the style of the Raven Guard. In my humble opinion, Alpharius and Omegon should be granting you some of their tactical genius. Alpharius trained under Horus and devised tactics that could counter Horus' own. In part that's what they have the Hydra as their symbol. Other Legions go for the speartip tactic of taking out the Leadership. The Alpha Legion decentralizes command to a large extent and trains units to be highly independent. To me, this would be better represented through something like Calgar's God of War rule, Reserve and outflanking bonuses, etc. Infiltrate and Scout and all that should still play an important part, but the Alpha Legion defeated you before the war ever got started, not because of stealth tactics on the field itself.
    How about something like this, as A+O need something else
    Serpent Strike The Alpha Legion choose their strikes with surgical precision and split second timing. Any number of units maybe placed in reserve. Up to one quarter/one half (?) of the units (rounding up) may form the Head of the Serpent. At any point in the game, the Alpha Legion general may halt proceedings. Any dice rolls/combat/unit's shooting/psychic powers being cast/units in movement that may have been happening must finish. The Alpha Legion player then automatically deploys the Head of the Serpent as normal reserve deployment rules. The turn after this all other Alpha Legion reserves deploy on a 2+.
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  16. #56
    Veteran Sergeant GabrielEvander's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    If Calger can manage to wander around with both a sword and gauntlets how come Guilliman not wander around with both....
    Quote Originally Posted by Petay1985 View Post
    Mortarion will forever
    more be affectionately known as the 'Winged Spaghetti Monster with Scythe' !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Toaster View Post
    Where is your god-emperor now?!?!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozendorph View Post
    "Hey, who's that guy in the black Mk 4 armor advising the Fire Caste commander?"

  17. #57
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Calgar can't actually use the sword, can he?
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  18. #58

    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    @SoS can't see why not, but I might have an interesting twist to that too

    Right, have we done Rogal Dorn yet? If not, wish list here and I will have a crack!
    Free your hobby! Be creative and stop slavishly following the damn Book.
    Quote Originally Posted by Osbad View Post
    Anyone calling the LotR system's balance inferior to the other 2 core games' is just spouting absolute rubbish and clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.
    RIP Brimstone.
    I used to read the GW Other Forum, but I am much happier now.

  19. #59
    Chapter Master Son of Sanguinius's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    Even if we have, no version is final yet. Go for it.
    The Arena of Death, where I write the duel you imagine.

    The Coming Apocalyse, my blog for 40k and FB rules development.

  20. #60
    Chaplain jdunn's Avatar
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    Re: Primarchs and Legion Datasheets

    go ahead and have a crack at Dorn. @SoS yes he can use the sword, just most players don't know it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord-Caerolion View Post
    Well, Morghur hates the Wood Elves, but the rest don't really seem to care. Your average Gor isn't too picky as to what civilisation he's tearing down, as long as he gets to fling poop at something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Iuris View Post
    The 40K in my head is way better (by my tastes, of course) than the one GW puts out

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